wicked immortal

Chapter 30 Wan Linger's Report

"Eat it as a meal!"

If you can eat the cultivation pill as food, wouldn't you be able to have great power soon!

Zhao Yuan finally couldn't stand the temptation to eat the pill as a meal, and swallowed the red pill.

"Are you okay?" Wan Ling'er stared at Zhao Yuan.

"It's okay, is there a problem?" Looking at Wan Ling'er's strange expression, Zhao Yuan regretted for a while.

"Strange, why is there no response?" Wan Ling'er rubbed her head with a trace of doubt on her face.

"What kind of reaction... ah... my... my stomach... hurts..." Zhao Yuan suddenly covered his stomach with one hand, glared at Wan Ling'er, and touched under the edge of the bed with one hand.

"Don't, don't be nervous...Brother Yuan, don't be nervous..." Wan Ling'er saw Zhao Yuan touch the edge of the bed, and his body bounced up as if being pricked by needles.

"What did you do?" Zhao Yuan's dagger was already in his hand, and his distorted face was full of murderous intent, extremely ferocious.

"Brother Yuan, brother Yuan, don't be nervous, please, don't be nervous! I really didn't lie to you, it's not poisonous, it's really not poisonous!" Wan Linger looked at the dagger in Zhao Yuan's hand, and her heart jumped. She had seen it before. Zhao Yuan's murderous side is really called murderous.

"Why...why does my stomach hurt?" Beads of sweat dripped from Zhao Yuan's face.

"You go to the toilet first, bring more paper, it will be fine in ten minutes."

"Why?" Zhao Yuan gritted his teeth vigorously, his face flushed.

"You go first, I'll explain to you when I come back." Wan Ling'er urged.

"it is good……"

As soon as Zhao Yuan finished speaking, he rushed towards the door.

"Take the paper!"


Zhao Yuan turned around, picked up the tissue, and rushed out of the room like a tornado.

"Hee hee, it seems to be effective." Wan Ling'er danced around in the small room.

It took a full half an hour for Zhao Yuan to drag his exhausted body back to the room. When he entered the door, he fell headfirst on the bed, as if he had collapsed.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" Wan Ling'er asked concerned.

"It's hard." Zhao Yuan glared at Wan Ling'er. He really wanted to beat Wan Ling'er up, but now he couldn't even move his fingers. Just now, he was halfway in the toilet In an hour, all the internal organs were almost pulled out.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, that's because the elixir has worked to help you rebuild a metabolic body function and speed up the elimination of human toxins. Through this detoxification, your body will absorb spiritual energy more easily, and, the body It will become stronger and stronger..."

Wan Ling'er eloquently described the effects of the pills she refined vividly, as if Zhao Yuan was about to ascend to heaven.

"Have you eaten?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"I did not eat……"

"Why don't you eat it yourself?" Zhao Yuan moved a bit, but was still weak.

"I'm a girl, for a girl, it's embarrassing to have diarrhea. Besides, I already have spiritual energy, so I don't need to have diarrhea to detoxify at all, okay? Hmph, I know, you are treating a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart!"

"Okay, you are a gentleman." Zhao Yuan was too weak, as if tens of thousands of ants were biting his body, he was too lazy to argue with Wan Ling'er who was arrogant, closed his eyes and rested, hoping to recover his strength as soon as possible, he I don't like this feeling of helplessness.

"Zhao Yuan, I'm sorry. I just want to assure you that it's not poisonous, but I don't guarantee that I won't have diarrhea... Don't be angry, okay... Okay, okay, this lady will massage acupuncture points for you to activate blood circulation. I will compensate you. If you don’t speak, it will be regarded as your agreement. Well, you agreed, let’s say it first, and you are not allowed to be angry. Also, you can’t hit me after you can move. Also, in the future, you are not allowed to use a knife Facing me... You look so fierce with a knife... If you don't speak, it's as if you agreed, yes, there are still some manly demeanors, and I admire the manly men the most... Well, let's pull the hook, hang yourself on the hook No change for 100 years..."

Wan Ling'er didn't care whether Zhao Yuan agreed or not, after forcibly hooking up with Zhao Yuan, she took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, and massaged Zhao Yuan to activate blood circulation.

Wan Ling'er did her best to massage and invigorate Zhao Yuan's blood circulation, and used her poor aura without hesitation. The weak aura flowed through Zhao Yuan's limbs and bones, making her extremely comfortable.

Soon, Zhao Yuan fell asleep.

In his sleep, Zhao Yuan felt two auras flowing slowly in his blood vessels. This flow caused Zhao Yuan's body cells to produce a very wonderful interaction.

The two streams of air were very patient, little by little they repaired Zhao Yuan's internal organs damaged by diarrhea.

Gradually, Zhao Yuan's body produced a weak reaction, as if some kind of latent power was aroused and poured into the body bit by bit.

Zhao Yuan himself didn't know, but now it's a blessing in disguise. In the cultivation world, he cherishes his spiritual energy very much. Even the master only occasionally guides the cultivation method, unless it is absolutely necessary to save people, it is impossible to use spiritual energy to help people clear their meridians Condition.

Although Wan Linger's aura is weak, it is very precious to Zhao Yuan, or it is just right.If it were a cultivator with high magic power, Zhao Yuan's mortal body would not be able to bear it at all. On the contrary, Wan Ling'er's weak spiritual energy benefited him a lot.

Wan Ling'er didn't know it herself. In a daze, she stumbled into Zhao Yuan by mistake. After detoxifying Zhao Yuan's diarrhea, he dredged the meridians to relieve the pain. .

"Zhao Yuan, it's time to eat!"


Zhao Yuan woke up with a start, and just sat up when he realized that Wan Ling'er had fallen asleep lying on top of him, snorting weakly.


When Zhao Yuan moved, Wan Ling'er was also awakened. Just as Wan Ling'er was about to stand up and call Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan turned over suddenly, pressed Wan Ling'er under him, and covered Wan Ling'er's mouth with one hand.

"Woooooo..." Wan Ling'er looked at Zhao Yuan with a face full of horror, struggling desperately with all four limbs.

"There are people outside." Zhao Yuan firmly suppressed Wan Ling'er who was struggling.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Xiao Zhao, it's time for dinner." Seeing that there was no response from Zhao Yuan's room, he knocked on the door and said.

"Well, I'll come as soon as I get dressed." Zhao Yuan replied.

"Hurry up, Madam will come to the east courtyard later."


There was a sound of leaving footsteps outside.

Only then did Zhao Yuan's tense body relax slowly, and only then did he realize that he was still covering Wan Ling'er's mouth. The frightened Wan Ling'er looked at him angrily, and Zhao Yuan quickly let go of his hand. .

"You...you go down...it hurts me so much." Even the base of Wan Ling'er's ears turned red, and her snow-white neck was also pink.He closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look at Zhao Yuan.

"Sorry, I was afraid you would make a noise just now." Zhao Yuan was startled, and then realized that he was actually pressing on Wan Linger's plump and tender body.Zhao Yuan jumped up suddenly as if being stabbed by a needle, but he used too much force and fell under the bed.

"Pfft...why are you in such a hurry!" Seeing Zhao Yuan's distressed appearance, Wan Ling'er sat up and smiled like a flower.

"I'm going out for dinner. You stay in the room and sneak out when there is no one outside." Looking at Wan Linger's delicate jade face, Zhao Yuan's heart beat wildly, and he didn't dare to talk to Wan Linger. eye contact.

"Sneaking out! Hmph, I'm not a thief. By the way, I'll look for you at two o'clock in the morning, don't close the door."

"What are you looking for me at two o'clock in the morning?" Zhao Yuan's heart tightened.

"You'll know when the time comes." Wan Ling'er blushed and lowered her head.

Find me at two o'clock in the morning.

Find me at two o'clock in the morning.

Find me at two o'clock in the morning...


Zhao Yuan lowered his head and rushed out, muttering non-stop, but Wan Ling'er's shy cheeks could not help appearing in his mind.

What is she looking for me for?

What is she looking for me for?


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