wicked immortal

Chapter 278 Repelling the Three-Eyed Armored Bear

Everyone sang loudly, the blood was rushing and boiling in the blood vessels, and the morale was high.

Zhao Yuan stood on the roof of the car, holding a black-backed long knife, looking up at the white belly of the sky, his long hair flying in the morning wind, and the standard black armor of the Great Qin Empire shone with a daunting metallic luster in the morning light.

The wagon was abandoned.

Food and weapons were stuffed into Zhao Yuan's two Sumeru rings until they couldn't fit.

The students took off their thick armor and put on light armor.

Under the morning light, a hundred elite students of Heishui City marched in the dense forest. Except for the sound of footsteps and the clash of armor, no one made a sound, and everyone's face was filled with incomparable fanaticism.

Consciously or unintentionally, Zhao Yuan became the spiritual leader of everyone.

In fact, it is only natural for Zhao Yuan to be the leader, because he has already passed the three-star battle value test. If General Wu's promise is fulfilled, Zhao Yuan should actually get the four-star battle value badge.

No one questioned Zhao Yuan's ability, because everyone here saw Zhao Yuan destroy the Tianning Iron Monument and the Ten Elephants Iron Monument with his own eyes, and his thrilling fighting spirit, thinking about it now, is also horrifying.

Looking for shortcuts and marching quickly, I saw countless villages and towns that were burned and looted. Many houses were still burning, or there were billowing smoke. People of the Great Qin Empire dragged their children and daughters to avoid the assassination rangers everywhere. It was horrible. .

Along the way, I also met countless soldiers of the Great Qin Empire who were scattered by the rangers. Most of them threw away their helmets and armor, and their clothes were disheveled. In their eyes, there was panic and fear, and they had no fighting spirit.

When the day dawned, everyone had already reached the edge of the Black Forest, where there were already few people.

"Brothers, this battle is extraordinary. Perhaps, we can write history. Therefore, each of us must do it. Think of discipline when we are in danger, be silent when we need quiet, and be silent when we need cheering. To the loud voice! We must remember that the negligence of the individual can cause the danger of the whole army, and the efforts of the individual can also contribute to the success of the whole. Today, let us turn a new page in history!"

Hundreds of people neatly lined up without making the slightest sound. Every face showed firmness and courage.

"We are students of Tieling, and we cannot shame Tieling. Similarly, we are the elites of Heishui City, and we cannot embarrass Heishui City. We are also warriors, invincible warriors, we cannot embarrass warriors... ..."

When he was about to enter the Black Forest, Zhao Yuan called everyone together and made the final mobilization. At the same time, he reminded everyone to pay attention to some safety matters.

Everyone had enough food and drink, and began to march towards the Black Forest with all their strength.

From the Black Forest in the hinterland of Heishui City to the prairie, even if it is the shortest shortcut, the distance is at least more than three hundred miles. In addition to the mountains and mountains, the road is dangerous, and there are ferocious monsters watching, even marching day and night will take at least three hundred miles. sky.

Three days!

For the students, it was an extremely difficult three days.

In fact, in these three days, they didn't even see a decent monster. Their hardships came from the bites of mosquitoes and the densely packed thorns.

Big trees that block out the sun can also easily make people lose their sense of direction.

Fortunately, among this group of elite soldiers, there are many who are good at field combat and have rich experience in field survival.

During these three days, Zhao Yuan became the real leader from the default leader of the soldiers.

When every elite student looked at Zhao Yuan, there was incomparable fanaticism in their eyes.

Zhao Yuan's domineering body conquered everyone.

From the first day, Zhao Yuan has been walking in the forefront, he is like a machine that does not know how to get tired, the heavy black-backed long knife cuts through the thorns and thorns all the way, opening a narrow path for everyone.

During the short break, Zhao Yuan shouldered his duty of guarding.

It wasn't until they encountered a high-level monster on the third day that people realized why they didn't encounter the legendary ferocious monster in the Black Forest.

It was a three-eyed armored bear.

In the black forest, the three-eyed armored bear is definitely a terrifying existence. Even if it is a huge and savage monster like the blood bull, you have to avoid the three-eyed armored bear. It is said that it can tear apart the blood bull that weighs several tons. , Moreover, its body is covered with a thick layer of resin, which can withstand the frontal charge of the blood bull, and its strength and shock resistance are amazing.

The sun shines into the woods, casting mottled light and shadows.

When people walked from the lush grass to an open space, they immediately saw the three-eyed armored bear several feet high.

When Zhao Yuan and the others broke into the territory of the Three-Eyed Armored Bear, it was still sleeping soundly under a huge tree. Its huge body was like a mountain, which made people feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

The moment the people's bodies froze, the sleeping three-eyed armored bear also opened its three red, ferocious eyes. Obviously, it sensed the invasion of outsiders.

The three-eyed armored bear seemed displeased that others disturbed its sleepiness. After opening its eyes, it suddenly slapped the giant tree beside it, with a muffled sound of "Peng", the giant tree was actually pierced by its palm A hole was opened, the broken wood shot out like locusts, and the leaves from the sky fell one after another, with a frightening momentum.

Looking at the huge monster, the soldiers felt chills all over their backs, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

This guy is really too big. Standing upright, it is as tall as two people. The huge body and thick limbs make it obvious that it contains extremely terrifying power.The most frightening thing is that the three-eyed armored bear is covered with a thick layer of resin, like a hard armor, which cannot be hurt by swords, bows and crossbows.

Even a cultivator as powerful as Wu Yifan would have to stay away from such a ferocious monster.

What is strange is that the three-eyed armored bear, which is famous for its ferocity, did not attack them actively, but danced and danced. The three ferocious eyes stared fiercely at everyone, and the meaning of threat was more obvious.

"Let's make a detour!" Brother Fu cautiously suggested.

All eyes fell on Zhao Yuan.

"No, there are monsters in this black forest that are more powerful than the three-eyed armored bear. If we avoid them when we encounter them, we don't know when we will be able to enter the prairie. Wait, I will drive them away."

Zhao Yuan signaled everyone to back off, holding a long knife in his hand, and walked towards the three-eyed armored bear in big strides amidst everyone's frightened gazes.

What made people feel weird was that after seeing Zhao Yuan approaching, the three-eyed armored bear leaned its huge body against the tree trunk nervously, as if looking for something to rely on to gain a sense of security.

"I have something to do today, so I don't have time to tangle with you. If you understand what I say, get out as far as you can. Otherwise, I'll chop off your bear's head and feed it to the dogs, and peel off your bear skin." Make a hat, take your bear bile to make medicine, and eat your bear meat to satisfy your hunger!"

Zhao Yuan walked to the place less than three feet away from the three-eyed armored bear, pointed at the three-eyed armored bear and shouted loudly, causing a group of soldiers to be stunned.

If this can scare away a three-eyed armored bear, then the three-eyed armored bear is not the infamous three-eyed armored bear.


I don't know if the three-eyed armored bear understood Zhao Yuan's words, but he was irritated by the approaching Zhao Yuan, so he stood up straight and let out an earth-shattering roar.

"***, it turned out to be a stupid bear who can't understand human language, well, I'll waste a little time today and kill you to serve the brothers!"

Zhao Yuan suddenly let out a long whistle, and the whistle pierced through the sky.

The violent fighting intent rolled and surged in the forest, and the master killer's black-backed long knife was driven by Zhao Yuan's fighting intent, exuding an unparalleled ferocity, and the soldiers standing tens of feet behind Zhao Yuan retreated again and again. I was shocked.

Compared with the time when he destroyed the Ten Elephant Monument, Zhao Yuan seemed to have made further progress, and his surging fighting spirit was surging like a flood, penetrating into every hole.

An incredible scene appeared.

The three-eyed armored bear's three ferocious eyes showed fear, and the huge body moved back bit by bit against the tree trunk.


Zhao Yuan shouted suddenly, and shook his long knife, as if a hurricane swept past.

The shocking scene appeared again.

The huge three-eyed armored bear actually ran away with its head in its arms, turned around and ran away, only to hear a "crackling" sound of tree trunks breaking, and in a blink of an eye, the fierce three-eyed armored bear had disappeared without a trace. There was a faint sound of running wildly and breaking the tree trunk from afar...


People looked at Zhao Yuan dully, as if looking at a monster.

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