[ps: Favorite, red ticket, be more violent, the update will be more violent...]

Near the wall of the kitchen, there are at least dozens of buckets of cooked porridge, which are placed outside.

The sleeping workers were all called to help, and carried the steamed buns and porridge to the west courtyard.

In the large courtyard behind the gate of the west courtyard, the steamed buns packed in baskets were placed behind the gate, and the gruel had already been discharged into the courtyard.

To Zhao Yuan's surprise, some servants in the west courtyard were called up, and they stood behind the gate one by one, as if they were facing an enemy.

There was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Zhao Yuan heard noisy voices on the street outside. There seemed to be many people talking in low voices, and occasionally, there was a voice of scolding.

Could it be that those beggars and vagrants are queuing outside?

Chen Shi was sitting in the concierge warming up the fire, and from time to time someone would come into the concierge and whisper something to her, Chen's face was a little anxious.

After a while, Zhu Dapao walked up to Zhao Yuan.

"Xiao Zhao, you go to greet the idle workers in the east courtyard, go out from the east courtyard, and rush to the gate of the west courtyard to maintain order. The door will be opened soon to give out porridge."

"Call them all?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback. You must know that although many people in the East Hospital have gone home for the New Year, there are still more than 30 people.

"Shout them all. Xiao Zhao, you are young, with a quick mind and bright eyes!" Zhu Dapao urged with a serious expression and earnestness.


Zhao Yuan was also affected by the tense atmosphere, so he quickened his pace and ran to the east courtyard to greet those workers. After the people called, Zhao Yuan gave several instructions and opened the gate of the east courtyard.

The moment the door was opened, everyone gasped.

Outside the gate of the east courtyard, it was bustling with people like a sea of ​​people.Zhao Yuan looked around, only to find that there were too many people, from the gate of the west courtyard to the gate of the east courtyard, almost flooding the entire street, at least thousands of people.

Zhao Yuan discovered that these people were not the nearby farmers or the neighbors in the neighborhood, they were all beggars and refugees in ragged clothes, and most of them were strong and healthy young people.

"Mr. Qi, close the door and find some wood for the shoulder pole to make it firmer." Zhao Yuan turned to the porter and said.

"Well, I'll close it." Mr. Qi patted his shriveled chest and nodded.

After Zhao Yuan and a group of workers left the gate of the east courtyard, Mr. Seven, the concierge of the east courtyard, immediately closed the gate, and then there were a series of sounds of locking and closing the door.

Zhao Yuan pushed the door twice, and after making sure it was secure, he led more than 30 workers and squeezed towards the gate of the west courtyard.

When Zhao Yuan and a group of workers squeezed to the gate of the west courtyard with all their might, their clothes were soaked through.

In fact, if Zhao Yuan and the others hadn't been wearing Wanjia's uniform, it would have been impossible to squeeze into the west courtyard, because everyone refused to give up their advantageous position.

The gate of the west courtyard was filled with darkness, completely occupying the gate and steps.

No wonder Zhu Dapao asked him to come here first to maintain order, because, in this way, the west courtyard could not be opened at all, and there was no place to put the stove, steamer and porridge utensils.

"Everyone line up, line up!"

Zhao Yuan and a group of workers walked up to the gate steps and drove the people down the steps. After more than ten minutes of tossing, they cleared an open space at the gate.

Next, Zhao Yuan asked people to line up again, trying to leave a space outside as much as possible, so as to avoid people who had received steamed buns and porridge mixed with those who did not.

This job was very tiring, because those people didn't listen to Zhao Yuan at all, and after talking a lot, they barely formed a dozen teams at the gate of the West Courtyard.Of course, this team is only at the front, and when it reaches the back, it becomes a large black mass of sticking together.

Zhao Yuan asked more than 30 workers to form a wall, and then he knocked on the door and shouted.

The door of the west courtyard was finally opened, and there was a crowd of people cheering.

From the west courtyard, dozens of servants poured out to maintain order with the workers in the east courtyard.

Steamed buns and porridge were lined up at the gate of the West Courtyard and began to be distributed.

At this time, there were already hundreds of people involved in maintaining order, and the Wanjia people kept shouting that there was enough steamed buns and porridge, which made the restless crowd line up quietly.

The porridge donation activity starts at six o'clock in the morning and ends at eleven o'clock.

Although they were fully prepared, many people still did not receive steamed buns and porridge. After Wanjia promised to continue giving out the porridge the next day, the hungry people gathered at the gate of Wanjia dispersed.

From the beginning to the end, the Chen family did not show up.

The winter clothes prepared for the west courtyard were not distributed either.Zhao Yuan speculated that there might be too many people and not enough winter clothes, so they didn't distribute them at all.

It was noon when the Wan family was ready to tidy up, and everyone in the east courtyard was so tired that their bones were about to fall apart.

When Zhao Yuan was packing up the utensils at the gate of the West Courtyard, there were many fights on the street. After asking, he found out that some young and strong hungry people grabbed some steamed buns from old people and children...


Seeing the scene of an old man whose face was covered with blood, still risking his life to protect his steamed bun, Zhao Yuan felt a strong sense of crisis inexplicably.

These people may become mobs at any time.

In the Great Qin Empire, there were two famines, one in 558 and the other in 1037.These two famines killed more than 600 million people.The hungry people gathered, and finally turned into mobs, sweeping countless lands of the Great Qin Emperor, many towns were razed to the ground, and thousands of miles were barren, which dealt a heavy blow to the economy of the Great Qin Empire, and almost shook the foundation of the Great Qin Empire.

Zhao Yuan had already heard about this year's famine during his wanderings, but he never thought it would be so serious.

Although it is broad daylight now, the east courtyard is unusually quiet, because everyone was tired all night and went to sleep in bed.

Zhao Yuan also went back to his bed to sleep, and when he was thinking wildly, there was a light knock on the door outside.


"Linger." Linger's delicate voice sounded outside.

"It's broad daylight, what are you doing here?" Zhao Yuan hurriedly opened the door, let Wan Ling'er in and closed the door.

"It's okay, my mother is busy. Besides, everyone was tired all night yesterday, and they are all sleeping now." Wan Ling'er sat down on Zhao Yuan's bed carelessly.In fact, in Zhao Yuan's room, the only thing he could sit on was the bed.

"What's up?"

"I might be a little busy recently, let me tell you that I won't be going to Xiaoyang Mountain for the time being."

"Oh, I see."

"Zhao Yuan..." Wan Ling'er looked at Zhao Yuan hesitantly, hesitating to speak.

"Say something."

"I...I've refined a few pills these days, and I'll give you one." Wan Ling'er took out a red pill from her bosom.

"Give it to me?" Looking at Wan Ling'er's faltering and sneaky behavior, Zhao Yuan suddenly became vigilant.

"I'm sincere. I took your top-quality spar, exchanged your Ice Excalibur, and took an extra copy of "Talking about Alchemy". I feel very sorry for you, so I made it for you." You will be compensated with a foundation-building elixir, which can increase aura."

"Don't eat." Zhao Yuan flatly refused.

"Zhao Yuan! It can really increase your aura. I know you want to cultivate, so you didn't believe me when you deliberately practiced it for you!" Wan Ling'er stared at Zhao Yuan angrily, with a heartbroken expression on her face. expression.


"Zhao Yuan, I swear, it's not poisonous, it really can increase the aura! How about I lick it with my tongue first?" Wan Ling'er saw a slight looseness in Zhao Yuan's expression, and immediately patted her plump chest and vowed.

"It's really not poisonous?"

Zhao Yuan has been looking for a strong own power, but now there is a pill in front of him, after all, he still can't resist the yearning for power, and his strong willpower has been shaken.

"No one will die, I swear! Besides, you, Zhao Yuan, are poor and white even though you have some beauty. I am beautiful, rich and powerful, what do you want to do? What can I get? Well, you don't believe me , let me lick the head office first..." Wan Ling'er snorted coldly, picked up the elixir, and stuck out her pink tongue in the gesture of wanting to lick it.

"Don't lick, don't lick...then...let me try..."

Zhao Yuan was afraid that Wan Ling'er would really lick it, so he quickly took the elixir in Wan Ling'er's hand, and observed carefully, although the elixir was fiery red, it was a bit dark, as if there were many impurities, and the workmanship looked extremely rough, without craftsmanship to speak of.

"Zhao Yuan, eat quickly, eat quickly, as long as it is effective, I will make food for you every day." Seeing Zhao Yuan's hesitant expression, Wan Ling'er immediately bewitched.

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