wicked immortal

Chapter 279 Ambush Herdsmen

It can be said that it is unheard of to be able to repel a three-eyed armored bear just by intimidation.The only explanation is that the three-eyed armored bear knew that he was defeated by Zhao Yuan, so he ran away.

At this time, people suddenly realized.

No wonder I didn't meet any monsters along the way, it was all because I was scared away by Zhao Yuan's fierce and invincible fighting spirit...


"Ahem... I've dealt with them a lot, and I know they're bullying... Hehe..." Seeing everyone staring at him dumbfounded, Zhao Yuan was a little embarrassed.

"Boss, I've convinced you. From now on, I, Yuan Feng, will follow you!" The mad Taoist looked at Zhao Yuan frantically.

"...I don't like men."

"Bah, I don't like men either." The mad Taoist looked contemptuous.

"Ha ha……"



People roared with laughter, and the tense atmosphere was swept away.

At this time, people seemed to see the dawn of victory.

Zhao Yuan didn't waste any time, after a short rest, he marched immediately.Now, time is life, and we must rush to the rear of the assassins before the fall of Blackwater City.

At this time, the assassin slaves, masters come out in full force, it is the weakest time!

During the march, people discovered a secret road.

It is said to be a secret road because this road is extremely hidden and deliberately disguised. If Yang Cheng hadn't found out that there was horse manure, at most he would have thought it was just a road walked by wild animals.

After careful observation, it was determined that this secret road was the passage for the assassin cavalry to cross the Black Forest.

Everyone followed the secret path towards the grassland. Along the way, they saw countless stinking horse bones and numerous human bones. There were countless discarded armor and weapons. From the scars on the bones, it can be seen that they were all attacked by monsters. Obviously, the assassins suffered heavy losses when they forcibly passed through the Black Forest.

Judging from the time when the bones and corpses stink, as early as a month ago, the assassins had already begun to penetrate deep into the Black Forest Dynasty.

In less than 100 kilometers, people have discovered at least [-] human skeletons.

Judging by this distance, it is estimated that more than 2000 people died in order to cross the Black Forest.

A group of Great Qin Empire was surprised and secretly shocked.

Without Zhao Yuan, it would be impossible to pass through this terrifying black forest unscathed.

In the evening of the third day, people finally arrived at a sparse forest, which was full of abandoned garbage and cooking utensils. Obviously, this was once the camp of the assassin cavalry. They gathered here and entered the black forest in batches. forest.

The soldiers became cautious in their actions, and every movement was like walking on thin ice.

In case there are large-scale assassins occupying here and they reveal their identities again, then their previous efforts will be wasted.

Through careful reconnaissance, everyone confirmed that there were no enemies stationed in this forest.

Yang Cheng identified a direction, and after confirming, they took advantage of the night and marched towards the prairie.

Yang Cheng is very familiar with the desert environment. He knows that there is a small tribe not far away.

The first thing they have to do now is to snatch the horses.


When the people were trudging through the grass, suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes behind them, and everyone quickly got down on the ground, lurking in the grass, and their bows and crossbows were stringed, ready to fight.

At this time, everyone was in the middle of the hills, and they could have a bird's-eye view of the back when they raised their heads slightly.





A total of sixteen people and 25 horses.

Who are they?

Zhao Yuan watched Shiliuqi get closer and closer, using "quiet" to scout, he was a bit puzzled about the identities of these people, because among these people, there were actually three women and two teenage children.

"Prepare to fight, save the first survivors."


"There are women and children inside." Zhao Yuan reminded in a low voice.

"I'll explain it to you later." Yang Cheng's face was full of murderous intent.

Zhao Yuan didn't say anything more. Although he was the leader of this team, it was because of his outstanding personal combat ability, which didn't mean he had excellent commanding ability.There is no doubt that both Yang Cheng and Lu Feng are more experienced than him in leading troops to fight.

Under the cover of darkness, the people spread out in the grass, and arranged a huge encirclement according to the trajectory of the other party's running.

A hundred crossbows shone with a dark metallic luster in the grass, cold and piercing to the bone.

The goal is getting closer.

People hold their breath.


Yang Cheng shouted violently, and sharp arrows like locusts "swish" flew out, densely packed.

There was no resistance, just a round of shooting, and 16 of the 15 people were shot into hedgehogs and fell straight off the horse. The only person left seemed to be petrified, sitting on the horse at a loss.

Zhao Yuan moved first.

Zhao Yuan's movements were like lightning, and like ghosts in the dark, silently, the moment the fifteen targets fell, Zhao Yuan had already swooped up out of thin air, and charged at the bewildered man on the horse like an eagle. body, then, rolled down the grass together.

A wrinkled old man.

A panicked old man.

The old man was dressed as a herdsman, trembling all over, not at all like a wolf-like slave assassin.

In the night, Zhao Yuan saw that the 15 people who were shot into hedgehogs were old and young, all wearing herdsmen's clothes.Obviously, this was a family, and the people who were shot were all members of the family. Among them, there were two teenage children with several sharp arrows fixed on their faces, their eyes wide open, and their faces were filled with fear of dying.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Zhao Yuan felt a sharp pain in his heart.

"Say!" Yang Cheng and several soldiers also ran over, tied up the old man and began to torture him.

"They are just herdsmen." Zhao Yuan sighed.

"Will the herdsmen run around on the prairie in the middle of the night? Will the herdsmen wander around with dozens of healthy horses in the middle of the night?" Yang Cheng glanced at Zhao Yuan and said calmly.

"Are they cooperating with the assassination of the slave cavalry?" Zhao Yuan's body shook.

"Yes, we will find out soon, Zhao Yuan, you have only joined the army not long ago, and because you have performed military missions, it is inevitable that you will have the kindness of a woman. You should avoid it for a while, and you will find out later."


Zhao Yuan took a look at the healthy horses full of supplies, and already understood what was going on, so he walked up the hillside alone.

The mountain wind blows.

Zhao Yuan stared at the deep darkness on the prairie, and there were screams and struggling sounds from below the hillside. It was obvious that Yang Cheng was torturing the old man to interrogate him.

Why are you always so soft-hearted?

Why is the wisdom that I am proud of being blinded at this time?

These people appeared in the area where the cavalry was active, obviously to provide them with logistical support, and I was moved to be kind just because the other party had women and children. It seemed that I was really not suitable to be a soldier.

Soldiers should do whatever it takes to win.

As for Zhao Yuan, although he also had some unscrupulous means, they were only aimed at the strong. He never thought that one day he would raise the butcher's knife against unarmed women, children and children.


While thinking wildly for a while, the screams stopped at the bottom of the hillside, and after a while, there was a scream of dying. Obviously, the old man was also executed.

"How is it?" Zhao Yuan looked at Yang Cheng with a ferocious face.

"They have three secret routes. Not long ago, they sent the last cavalry into the Black Forest. The number was [-]. The old man was a big family. They were loyal to Shan Yu and provided cover and logistical support for the cavalry. , because there were too many people, the old man called all the members of the family together to transport supplies for those cavalry."

"How many people did they go in total?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"The old man is only a peripheral member, and he does not know the exact number. However, according to his oral judgment, the total number of cavalry who entered the hinterland of Heishui City through the Black Forest Secret Road should have reached [-], and there were a large number of masters accompanying them. According to the old man, among them Eight of the top ten warriors of Assassins have gone, there are also four great national masters, and there are countless martial arts."

"It seems that Shan Yu has made a big bet on Heishui City this time, and he is bound to win."

"Yes, we must disturb their rear, and we must act quickly without delay."


"By the way, Zhao Yuan, war is cruel. In our eyes, there should be no women and children, only enemies and friends. If you see a teenager who shoots our comrades in the back with a crossbow, There will be no kindness." Yang Cheng stared at Zhao Yuan.

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