Wan Ling'er's purity is that she likes it or she likes it, and if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it. She really wants to hide it, but she never knows how to hide it.

With Wan Ling'er, there was no intrigue, no iron blood killing, and Wan Ling'er's simplicity was like a potion of healing medicine, healing Zhao Yuan's damaged soul.

Wan Linger fell asleep.

Wan Ling'er herself didn't know when she fell asleep, she was playing with the spar, constantly changing angles to shoot various rays of light, while she was playing, she leaned on Zhao Yuan's knee and fell asleep.

Zhao Yuan looked at Wan Ling'er on his knee with a wry smile. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed. There are still people in the world who can sleep in this position.

Wan Linger's baby-fat face was flushed, and her long eyelashes moved occasionally, like a princess in a fairy tale.

Zhao Yuan remained completely still like a sculpture, he didn't dare to move, for fear of waking up Wan Ling'er, who was sleeping soundly.At this moment, Zhao Yuan didn't have the slightest thought in his heart, but just quietly looked at Wan Ling'er on his knee.

Wan Ling'er was drooling.

The clothes on Zhao Yuan's knees were all wet. Then, Wan Ling'er seemed a little uncomfortable, or hoped to find a warm place, adjusted her sleeping position, arched her whole head toward Zhao Yuan's arms, arched her head, and Squeezing into Zhao Yuan's arms, the whole body fell on Zhao Yuan's lap...


Zhao Yuan smiled and entered the "quiet" state of the realm of brute force. Everything in the world became quiet, and there was a different kind of noise in the quiet. He could feel the sound of water drops occasionally dripping from the cave wall, and he could also feel The sound of rats running along the cave wall, he also felt the gurgling sound of Wan Ling'er's belly, and the sound of dreaming...

Good times are always short.

Zhao Yuan likes this kind of tranquility, likes this kind of serenity, and likes the dreamy light that spar emits under the firelight.

If there is no blood feud, Zhao Yuan hopes that time will stay at this moment forever.

"Hmm..." Wan Ling'er moved in Zhao Yuan's arms, and Zhao Yuan woke up with a start.

Wan Linger opened her eyes, she saw Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan also looked at him, and they looked at each other.

"I fell asleep?" Wan Ling'er was still a little confused, and didn't realize that she was still in Zhao Yuan's arms.


"how long?"

"Two hours."

"Two hours... ah... I... I... I slept on top of you?" Wan Linger's body bounced like a spring, and she looked at Zhao Yuan in horror.


"I...I... Am I drooling?" Wan Ling'er wiped the corner of her mouth with a look of dismay.

"..." Zhao Yuan looked stunned, and subconsciously glanced at his knees.

"How can I see people in the future..." Wan Ling'er saw Zhao Yuan's expression, and immediately saw Zhao Yuan's knees were soaked in striding clothes, holding the icy sword, circling around Zhao Yuan, with a murderous look. appearance.

"It's not the first time..." Zhao Yuan murmured in a low voice, thinking of the scene where Wan Ling'er massaged him and slept on him last time, he also drool all over his body.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing...it's already dark, let's go, your father is still waiting for your spar to heal." Zhao Yuan quickly changed the subject, no matter how stupid he is, he will not be so stupid as to discuss with a woman that she is drooling With Wan Ling'er's character, it is possible to kill and silence things.

"Yes, go, go, go."

Wan Ling'er is such a stickler. After Zhao Yuan changed the subject, he immediately forgot about his embarrassment and hurriedly urged her.

"Well, let me clean up first."

Zhao Yuan checked the vicinity to see if there were any personal belongings that revealed his identity. After a careful inspection, the two of them drove the flying sword out of the cave. It was already dark outside the cave.

The two of them didn't say anything, in order to avoid being discovered, they flew away from Xiaoyang Mountain along the low altitude of the forest.

In less than half an hour, the two arrived at the Wanjia compound.

This time, Zhao Yuan did not evade, and went directly to the West Courtyard with Wan Linger. When the two pushed the hall away, Chen was staring blankly with his forehead on his forehead. The dim candlelight made Chen look as if he had aged ten years, more haggard.

Mrs. Chen may have been preoccupied, and her reaction was a little slow. Zhao Yuan and Wan Ling'er pushed the door in, but they didn't notice it.

During this period of time, the Chen family can be said to be living in torment. She has already contacted many big households to sell Wanjia's real estate. Although the Jia family and the Xiao family were willing to lend a helping hand, they were unable to do so.

Time is running out.

The doctor at Shenlong Mountain said that if the nine crystals could not be found within a week, Wan Ziyu would have no hope of living.

Now, the Chen family is not only facing the problem of money, but more importantly, the top-quality spar. Even if Wanjia raises enough funds, it is impossible to buy nine top-quality spar within a week.

Although Mrs. Chen is not a cultivator, she has been with Wan Ziyu day and night, and she also knows some things about the realm of comprehension. Naturally, she knows the preciousness of top-quality spar.

In this world, most of the problems can be solved with money, but this rule does not apply in the world of comprehension. Some items used by the comprehension cannot be measured by money at all, and the best spar itself is a As for consumables, Wan Ziyu had always found it extremely difficult to get a top-quality spar, not to mention nine pieces at a time now, the difficulty can be imagined.

Chen's head was already so devastated that she didn't even realize that her precious daughter had been missing for a day.

"Mom, I'm back." Wan Ling'er jumped into Chen's arms happily.

"Oh... you're back..." Chen patted his lovely daughter absent-mindedly, and suddenly found that Zhao Yuan was standing not far away, his expression changed dramatically, "What are you doing here?"

"..." Zhao Yuan knew that he couldn't explain clearly in a few words, so he simply kept silent.

"Mom!" Wan Ling'er wrapped her arms around Chen's neck coquettishly.

"Your father is about to die, you still... still..."

The strong Chen family finally broke out the long-suppressed emotions, hugged Wan Ling'er, and burst into tears.From now on, she can only live with her precious daughter, but this daughter is not up to date, and when the father is dying, he wants to hang out with a long-term worker, which makes her feel sad.

"Mom, daddy won't die, look, what is this?"

Wan Ling'er broke free from Chen Shi, and dumped the spar in the skin on the table.

"Ah..." Mrs. Chen was stunned, a pair of eyes full of tears stared straight at the fascinating top-quality spar, and finally, she pinched herself fiercely to make sure that she was not dreaming .

"Mom, it's all real, you're not dreaming."

"I'm not dreaming? Am I not dreaming?" Chen shivered, stretched out her trembling arm, and placed it lightly on the spar, but did not dare to drop it, for fear that it was all an illusion.

"Mom, touch it, you are not dreaming, this is all real, dad is saved!"

Wan Ling'er picked up a spar and placed it in Chen's trembling hand.

Chen carefully touched the shining spar, and her straight eyes gradually regained their luster. Now, she is sure that she is not dreaming.

"Ling'er, let's save your father, hurry up!" Mrs. Chen had something on her mind, and quickly recovered from the shock, swept the spar on the table into her bag, and happily pulled Wan Ling'er towards the secret room. go.

"Mom..." Wan Linger didn't move.

"You can come too." Chen was startled, then understood immediately, and glanced at Zhao Yuan.

ps: Just a little bit short of being able to reach the new book list, but there is nothing he can do, but the overbearing blood is still boiling, kill!It is better to die in battle than to live by idling.

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