wicked immortal

Chapter 632 Teamwork

"My lord, it is now a matter of life and death. If the beasts are not dispersed before the sun goes out, the entire city of exile will fall." Zhao Yuan said solemnly.

"Will the city of exile fall?" Fang Yong's face was shocked, he had never been able to accept this cruel reality.

"Yes, among those ferocious beasts, there are more powerful and cunning beasts than the vegetarian leopard waiting for an opportunity."

"There are also beasts that are stronger than the vegetarian leopard..." City Master Fang Yong's voice trembled a little.

"I can feel it, and if there were only vegetarian leopards, after the defeat of the vegetarian leopards, the golden eagles in the sea of ​​clouds would have dispersed the herd long ago, and now, although the herd of beasts are panicked by the defeat of the vegetarian leopards, they did not Spread out, this shows that there are more powerful beasts lurking inside."

"Then...then what should we do?" For a moment, Fang Yong also became confused.

"Now, there are more than ten hours before the sun goes out, that is to say, we must drive away the beast tide within these ten hours."

"Take the initiative to attack."

"Yes, take the initiative to attack!" Zhao Yuan said firmly.

"But...but...the Presbyterian Church..."

"You are the lord of the city. At this time of life and death, you must overcome all opinions and make a decision!"

"It has been said that in times of peace, fairness, justice and freedom can be upheld, but once the country is in crisis, dictatorship will be better." Fang Yong sighed a long time.

"No!" Zhao Yuan shook his head. "Dictatorship is a scourge. Once the gate is opened, it will not be taken back."

"Okay, I'll think of a way. It's really not easy to convince those old stubborn people." Fang Yong showed a wry smile on his face.

"I'm waiting for you!"

After Fang Yong left, Zhao Yuan immediately summoned the masters of the camp and began to prepare for the battle.

Now, Zhao Yuan's reputation in the western border is booming, from the highest guard to the ordinary hunters, everyone obeys Zhao Yuan's words.

The hunters in the city of exile are used to hunting alone in the meteorite belt, and because of this living environment, the city of exile is good at fighting alone, lacking the spirit of teamwork, and dealing with thousands of herbivores, individual power Seemingly insignificant, only by working together can it be possible to repel the herd.

Zhao Yuan must let the scattered hunters understand the truth of "Brothers are of the same heart, and their profits cut through gold."

Zhao Yuan had been exposed to some modern training courses on Earth. Among them, there were a lot of team combat training. Zhao Yuan screened and selected hundreds of elite masters, taught some simple skills, and cooperated with the training.

Facing the mighty beast horde, Zhao Yuan had no choice but to hold his feet for the time being. If it really didn't work, he could only shock the world and use the illusion realm to retreat from the enemy.

Fortunately, these hundreds of elites are all outstanding masters, and they have a strong ability to draw inferences from one instance. With a little guidance, they quickly understood the essence of teamwork.

Give your back to your comrades!

With only half an hour of training, hundreds of elites have roughly grasped the essence of teamwork. As for whether they can use it skillfully, it can only be adjusted in actual combat on the battlefield. Experience in combat.

In order to verify the effect of teamwork, Zhao Yuan sent a death squad of 20 people to climb down the cliff and go deep into the herd of beasts to fight.

The biggest problem with teamwork is speed, because it is very difficult to keep a group of people acting in a consistent manner. As long as one of them has a flawed movement, the cooperation of the entire team may collapse immediately.

Fortunately, the humans in the meteorite belt are born warriors. The main reason they can survive in this harsh environment is because of their excellent speed and responsiveness.

The speed of human beings brought by the meteorite makes up for the most fatal shortcoming in the teamwork of the earth.

20 people are like a hot knife in the butter.

At the beginning, the hunters were still a little unfamiliar, but they were all natural fighters, but after less than a stick of incense, their cooperation became very tacit. At the same time, they also felt the essence of teamwork for the first time. terror force.

20 people, forming an acute angle, kept moving in the vast sea of ​​beasts, avoiding forming the core of the attack.

Once the hunter in the acute angle position is exhausted, he will be replaced immediately. The hunter in this position is at the peak of his physical strength from the beginning to the end, and there will be protection on both sides...


Herbivores fell one by one.

The sharp angle was like a broken bamboo all the way to kill a back and forth in the beast tide, and it was unscathed. When the 20 people returned to the top of the cliff, they immediately received earth-shattering cheers.

The mode of teamwork was immediately promoted, first only in the western border, and soon spread to other borders, people were immersed in the frantic training, and the distance between people suddenly became closer a lot of.

The most important spirit of teamwork is trust, and trust is scarce in the city of exile, because, except for the once-in-a-ten-year beast horde, hunters have always fought on their own and will never cooperate with others, even if it is someone like Huang In the sibling relationship between Dong and Kitty, they act independently.

In the city of exile, communication between hunters is also extremely rare. Hunters' fighting skills need to be explored a little bit by themselves. It is for this reason that there is a challenger like Kuang Biao.

A hunter informed Zhao Yuan and the general to go to the conference hall for a meeting.

When Zhao Yuan saw the expression on Fang Yong's face, he knew that the elders were convinced by him.

The purpose of the meeting was no longer to discuss, but to discuss a perfect strategy. The guards of the city of exile were summoned, including Kuangbiao and Bakai.

When Zhao Yuan walked into the meeting hall, everyone looked at Zhao Yuan with respect.

A person with strength can get enough respect at any time.

Zhao Yuan demonstrated his amazing strength with practical actions.

After an hour of discussion, finally, Zhao Yuan's opinion was adopted.

Use the non-stop charge of the death squad to consume the physical strength of the herd.

Because the herds of beasts gather, the number is extremely large, and all the edible food nearby has been eaten. That is to say, the herds of beasts are in a state of extreme hunger at this time. If they keep charging repeatedly, they will not be able to get nutritional supplements. The herd of beasts will become exhausted. When the sun goes out, they will be exhausted. At that time, the city of exile will launch a charge in one go, and it is entirely possible to disperse the herd...


After the decision was made, the major borders immediately took action, and began to train a group of elite teamwork according to what Zhao Yuan said. In fact, there was no need to mobilize. After a training boom, people each found their own familiar hunters and formed small teams one after another.

For the first time, people felt the power of groups.

People feel the beauty of trust for the first time.

For the first time, people felt the spirit of the team.

Zhao Yuan not only taught them a way of fighting, but also made them truly understand what trust is.

Trust is to give your back to others without reservation!

In the midst of training in full swing, human hunters take turns sending death squads to harass the herd of beasts. This kind of harassment is not only a team effort, but its effect is also very obvious. A team of dozens of people can drive tens of thousands of beasts crazy. .

At first, the effect was not obvious, but after the harassment lasted for several hours, the herd of beasts obviously became clumsy, without the lightness and agility of before, and even some ferocious beasts would stand still, but, in that huge In the herd of beasts, not moving will cause a terrible chain reaction. The beasts that are slower will be submerged by the black torrent, and they will be trampled into flesh in an instant...


The scale of victory is tilted towards human beings.

The time for the sun to go out was getting closer and closer, and the beast hordes had become exhausted and slow to move.

Humans, on the other hand, are enthusiastic, and the frequency of attacks is getting higher and higher, from hundreds of people at a time to thousands of people, or even tens of thousands of people in turn.

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