wicked immortal

Chapter 551 The Covenant of the Gods

Whether it is Eastern mythology, Western mythology, or Arabic mythology, they are all independent mythological systems, and the interaction between them is extremely rare.

Only, Taoism in China and Buddhism passed down from India have extensive exchanges. Of course, this exchange seems to be more of a struggle of beliefs.

If the myths and stories recorded by humans on Earth are true, it means that in ancient times, the gods were separated from each other on the earth, forming a relatively closed circle...


Just as Zhao Yuan was thinking, the blond woman was already sitting cross-legged on the ground. In her hand was a stack of Tarot cards. However, she did not use the Tarot cards. A pair of deep blue eyes stared closely at Zhao Yuan. Yuan, as if to see through Zhao Yuan's soul.

Zhao Yuan and Li Mozhu also sat cross-legged.

"Keltic." The blond woman said softly.

"Celtic... dragons, dragons!"

Zhao Yuan was shocked. He remembered that there was a passage about the Celts recorded in a mythology book.

Dragons appeared much later than seraphim. They were the objects of Celtic worship and their status was very sacred.In the early Middle Ages, the Virgins who explored new waterways in the Atlantic carved the prows of their pirate ships in the shape of dragons, hoping that the dragons would grant them infinite power.

The birth of Christianity brought about an earth-shaking change in the fate of dragons, and dragons became synonymous with satanas.The birth of a new religion will inevitably conflict with the old religion. Just like the Aryans invaded India, they "relegated" Asura, who was originally worshiped by the indigenous people, to a demon.

Obviously, in the past battles, Christianity has become the victor.

Zhao Yuan discovered that the battle between Western myths seems to be more cruel. Usually, the loser will become a demon, which is fundamentally different from Eastern myths.

In the East, even Hades, who is in charge of hell and reincarnation, will have his righteous side.

Zhao Yuan took a deep look at the blond woman. This woman's belief is actually the dragon of the west.

In Western myths and stories, dragons possess powerful power and magical abilities, and there are many types. The size of their families is not inferior to that of Eastern dragons.The Chinese dragon is "the dragon has nine sons, each of which is different", while the western dragon is "the dragon has a hundred sons, each of which is different".There are sea dragons living in the deep sea, fire dragons sleeping in volcanoes, poisonous dragons dormant in swamps, countless grotesque dragons, nine-headed dragons, dragon beasts, sub-dragons, wyverns and so on.

Although there are many similarities between Western dragons and Eastern dragons, the fate of the two is quite different.

Dragons in the East have a noble status and are said to be the Ninth Five-Year Supreme. Human rulers mostly use dragons as their totems, while dragons in the West are more greedy and cruel, and they mostly live in caves and love treasures.Western heroic epics, such as Greek mythology, Germanic mythology, and Nordic mythology, all have stories about heroes slaying dragons. When a powerful brave meets a powerful dragon, a fierce battle always breaks out.

"Where are you from?" The blond woman was not surprised that Zhao Yuan knew Celtic.

"Zhanyun Continent, Great Qin Empire."

"What are you doing here?" the blond woman continued to ask.

"Passing by." Zhao Yuan's heart moved. He felt that when the blond woman heard about the Great Qin Empire in the Zhanyun Continent, her emotions fluctuated slightly, which meant that she knew the place of Zhanyun Continent.


Suddenly, Zhao Yuan thought of the giant dragon trapped in the Black Forest. Back then, the other party had given Zhao Yuan a dragon armor. Without the dragon armor given by the giant dragon, Zhao Yuan would have been turned into ashes.

Zhao Yuan has always been grateful for the giant dragon, hoping to help her out of trouble one day, but unfortunately, Zhao Yuan has been wandering around and has no time to take care of the giant dragon.

"How old are you?" Celtic asked.


"22... No... Absolutely not..." The blond woman's body shook, and she looked at Zhao Yuan in surprise, with an incredulous expression on her face.

"Yes." Zhao Yuan nodded affirmatively.

"Sure enough...it's a pity...it's a pity...you shouldn't be here..." The blond woman sighed softly.

"How old are you?" Zhao Yuan looked intently at the blonde woman.

"I...hehe, I don't remember myself. Many people think that I should be in my 60s. In fact, every 30 years, I will change my address and identity. Here, originally, I have already left here I did, but I didn't expect it, I was a step too late, and you found it."

"They're after you?"

"Yes, it has been hunted down for thousands of years." In the eyes of the blond woman, endless hatred shone.

"Why don't you leave?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"My spell is sealed and I cannot leave the earth." The blond woman shook her head.

"Who are they?" This question was Zhao Yuan's focus.

"They...they are demons, they specialize in chasing down cultivators and low-level immortals who came to the earth to try their luck..." The blond beauty was murderous.

"How many are they?"

"Seven people. Don't underestimate them. Although they are just ordinary cultivators, they all have some very powerful artifacts. Even if they are immortals, they can only run away when they encounter them. Moreover, their power is greater than that of the earth. It is deeply rooted and powerful, and has penetrated into almost every industry. My child, I suggest you leave here early. Although there is inexhaustible power of faith here, it is too dangerous."

"No, I want to kill them." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"Kill them?! Hahaha... Do you want to kill them? Don't dream, child, in these endless years, those who want to kill them are like stars in the sky, but they are still alive and well, instead All those who tried to kill them have already been wiped out." Celtic burst into a piercing laugh, as if he had heard a big joke.

"At least, I killed one."

"What?!" Celtic froze for a while, with an expression of shock that could not be added.

"I killed one." Zhao Yuan repeated word for word.

"Who? Who?" Celtic pressed.

"A blond man." Zhao Yuan called out the shrunken fish from the Sumeru Ring, and spread it in the palm of his hand.

"Fenxian is in your hands!" Celtic stared at Fenxian in Zhao Yuan's hands with a greedy look on his face.

"Fenxian...so it was Fenxian..." Thinking of being almost turned into ashes by Fenxian back then, Zhao Yuan shivered inexplicably.

"Hahaha...Johnson, you have today too, you have today too!" Suddenly, Celtic covered his cheeks and wept with joy, tears streaming down his face.

Obviously, the white man named Johnson has a deep hatred with Celtic.

"Why do they hunt down the Earth cultivators?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"You don't know the 'Treaty of the Gods'?" Celtic quickly regained his composure and looked at Zhao Yuan in surprise.

"I don't know." Zhao Yuan honestly shook his head.

"You don't know the treaty of the gods, but you are here..." Celtic smiled wryly, "A few years ago, the gods and demons fought countless epic battles on the earth, with the purpose of dominating the power of faith on the earth." , in the thousands of years of fighting, not only the earth's life was devastated, but the loss of gods and demons was also very large. Many gods and gods were also involved in it, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed, never to be reborn..."

"As the battle gradually intensified, the battlefield spread from the earth to many places, including the Zhanyun Continent you mentioned. At that time, Zhanyun Continent was also one of the main battlefields, and the number of gods involved was also increasing. Many respected All the gods and demons died in it..."

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