wicked immortal

Chapter 633 A Great Victory

The high-frequency harassment makes the herd exhausted, while humans can return to the barracks to rest when they are tired.

The wheel battle has achieved remarkable results. The herd of beasts no longer twisted into a single rope and charged fearlessly like they did at the beginning. They avoided the killing of human warriors and kept a distance from them as much as possible. This kind of avoidance caused After breaking the chaos of the herd, the originally orderly attack formation also became like headless flies scurrying around.

Human beings become braver as they fight.

The herd nearly collapsed.

The hunters in the city of exile are all warriors who have experienced many battles. After several hours of training, people have reached an unprecedented tacit understanding with each other. A look, a movement, and gestures can express their hearts. In other words, some complex coordination has become smooth and easy.

After people tasted the sweetness of the teamwork spirit, they were immersed in it one by one and couldn't extricate themselves.

Another hour, the sun is about to go out.

People are waiting, waiting for that earth-shattering attack, which will be a blow to reverse the situation, and that will be a blow to change history.

In the city of exile, there has never been a record of defeating a herd of beasts before the sun goes out, but today, history will be refreshed.

The beast herd also began to stir up, they were also waiting for the moment when the sun went out.

Zhao Yuan stood on the top of the mountain, with long hair flying in the wind, behind him were countless admiring gazes.

It was this mysterious long-haired young man who brought new hope to the city of exile and taught the hunters the spirit of teamwork.

Minutes passed by.

When there is still a stick of incense, the sun will go out.

On the battlefield below the cliff, the battle is still in full swing. However, it is obvious that the human warriors are retreating, and they must make room for the large forces of the final decisive battle.

oh oh...

All beasts roar!

In the distant sky, the galloping herds of beasts are like surging tides, they gather from all directions to form a sea of ​​beasts.


Zhao Yuan uttered a low voice, and immediately descended to the watchtower, followed by dozens of elite hunters, like a gust of wind blowing on the ground.

A golden shadow flew down with Zhao Yuan, making an ear-piercing cry...





The blood is boiling, the blood is surging.

A team of 20 people jumped off the cliff one after another, and then the power of the dive shot into the beast tide like a sharp arrow, cutting the sea of ​​beasts into pieces one by one, preventing the herd from forming a high-speed The charging beast tide...

Ten thousand!

Twenty thousand!

Thirty thousand!


The killing sound shook the sky, and blood and flesh splattered.

The human warriors collided heavily with the tide of beasts, one hunter after another fell, and one hunter after another stood on top, one after another, fearless of death.

At this time, human beings have put life and death aside.

Suddenly, the entire sky became dark without any warning.

Human beings have been prepared for a long time. On the top of the cliff, flaming torches are lit, and the torches are thrown from the top of the cliff one by one, or shot out with arrow feathers, like shooting stars, which is extremely spectacular.These torches provide light for the hunters, and this little light is enough for the hunters to see the direction.

The barren land became a meat grinder, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses littered the field.

The torrent formed by humans collided heavily with the torrent formed by the herd of beasts. In just an instant, the winner was determined. The human hunters were waiting for work, while the beast tide was exhausted. In this primitive duel of power, Immediately at a disadvantage.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and when the first round of charge was abruptly blocked by humans, the beast horde collapsed.


Thousands of ferocious beasts have not yet approached the cliff, and began to retreat, while the herd of beasts behind was still rushing forward. As soon as they retreated, a tragic collision erupted immediately. Those huge ferocious beasts were like a moving mountain peak, Wherever it passed, countless small beasts were crushed to death, and there were mournful wailing sounds everywhere.

The hope of mankind has come.

When the beast tide collapsed, the carnivores that had been eyeing the outside for a long time launched an attack. They were hungry and opened their bloody mouths, tearing apart the fleeing herbivores.

Predators were the straw that broke the camel's back.

No matter how powerful the herbivores are, they are always at the bottom of the food chain. Facing the ferocious carnivores, the herbivores who were already in panic all day long began to flee desperately, defeated like mountains, and the herbivores after the defeat The animals have completely lost their fighting power, they can only run wildly with their numbers advantage...


The wasteland has become a slaughterhouse.

The gates of the inner city opened, and thousands of humans poured out with weapons in hand, joining the one-sided killing.

Herbivores fell one after another, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

Zhao Yuan ran wildly on the battlefield, his mission was not to kill, but to save.As long as he encounters a dangerous hunter, he will immediately help him. Soon, Zhao Yuan became a banner, and more and more people gathered around him, forming a team of thousands of people, and this team, Still inflated, all the way crushed, invincible, even those ferocious carnivores ran away...


it's over!

In just an hour, the tragic battle was over.

Under the faint starlight, people could see the corpses of herbivores lying dead everywhere, and some carnivores were biting, and more carnivores were lying on the ground belching.

Although the battle was short, it was extremely tragic, because people knew very well that they had to go all out to resist the first wave of attacks from the herd of beasts. Once out of control, the horde of beasts would flood into the inner city. At that time, the entire city of exile would fall into In the midst of doom, human beings will lose this place of rest and recuperation.

Human casualties were not small. In the beast tide, countless warriors fell down. Their bodies were trampled by the beasts, bloody and bloody, and they were no longer human.

No one was sad, because compared with the previous sacrifices, this little sacrifice is really insignificant. You must know that every ten years in the beast tide, the number of hunters who die is tens of thousands. Among them, there are even tyrannical ones The space hunter died in battle.

Looking at the corpses scattered across the wasteland, the hunters felt like they were dreaming.

No one would have thought that the once-in-a-decade beast tide would end in this way.

According to records, the beast swarm will last for about ten days one after another, and the five days after the sun goes out is a hellish world. The real rout of the tide can be seen from the very beginning.

"We are victorious!"

"We are victorious!"


"We defeated the herd of beasts, haha...we defeated the herd of beasts...it was defeat...hahaha..."



People wept with joy, hugged each other, celebrated the aftermath of the catastrophe, and celebrated the epic battle.

"Quack quack..."

An ear-piercing cry sounded in the sky, which was soul-stirring. People looked up in horror, but it was the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds hovering in the air.

"Ha ha……"

People cheered excitedly, and waved to the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, and the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds seemed to be very proud, and shouted more and more happily.

"Brother, do you know it's hard to hear!" Zhao Yuan looked at the sky and wailed.


As soon as Zhao Yuan finished speaking, the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds had already turned into a golden ray of light, which landed directly on Zhao Yuan's shoulder, and deliberately barked into Zhao Yuan's ear. The ferocious and incongruous appearance stunned the surrounding hunters. .


Zhao Yuan could only be speechless, he really didn't understand why the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds could still hear his voice in this noisy environment?

Could he sense my thoughts?


Just when Zhao Yuan was thinking wildly, Fang Yong led a large group of people to welcome Zhao Yuan, and the group returned to the inner city, while the hunters stayed behind to clean up the battlefield.

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