wicked immortal

Chapter 549

"I knew a monk before, and that monk had a very deep knowledge of the art of matching people. We often chatted and dabbled occasionally, but we never studied it in depth." Zhao Yuan sighed. He thought of the monk Tianxin. After Monk Tianxin left, there was no news, and he didn't know where he went, and Zhao Yuan would miss it occasionally.

"Is that monk very powerful?"

"It's very powerful. I know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. The knowledge is extremely profound, and I can see through yin and yang."

"So powerful, where does he live?"

"We haven't been in touch for a long time, maybe he has already become a fairy." Zhao Yuan's eyes showed a trace of melancholy.

"Three sentences are not out of line!" Li Mozhu snorted.

"Since you don't believe what I say, why do you believe in the heresy of astrology?" Zhao Yuan asked curiously.

"Because my master is reliable, she will never say that she can grow a pair of legs for others. She can at most point out some problems and let others pay attention. For example, let some businessmen not go to certain countries or regions, and do not participate in Some business or something..."

"What's the difference between those things and what I said?" Zhao Yuan smiled.

"Don't talk about that, I talked to the master about you today, and she wants you to call her."

"Why?" She listened to my description of you and was very interested in you.

"What else did she say?"

"She said you'd definitely call her."

"So sure?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.


"Forget it, since she's so sure, then I'll make a phone call to see who she is. Call!" Zhao Yuan stared at Li Mozhu.


Li Mozhu took out a small and exquisite mobile phone, dialed a series of numbers, after connecting, said a few words to the other party, and handed the mobile phone to Zhao Yuan.

"Hi, hello, I'm Zhao Yuan."


There was no sound on the phone. After a period of extreme silence, there was a sudden sound of rapid breathing, and an indescribable feeling filled Zhao Yuan's heart.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuan shouted suddenly, murderous intent filled the air, and his long hair flew flying.

"...beep..." The phone has been hung up.

"Who is she?" Zhao Yuan's face was icy cold, his eyes like knives.

"Ah...she...she is...my master..." Li Mozhu looked at the long-haired Zhao Yuan with a horrified face. At this time, Zhao Yuan was like a demon god from hell.


A gust of wind blew up, and Zhao Yuan and Li Mozhu had disappeared without a trace.

Qiu Qiu looked at the door that was still shaking, with a dull expression on her face, she didn't understand why Zhao Yuan was so excited.

"When Zhang Weidong comes back, you go back to City C with him."


In Qiu Qiu's consciousness, he remembered Zhao Yuan's thick and long voice.

At this time, Zhao Yuan was flying ten thousand li high in the sky, stepping on a flying sword and flying at lightning speed. In front of his chest was Li Mozhu, who was out of his wits, clutching Zhao Yuan's arm tightly.

too suddenly.

The terrified Li Mozhu never dreamed that she would be able to fly in the sky without the help of any equipment, which has overturned her thinking.

"Is it America?" Zhao Yuan asked coldly.

"Yes... what are you going to do?" Li Mozhu replied subconsciously, and immediately came to his senses.

"I want to find her, immediately!" Zhao Yuan said murderously.


"I won't necessarily kill your master, I just want to clarify some things, but I can tell you, if you don't tell me where your master is, I will kill your Li family to the ground, and, It's now!" Zhao Yuan said coldly.

"You... who are you?" Li Mozhu asked tremblingly, frightened out of his wits by Zhao Yuan's cold murderous intent.

"You can choose now, either, let's go to the United States, or, let's go back to S city!"

"Go...go...to America..."

Li Mozhu had been completely captured by Zhao Yuan's murderous intent, his face was pale, and he didn't dare to disobey in the slightest.


Zhao Yuan nodded, activated the spirit energy, and the spirit energy cover turned into a streamer.

"Mommy, Mommy, there are two people flying outside!" a child yelled, staring out the porthole.

"Honey, people can't fly outside."

"Really, mom, look quickly, a big brother with long hair is hugging a big sister with short hair..." The child looked out of the porthole excitedly, dancing with his arms and legs.

"Really... let me see... there are no big brothers and big sisters..."

"They just flew away."

"Baby, be good, there are still a few hours to arrive, you go to sleep for a while."

"Mom, really, I really saw it." The child looked aggrieved, and kept looking out of the porthole, trying to see the big brother with long hair and the big sister with short hair.

"Yeah, I believe you, go to sleep."


The episode on the plane did not affect Zhao Yuan's flight. Under the full force, Zhao Yuan Yujian's flying speed has reached an extremely terrifying level. The lightning and thunder are hundreds of miles away in a blink of an eye.

In fact, Zhao Yuan has already reached the state of flying to the moon. He can fly in the air without the help of a flying sword at all, and his speed is even faster. Yuan chose to lift the aura cover and fly with the sword.


At night, Washington DC is brightly lit, and there are towering skyscrapers everywhere. A bird's-eye view of this huge city from high in the sky gives people an inexplicable spiritual shock.

"Mr. Zhao, I beg you, don't kill my master." Along the way, Li Mozhu kept begging Zhao Yuan. At this time, she had forgotten the fear of being in the sky, but was always regretting. Why did I provoke Zhao Yuan, the killer!

However, apart from regretting, Li Mozhu also had a glimmer of expectation, because, judging by Zhao Yuan's current ability, healing his brother Li Mosong's legs should not be bragging.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Yuan did not speak, with a serious expression on his face.

At this time, Zhao Yuan was in a state of anxiety, and the thing he was most worried about appeared - revealing his identity.

Concealing his identity is very important to Zhao Yuan now. Once his identity is revealed, he will be hunted down all over the world by that group of powerful people.

Of course, Zhao Yuan has long been used to the life of being hunted down, but the problem now is not his life safety, but the Thirteen Evil Young Masters and Qiu Qiu, and even Team Leader Ding's secret organization may be involved .

In addition to safety issues, Zhao Yuan, who is in exile and has no fixed place, will not be able to continue to cooperate with Team Leader Ding, because any clues may reveal his whereabouts and lead to disaster.

Without Team Leader Ding's cooperation, we don't know how long it would take to build Lingtai World.

No, it must be murdered!

The moment Zhao Yuan received the call, he was sure that the other party was a cultivator.

If it was just an ordinary cultivator, Zhao Yuan would naturally not take it seriously. However, after understanding this period of time, Zhao Yuan discovered that apart from those people, there are no cultivators on Earth...

Of course, Zhao Yuan does not rule out that there are deeply hidden cultivators living among ordinary humans.

However, Zhao Yuan did not dare to pin his life on the possibility.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yuan is a decisive person.

In the Great Qin Empire, the comprehension community evaluated Zhao Yuan as bold, reckless, and extremely vicious, but now, Zhao Yuan has revealed his bold, reckless, and extremely vicious side.

If the other party is a member of that group of people, Zhao Yuan now has two choices. First, run away immediately and cut off all contact with the Thirteen Evil Young Masters and Team Leader Ding. Second, take the risk and go to the United States to find out the identity of that person , Once it is confirmed that it is one of the members of that group of people, it is necessary to kill it before it shares the information with its companions.

Zhao Yuan chose to kill and silence.

A ray of light fell on a street that was once in a mess...

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