wicked immortal

Chapter 621 Cataclysm

At this moment, Zhao Yuan had a choice, first, to leave immediately; second, to continue to lurk and wait for the opportunity.

If they withdraw and leave, all previous efforts will be wasted, and Yan Shaojie and the others will find out their whereabouts. If they want to rescue Huang Dong and others again, it will increase greatly.

If you lurk, the risk is even greater, because thousands of beast hordes are approaching, if you continue to lurk, you will definitely be caught in the beast horde.

It was already impossible to attack Yan Shaojie and the others in this chaotic environment. Now, Zhao Yuan just wanted to avoid revealing his whereabouts and create a good condition for the next sneak attack.

In a flash of thought, Zhao Yuan decided to take risks and stay on the cliff.

Zhao Yuan believed that in the face of this tidal wave of beasts, Yan Shaojie and his group would never be able to cross the chasm, which was tens of miles wide, because the beast tide had jumped tens of feet in the midst of the rush, and the whole The space above the ditches and ditches is covered, rising and falling one after another, impenetrable...


The rumbling sound was already close at hand.

Seeing huge herbivores galloping up and down the vertical cliff, and their sharp horns shone with a palpitating luster under the starlight, Zhao Yuan suddenly understood why they were standing on a cliff at a ninety-degree angle. The reason for running up is because, on this cliff, the gravity of the ground has no effect on the running of animals, but makes them more swift and agile.

A huge number of herbivores ran wildly on the cliff, setting off sand and stones all over the sky. As they got closer, the entire chasm was covered by sand and stones, and the momentum was appalling.

Zhao Yuan was lurking on a protruding rock. At this time, he had activated the dragon armor. The surface of his body was covered with a layer of armor like a rock, which merged with the cliff rock.

A storm-like wave of beasts roared towards them.

Zhao Yuan held his breath, he knew very well that he was about to face a head-on collision with the beast hordes, this would be the most primitive duel of strength without any skill.


The huge voice echoed in the chasm, and the sky fell apart, as if the world was ending.


Thousands of feet!

Hundred feet!

Fifty feet!


Just when the impact that shattered all forces was less than ten feet away from Zhao Yuan, suddenly, the beast tide let out an earth-shattering roar, and then, the leading beast leaped up in front of Zhao Yuan, After rushing to the top of the cliff, thousands of large herbivores also jumped up, like a billowing black tide rushing to the ground...


Suffocating silence.

After tens of thousands of herbivores of all kinds jumped onto the ground from the cliff, they suddenly stopped running.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

The animals that were running wildly suddenly stopped in unison, as if they had made an appointment, which made people feel caught off guard.

With the cover of those huge herbivores, Zhao Yuan climbed up to the ground along the cliff. Immediately, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

On the plain by the cliff, thousands of herbivores quietly form a circle, which is extremely spectacular.In the middle of the circle is the radiant Joan tree.

Of course, it wasn't the herbivores that made Zhao Yuan stunned, but some carnivorous beasts on the periphery of the herbivores.

Carnivores and herbivores are actually very easy to distinguish. In addition to being more ferocious and robust, their ferocious appearance and teeth are particularly prominent.

Just by looking at it, those carnivores are extremely terrifying existences, with fierce eyes, strong limbs, and the feeling of violently hurting people at any time is inexplicably chilling.

What surprised Zhao Yuan was that those hungry carnivores did not attack the herd of beasts, but wandered far away, keeping a relatively safe distance from the beast horde.

Obviously, the gathering of herbivores is also extremely powerful, so powerful that even those ferocious animals dare not go one step further.

Zhao Yuan withdrew his gaze and landed on the huge Qiong tree.

At this time, the space hunter Eddie's face was already pale.

No one is more aware of the beast tide than Eddie, because he has experienced three beast tides, and that primitive power is enough to destroy everything.

Yan Shaojie, who had been doing nothing before, also showed panic on his face.

The other four big men also looked nervous.

Both the hunters of the city of exile and the city of sky know that the beast tide formed by herbivores is more terrifying than those ferocious carnivores.

Although carnivores are ferocious and brutal, they all fight on their own, while herbivores are different. After they form a beast horde, they will not compromise in the face of any threat. They swarm up, fearless of death, It will never stop dying, and will not disperse until the enemy is eliminated.

It is also for this reason that carnivores will never provoke herbivores when they form a beast swarm, but stay far behind, waiting for the moment when they disperse to hunt...

The once-a-ten-year animal horde is formed to take advantage of the fire to plunder the green plants in the human settlements, but now, on this wasteland, there is actually a huge Qiong tree, which stops the herbivores from growing their powerful legs.

All herbivores stopped in their tracks.

Thousands of eyes stared at the radiant Joan tree, and there was a shocking longing in their eyes.

The herbivores raised their heads and began to move closer to the Joan tree. The huge circle shrunk little by little, making people's hearts constrict inexplicably.

How to do?

Seeing that everyone was besieged by thousands of herbivores, and there were hundreds of ferocious carnivores staring at them, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yuan's mouth.

In this chaotic environment, even with his abilities, there was nothing he could do, because the three of Huang Dong were taken as hostages, even if he did not hesitate to expose his identity and go on a killing spree, it would be impossible to rescue the three of them.

That young man with a pot belly looks like a cruel and ruthless person. With his habit, even in this desperate situation, he will drag a few people to his back...



When Zhao Yuan was thinking of a solution, suddenly, in the sky, the duck-like ugly but thrilling cry of the Golden Eagle of the Sea of ​​Clouds sounded.

Suddenly, the originally suffocatingly quiet wasteland became dead quiet.

The dead silence that can be heard when a needle falls.

Chilling silence.

The smaller and smaller circle suddenly stopped shrinking, and all the herbivores looked up at the sky, and there was endless fear in the eager eyes.

A dazzling golden streak pierced the sky, suspended above the huge canopy of the Joan tree without any warning, the canopy was swayed by the high-speed vibration of the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, and even the mountain-like mountain below was swaying. Rock is also a shake.


After the silence, there was a panicked commotion.

The appearance of the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds made things more complicated. The herbivores that were originally like well-trained soldiers began to become disorganized, some retreated, and some crowded forward, and the order became chaotic... …

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