wicked immortal

Chapter 550 Mysterious Culture

This is a ghetto where thousands of black people live.

It was late at night, and under the dim lights on the street, there were garbage and some stray dogs everywhere. Occasionally, a few drunk black men hung shoulder to shoulder on the street, and occasionally kicked up a soda can or a wine bottle. Screaming noise on quiet nights.

The distraught Li Mozhu led Zhao Yuan into a dark alleyway.

What made Li Mozhu feel that something was wrong was that after Zhao Yuan, who had always been murderous, fell on this street, his icy face softened a lot.

"Mr. Zhao, don't kill my master." When he walked in front of the dilapidated building, Li Mozhu was already in tears, and turned to look at Zhao Yuan.

"I won't kill her." Zhao Yuan said lightly.The moment Zhao Yuan landed on this street, he had concluded that the master Li Mozhu talked about should have nothing to do with those people, because Team Leader Ding said very clearly that those human rights are overwhelming the world, they are rich like an enemy, and their lives are extravagant and corrupt. , it is impossible to live in this slum area.

"Ah...Really? Why?" Li Mozhu wept with joy and asked in surprise.

"Because my enemies won't live here."

"Then...then...then let's not go, shall we?" Li Mozhu asked happily.

"No!" Zhao Yuan flatly refused.

"Why?" Li Mozhu said pitifully.

"I must warn her!"

Zhao Yuan didn't climb up the rusty stairs immediately, but looked at the building. There was nothing unusual about this building. It looked old and outdated, and the walls were covered with graffiti.

There is no prohibition.

There is no formation.

Zhao Yuan's divine sense searched little by little, and gradually, it enveloped the entire building.

To Zhao Yuan's surprise, he thought that the mysterious cultivator lived in this building. After searching with his spiritual sense, he found that there were many, many people living in this building. In some small rooms, It was crowded with more than a dozen people.

What's even more strange is that Zhao Yuan didn't notice the aura of the cultivator.

It seems that this cultivator still has a good way of hiding his appearance.

"How many floors?"

"The third floor?"

Zhao Yuan slowly walked up the rusty stairs until he reached the third floor, and entered a deep corridor. In the corridor, many women and children were sleeping on the floor. The thunderous snoring drove away the gloomy feeling in the corridor.

Li Mozhu followed Zhao Yuan anxiously, when he came to a door with no door and a bead curtain hanging outside, Li Mozhu stopped, and pointed to the inside of the door.Compared with the rooms on both sides, there is nothing unusual about this room. The only thing that people can distinguish is that there is a mysterious symbol painted on the door. The symbol is sprayed with paint. It's graffiti.

"How did you know her?" Zhao Yuan didn't go in, but stood with his hands behind his back, and asked Li Mozhu beside him.

"When I was studying in the United States, a classmate grew up here. After a few encounters, I felt that her words were very effective. Then, I worshiped her as my teacher... In fact, I was just a nominal apprentice, and I borrowed her from time to time. hands to do some charity..."

Li Mozhu blushed. In fact, she was only interested in the art of astrology, and she was a nominal master. This time, the reason why Li Mozhu contacted the master was that after seeing Zhao Yuan's severed finger revived, Li Mozhu inadvertently hit him. A phone call to ask for advice, but it has attracted the attention of the master.

"All the people here are taken in by her?"

"Yes, she inherited this house from an old man, and the property rights belong to her. Usually, only a very small rent fee is charged for maintaining the house and daily expenses."


Zhao Yuan sighed secretly, he had roughly guessed the purpose of this cultivator, she hid in this slum area, disguised as a magic stick, and slowly cultivated believers in the slum area, gaining the power of faith, but, judging from the present , the power she gained was negligible.

It is almost certain that this cultivator is also avoiding the pursuit of those people, so he does not dare to cultivate believers in a big way, let alone collect money in a big way to attract the attention of others.

Usually, the formation of a belief is not only about serving believers and gaining the loyalty of believers, the most important thing is packaging.

The idea of ​​believers is very simple. How can you bless believers even if you are poor and destitute?

Whether it is the Great Qin Empire or the Earth, any religious belief will use various means to collect money, and then use the money to form a majestic and upright image in the hearts of believers.

Many believers do not necessarily have the power of faith. Although the number of believers is concerned with the power of faith, the loyalty of believers is the focus of the power of faith.

In ancient times, gods and Buddhas were said to have golden bodies, and temples and Taoist temples were even more resplendent. This is the reason why believers are born with awe.

This is a poor cultivator!

There are many supporters of this cultivator, but most of them regard the house as a shelter rather than really believe in her.

"Let's go." Zhao Yuan sighed.

"Ah..." Li Mozhu was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't react.

"She knows what to do without my warning."

"Yeah, let's go." Li Mozhu had reacted for a long time, fearing that Zhao Yuan would go back on his word, he hurriedly urged Zhao Yuan to leave.


Just when Zhao Yuan was about to turn around and leave, his body froze suddenly. At the same time, the dilapidated wooden door opened, and a hunched, white-haired woman stood inside the door. The old man raised his head, and stared at Zhao Yuan with his cloudy eyes. Original.

"You pity me?" The white-haired woman suddenly stood up slowly.


Li Mozhu looked at the white-haired woman in horror. At this moment, the old woman's body made crackling noises like firecrackers. Then, a strange scene appeared. The old woman's figure became slender. You can see his graceful figure, and the most shocking thing is that the skin on the old man's face has also become extremely smooth, and the messy white hair has also turned into golden yellow. It is only a few breaths, and he is actually younger. Ten years old, looks like a blond young woman who still has charm...

The blond young woman glanced at Li Mozhu, turned around slowly, and disappeared into the darkness inside the doorway.

Zhao Yuan didn't speak, but followed into the room, and Li Mozhu, who was uneasy, had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow in.


The door closed suddenly, which startled Li Mozhu.

The inside of the room is not as dilapidated as this building, it looks clean, but at first glance, you can tell that the occupants are different, because there are some portraits of people hanging everywhere in the room, from the portraits It can be seen from the degree of obsolete that these portraits have been around for some years.

Tarot characters.

Zhao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback. When he was studying ancient western mythology, he had read about the history of tarot cards.

There are different opinions about the origin of Tarot cards.Some people say that the Tarot cards originated from China, India, Spain, France, etc., and some people say that the word "Tarot" comes from the Egyptian tar (road) and ro (king), which originally meant "kingly way". The correct decision-making power that a king should have.

In addition, there is another saying that "Tarot" is a relatively complete book left after the disaster of Zhurong in the Egyptian library.She was not the type of playing card we know, when the Egyptian dynasty was destroyed; the clergy were afraid that this mysterious book would fall into the hands of aliens, so they drew it on the playing card with a pattern, and later passed through the legend of Alexander. into Europe.At that time, Europeans were very fascinated by Egyptian culture, so this book was regarded as a treasure book left by Egypt, which conveyed the will of the gods, and later gradually evolved into a tool for divination, which is now the Tarot card. .

Even though many people believe that the Tarot cards originated from Egypt, and there are many icons related to Egypt on the Tarot cards, there is no direct and convincing proof that the Tarot cards originated from Egypt, and most of them are just speculation or imagination.

Some people say that "Tarot" may have been passed from "China" to Europe, because China was the first country to invent paper; after the Crusades, it was spread to Europe, but this theory has been overturned, on the other hand Reminiscent of "Gypsies", but Gypsies only appeared in Europe in the fifteenth century, but playing cards all appeared earlier.

In addition to the above origin theories, some people also believe that Tarot cards are related to ancient Hebrew mythology and the Celtic nation. Among the 22 major cards, ancient cultures of the East, Egypt, and Europe can also be found. Among them, the common cultural symbols of mankind.From this point of view, Tarot cards can be said to be a master of ancient culture and mythology...


Zhao Yuan first noticed the Tarot cards because the Tarot cards are like a big melting pot, which integrates the ancient cultures of the East, Egypt, and Europe. This is extremely rare in some myths and stories, because, according to the existing ancient Documentary data shows that there is almost no interaction between myths and stories in some large countries, and there has never been a book that mentions Tathagata Buddha and God at the same time...

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