[ps: During the new book period, your collection and reading are the greatest support! 】

"But...but..." Liu Xingwang wanted to argue, but he couldn't say anything, his face was flushed red.Although Liu Xingwang is the suzerain, but in terms of seniority, he is a bit shorter than the two elders, and his cultivation is so different that he cannot use his suzerain status to suppress others.

"Sun Hailong and Ma Silong have been missing for three days. Hundreds of people in Hua Yunzong know about it. Is it possible that you, Liu Xingwang, can still block the mouth of the world?" Great Elder Wu Shaoze was furious. Even the minimum honorific title for the suzerain was omitted.


"This son's background is unknown, he is ruthless, he does things cleanly, and he is bold. If you continue to chase and kill, it will only cause greater losses to Hua Yunzong. Since you can't stop the mouth of Tianxia Youyou, why don't you simply put a bounty on it? !"

"Yes, Great Elder." At this time, the suzerain Liu Xingwang only had to compromise.

"Under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Let Zhang Minglong recall the appearance of that person, and find some better painters. I don't believe that he can fly into the sky!"

The suzerain Liu Xingwang could only nod his head in agreement. At this moment, he could clearly feel the unprecedented strong murderous intent emanating from Wu Shaoze.


Soon, Hua Yunzong's rewards appeared in some cities, gates, docks, post stations and other places of the Great Qin Empire.

The reward offered by Hua Yunzong shocked the whole world.

People couldn't understand why, given Hua Yunshan's status in the cultivation world, why he still offered help to the outside world, and even offered a huge reward at the expense of his face. What's more, the object of Hua Yunzong's reward was just an ordinary person.

People were talking about the little-known little man in the portrait, guessing his identity and background. After all, in the Great Qin Empire, people who dared to provoke Hua Yunzong were rare, and some famous masters who could compete with Hua Yunzong Sect, but will not offend such a deep-rooted sect as Hua Yunzong for no reason.

In the Zhanyun Continent, there are many sects of comprehension. After the Great War of Demon Gods thousands of years ago, most of the sects of comprehension suffered heavy losses. During the thousands of years of recuperation, the sects of comprehension gradually formed a delicate balance pattern. The water does not violate the river water, and each accumulates strength.

Whether it is a famous sect or some little-known sects, they all cherish this hard-won peace and will not easily provoke troubles.

Zhao Yuan didn't know, he broke this delicate balance...

Because it was rumored that the person who burned Huayun Mountain was not a cultivator, Zhao Yuan did not rank high on the villain list.

Unknowingly, a person without a name quietly climbed to the 590th place on the list of villains in the Great Qin Empire. What didn't match his ranking was that this person's bounty was as high as 20 imperial coins.

20 Imperial Coins is indeed amazing, because even the top 20 on the villain list, the bounty is not [-].

Of course, not everyone on the villain list has a bounty. This list is just a ranking of some people who are full of crimes, so that people can remember it, just like the hero list.


Zhao Yuan is still working day and night in Wanjia East Hospital. He doesn't know that God made a huge joke with him. His enemy is the one on the villain list. As a result, the revenge has not been avenged yet. However, he was on the same list as his enemy.

For the next few days, Zhao Yuan spent most of his time in his room studying the secret book of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies". He didn't dare to practice rashly until he figured it out. The printed version of the book, practice indiscriminately will kill people.

In the realm of self-cultivation, any cultivation secret book is extremely precious. Many secret books are made of various rare materials. Even the most common secret book is a manuscript like "Talking about Alchemy", which costs [-] yuan. A print edition of the booklet is simply unheard of.

Zhao Yuan read the secret book over and over several times, and he could almost recite it backwards, but he still didn't find anything wrong.

Finally, Zhao Yuan focused on the printing time.

On the last page of "The Enemy of Thousands of People", there is the printing time, which was printed in the 5th year of the Great Qin Empire, and the first printing was [-] copies.

Although it is not the [-] volumes that Zhao Yuan thought, but [-] volumes is an extremely large amount of data, that is to say, there may be [-] people who own this cultivation secret book.

Judging from Wan Linger's expression, she probably had this secret book at home, so she exchanged it with him.

Wanjia East Courtyard has become more and more idle, and there are fewer and fewer workers staying behind. No one disturbed Zhao Yuan's research on "The Enemy of Thousands". After all, Zhao Yuan's scope of work was originally in Ma Lang, and Ma There is Jia Deafzi in the work of the corridor, so there is no need for Zhao Yuan to worry about it.

Great Qin 5' year.

Zhao Yuan began to take time out of the Wanjia compound, lingering in some schools and bookstores, looking for historical allusions and unofficial histories about the 5th year of the Great Qin Dynasty.

From the fierce long sword Wan Linger took away, it can be inferred that the owner of the wooden house was by no means an ordinary person in the cultivation world.

For three consecutive days, Zhao Yuan looked through a large number of ancient books and unofficial histories, and even screened out some nonsensical folk legends, but there was still no clue.

Because Xujiaqiao is a small place, some ancient books and unofficial histories of the Great Qin Empire may not record this place that cannot be found on the map.In the end, Zhao Yuan had to change his mind and set his goal on "Xujiaqiao Local Chronicles".

Although Xujiaqiao is not big, it has a long history. The time traced back through the literature exceeds 2000 years.

Zhao Yuan locked the investigation target on Xiaoyang Mountain.

Early this morning, Zhao Yuan found an excuse to go out and went to the only "Sanwei Bookstore" in Xujiaqiao. Sanwei Bookstore is the largest bookstore in Xujiaqiao. It not only sells books, because the owner loves books, but also has an extremely extensive collection.

Soon, Zhao Yuan found what he needed.

Yun Ke, male, cultivator, surname of the Great Qin Empire, unknown date of birth, unknown origin, lived in seclusion with Xujiaqiao Xiaoyang Mountain in 572 of the Great Qin Dynasty, raised leopards...

Xujiaqiao's local chronicles have very few records about Yun Ke, but instead they have a large description of the spirit leopard he raised. The so-called spirit leopard is the Yangshan leopard that Zhao Yuan hunted.

The records about the Yangshan leopard are very detailed, saying that it is "rare", "carrying rare treasures", "walking like flying", "walking on flat ground" and so on.Among them, it is also mentioned that after the spirit leopard had no owner, it began to reproduce. Because of inbreeding, the spirit leopard lost some of the abilities of the spirit beast and became a subspecies of Yangshan leopard.

"Having a rare treasure?"

Seeing these four words, Zhao Yuan couldn't wait to read it, and then he realized that the so-called strange treasures are top-grade crystal stones.

Zhao Yuan was stunned.

Although Zhao Yuan is not a cultivator, he is a member of a family. Naturally, he knows the price of top-quality crystals. With the financial resources of his Zhao family back then, the collection of crystals is extremely limited, and there are very few of them that can be called top-quality crystals.


Now, Zhao Yuan finally understood why Wan Ling'er had a sneaky smile every time she saw him.

Thinking of that undisguised smile, inexplicably, Zhao Yuan couldn't hate him anymore.

Yun Ke!

Yun Ke!

Zhao Yuan began to search for this name in the unofficial history of comprehension.

I don't know if I don't check, I was shocked when I checked.In that era, Yun Ke was a big shot, both good and evil, killing people like hemp, doing things all according to personal preference, living alone all his life, in his later years, he suddenly changed his nature, and brought a group of leopards to live in seclusion in Xiaoyang Mountain to practice. .

Of course, who Yun Ke is is meaningless to Zhao Yuan, he is more concerned about the self-cultivation skills that Yun Ke practiced.

A large amount of data shows that Yun Ke is somewhere between a martial artist and a cultivator. His body is strong and his personal combat power is extremely terrifying. "Ice God Sword" is invincible and frightening.

Zhao Yuan was not interested in knowing the details of the story. No matter how brave and invincible he was, he had been dead for more than 700 years, and his bones were turning into dust.

Obviously, the once feared Yun Ke did not become a fairy.

In the 5' year of Daqin, Yunke was still very young.

Could it be that his self-cultivation skills came from the secret book of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies"?Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan's heart beat wildly.

A person with Yunke's status would definitely not regard a worthless printed matter as a treasure collection.

"Zhao Yuan, okay you, I caught you, you didn't go to work!" Just when Zhao Yuan was in a turbulent mood, Wan Ling'er's sweet voice sounded from behind.

"Are you following me?" Zhao Yuan suddenly showed displeasure on his face.

"...No, no... I just happened to be looking for a few books here too..." Wan Ling'er waved his hands quickly, and suddenly, he saw the "Xujiaqiao Local Chronicles" in Zhao Yuan's hand, and his face changed suddenly, "You...you ...you found..."

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