[ps: Roar: leave a favorite, red ticket, reward...]

"Split the sky apart!" Zhao Yuan looked at Wan Ling'er in disbelief.

"Hee hee, that's nothing. There is also a kind of bow and arrow that can shoot down the sun."

"Shoot down the sun... Where... Where... Where are the treasures?" Zhao Yuan suddenly felt excited. Possessing one or another treasure, it is not far to avenge that blood sea.

"I don't know! Those are stories from countless tens of thousands of years ago, and the time when many treasures appeared is at least a few thousand years from now."

"Unfortunately..." Zhao Yuan looked regretful.

"It's a pity about your head, don't dream, it would be nice to have a small black sword for you to use, you think those ancient fairy artifacts are so easy to get! The treasure of many sects of cultivation, that is, Gao Super weapons are not much stronger than me and the Ice Sword. Occasionally, some schools have ancient magic weapons, but they don't know how to use them, but they are coveted by others. For thousands of years, I don't know how many sects of cultivation have committed crimes. It ended up killing everyone, sometimes, having a good weapon is not a good thing, but a icy sword like mine is powerful and practical, and it won't cause others to covet it, how cool it is!" Wan Linger Pouting his lips, he blew on the edge of the Ice Excalibur, with a proud look on his face.

"That's true." Zhao Yuan nodded, he understood the truth of "the crime of cherishing a jade" better than anyone else.

"Zhao Yuan, don't you want some crystals?"

"Bring some." Zhao Yuan randomly picked some low-quality crystals, about a dozen pieces, wrapped them in cloth, and put them in his small bag.

"Why did you take some low-level crystals?" Wan Ling'er was puzzled.

"It's useless for me to hold it. Besides, I don't want to be coveted and killed. By the way, you should also pay attention, the money must not be revealed, and the news must not be leaked. It is best not to tell my parents."

"Ah...there are so many crystals, I won't tell, it's hard to explain."

"Think about it, if you tell your parents, your parents tell the people they trust, and the people they trust tell the people they trust, and you spread it around ten times, and in the end, everyone knows that your Wanjia There are hundreds of top-grade crystals, what do you think will happen then?"

"What will happen?"

"First of all, many people who are close to your Wan family will find various reasons to ask your parents for crystals. Then, some people with evil intentions will secretly pay attention, and may even have a heart to snatch it. Although your father is powerful, there are many people who are stronger than him in the cultivation world, do you think he can protect more than 200 quick spars?"

"I can't..." Wan Ling'er's head was full of scenes of others coveting her spar, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on her face.

"Yes, your Wan family definitely can't protect so many crystals, so it's best not to let the third person besides us know. As for your father's need for crystals to practice, you can give him a few crystals That is, but don’t give too much, haste makes waste. If you can become a fairy by relying on spar, it is estimated that the Great Qin Empire already has as many gods as dogs. This shows that spar can only play a supporting role, and You can’t really make people become immortals, you gave your father a lot of spar, but you harmed him instead.” Zhao Yuan slowly guided Wan Linger, he had to persuade Wan Linger not to reveal the secret of the spar, Only then did he have the opportunity to share these crystals with Wan Linger.

"Yeah, how should I explain it to my parents?" Wan Ling'er looked distressed.

"You don't need to explain. Even if they ask, you can choose to refuse to answer. They will definitely guess that it is the spar that I got together with you. You just need to keep silent. Moreover, after you take out a dozen spar , It’s enough to shock them, they never imagined that we still have hundreds of crystals.”

"Haha, that's right! If these crystals weren't in front of me, I wouldn't believe it myself." Wan Ling'er picked up a crystal and kept shining it under the firelight, shining the brilliant light on Zhao Yuan's face, giggling non-stop.

"Yes, I don't believe it either. By the way, Linger, I need some cash, and bank notes are fine. Exchange some cash for me."

"Well, now that the road is blocked by heavy snow, there is not much cash circulating in Xujiaqiao. However, there are large-value banknotes. When the time comes, I will find a way to get you some banknotes and imperial coins."

"Okay, don't let anyone know."

"I know, this is a secret between us, I will not tell anyone." Wan Ling'er smiled like a flower, and her delicate and naive look made people's hearts flutter.

"Yes, our secret."

Zhao Yuan's tense nerves relaxed slowly, and secretly heaved a long sigh of relief. It seemed that Wan Ling'er would stop talking nonsense outside.

Convincing a woman to keep a secret is no different from going up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire.

Zhao Yuan looked at Wan Ling'er.

Wan Linger looked at Zhao Yuan.

In the middle is the pile of spars emitting colorful streamers.

The cave suddenly became quiet, so quiet that the heartbeat and breathing of the two could be heard.

"Zhao Yuan, I'm so tired." Looking at it, Wan Ling'er couldn't stand it anymore, blushing, and lowered her head.

"It's still a few hours before dark, let's bury the spar first, and you can rest for a while."


The two got up, raised the torches and took the crystals to the entrance of the cave. Zhao Yuan used Wan Ling'er's Ice Excalibur to dig holes to bury the crystals in some hidden places. More than 200 crystals were buried in twenty places. The location looks chaotic, but there are traces to follow. After Zhao Yuan told Wan Linger how to find it, Wan Linger was amazed.

According to this burial method, even if someone accidentally finds one of the places where the crystals are buried, it is absolutely impossible to find another place.

After burying the spar, the two returned to the cave where the bonfire was burning.

The two sat side by side on a rock by the fire, and fell into an endless silence.

"Zhao Yuan, chat with me." Wan Ling'er suddenly squatted in front of Zhao Yuan, cupped her face in both hands, and looked at Zhao Yuan with her head tilted.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"I feel like I'm dreaming now." Wan Ling'er smiled slightly and looked at Zhao Yuan.


"Well, there are too many. I want to dig them out and see if I'm dreaming."

"Hehe, it's not a dream. Look, it's real." Zhao Yuan took out a spar from his bag and put it on a small stone in front of the fire. The spar gave off a fascinating dreamlike light.

"it is true."

Wan Ling'er also took out a spar and put it together with Zhao Yuan's spar. The two spar reflected each other, and the whole cave was illuminated like a fairyland.Wan Ling'er stared at the colorful light of the spar obsessively.

Time passed bit by bit, Wan Ling'er put away the spar from time to time, and took out the spar from time to time, repeatedly proving that she was not dreaming.

Zhao Yuan could only play this boring game with Wan Linger with a wry smile.

Of course, Zhao Yuan is not boring, he likes Wan Linger's innocence and innocence very much, it is because of Wan Linger's innocence and innocence that Zhao Yuan can get along with Wan Linger.

Wan Ling'er doesn't have any opinions of her own. Her ideas are often naive and ridiculous, but more often they are whimsical. , at least, Wan Ling'er will not threaten his survival.

Wan Linger trusts Zhao Yuan very much, which is also the reason why Zhao Yuan is gratified.

In fact, Wan Ling'er also has scheming, she can play tricks, she is also very greedy for money, she even uses Zhao Yuan to test the pills she made, but she is kind-hearted, she has no city, and her scheming is clear at a glance. Wan Linger has been in contact for a long time, and she has become a transparent person. Her inner thoughts can be judged from her expression. Her cleverness and scheming will only make people smile...

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