wicked immortal

Chapter 634 Beast Tide Footprints

Counting the number of people, in this epic battle, 760 hunters were killed.

When this data was announced, the entire city of exile was boiling, because this set a new record for the lowest casualties of a beast horde once in ten years.

According to historical records, the city of exile had the least casualties of 200 people, and the most casualties were as high as more than 4 people, and more than half of the young and middle-aged people were killed or injured.

760 three, this number is enough to make people proud. You must know that this animal swarm is once in a hundred years. Not only is it larger than previous animal swarms, but the ferocious herbivores are far more than previous animal swarms. Chao, being able to achieve such impressive results, naturally makes people excited, especially City Lord Fang Yong, who will be recorded in the annals of history and become one of the greatest city lords in history...


After completing some work, the hunters began to clear the main city.

When Zhao Yuan arrived at the main city with the crowd, he couldn't help being deeply shocked.

The entire city of exile seems to be tortured by thousands of troops, and it is riddled with holes. Some plants in the green belt have been eaten bare, leaving only the trunk, and even the slightly tender branches have been eaten by herbivores. do.

The damage to the plants is actually not too serious. After all, in the outer city of the city of exile, there are not many green plants that can be eaten. The most important thing is that the buildings have been destroyed. Many stone houses have been razed to the ground, and there are remnants of walls everywhere. Broken walls, shocking.

Zhao Yuan found Huang Dong and Xiaomao, who were cleaning up the messy room.

When the two saw Zhao Yuan, there was a frenzy in their eyes.

"I'm going to Sky City, I'm here to say goodbye to you." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"Ah... let's go?" Huang Dong's expression froze.


"You and him?" Kitten glanced at Kuang Biao behind Zhao Yuan, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Yes." Zhao Yuan smiled slightly. He naturally understood the thoughts of Xiaomao and Huang Dong, but unfortunately, he couldn't take them with him because, according to Kuang Biao, the form of Sky City is so complicated that it is definitely not a city of exile. What's more, in Sky City, there is Yan Shaojie, in order to avoid complications, Zhao Yuan still decided not to bring Huang Dong and the others.

"But...but..." Huang Dong stammered and looked at Zhao Yuan, then glanced at Kuang Biao, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

"Okay, let's go, you guys tell Xiaoping."


Zhao Yuan didn't want to get entangled with Huang Dong, turned around and strode away, feeling an inexplicable melancholy in his heart.

Only after the accident in the Zhao family, Zhao Yuan was displaced, and he kept saying goodbye and separation along the way. Every time he said goodbye, he would feel a little sad.

Zhao Yuan is not an indecisive person, let alone a sentimental person. He has steel-like willpower, so when the city of exile got over the difficulties, he chose to leave immediately.

Under the night, Kuang Biao looked at the back of the long hair flying in front of him. Suddenly, he felt the loneliness of this mysterious young man. This kind of loneliness is beyond words.

When Zhao Yuan asked Fang Yongcheng for a guide, Kuang Biao immediately volunteered.

Kuang Biao believes that only by being with the strong can one become a real strong.

Kuang Biao didn't know how strong Zhao Yuan was, but he could be sure that Zhao Yuan's strength was never what he saw on the surface, because throughout the entire battle, Zhao Yuan was calm and unhurried from beginning to end. , even when he met that tyrannical vegetarian leopard, he was still extremely calm.

Only the truly strong can be flattered or humiliated.

Under the night, the city of exile was extremely busy. The hunters all returned to their homes to sort out the damaged property. Along the way, they saw many hunters.

Sadness, tears, laughter, happiness, intertwined.

The hunters didn't know that Zhao Yuan was about to leave. When they saw Zhao Yuan, they immediately stopped what they were doing and stood quietly by the side of the road, waiting for Zhao Yuan to go far away, paying the highest respect.

There is endless gratitude and admiration in everyone's heart.

It was Zhao Yuan who saved the city!

It was Zhao Yuan who brought hope to the city.

The team spirit has changed the entire city of exile. People no longer have the indifference before, and they start to help each other. This will be a huge spiritual wealth...


Under the night, Zhao Yuan's figure became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared in the endless darkness.

Underfoot is an unfathomable pitch-black abyss.

In the distance, there is an endless void.

The bright starlight generously scattered in the sky.

Zhao Yuan glanced back at the city of exile in the night, and sighed, he doesn't know when he will be able to come back to see it, just like he doesn't know when he will go to the Earth and the Magic Core Continent.

"Let's go."

Zhao Yuan glanced at the sky, and said something lightly, and immediately, a golden light shot down from the sky like lightning.


After the sea of ​​clouds golden eagle made a few noises in Zhao Yuan's ears, it plunged into Zhao Yuan's hair and fell asleep.

Looking at the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds that regarded him as transparent, there was a trace of awe in Kuangbiao's eyes, and he couldn't figure out why this ferocious golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds could be kept as a pet.

The power of the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds is obvious to all the people in the city of exile. It is a heaven-defying existence that can fight against the vegetarian leopard...


Speechless all the way.

In order to get to the city of sky as soon as possible, Kuangbiao chose Yunhai.

From the city of exile to the city of the sky, the sea of ​​clouds is the closest route, though.Normally, except for the masters of the universe hunter level, ordinary hunters would definitely not dare to choose the sea of ​​clouds as a place to practice.

Of course, in Zhao Yuan's view, there is nothing terrible about the sea of ​​clouds.

Entering the sea of ​​clouds, the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds became excited and hovered above Zhao Yuan's head. The wings vibrating at high speed blew a violent gust of wind, which shocked Kuang Biao.

Similar to the last time, there was no movement in the perilous sea of ​​clouds, not even a single animal was seen. However, Zhao Yuan found that the footprints along the way were messy, and many raised rocks were turned into dust.

As it went deeper, traces of struggle began to appear, and I saw carnivores tearing the corpses of herbivores, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

Large groups of ferocious carnivores were wandering around, or sleeping, they seemed to be full, turning a blind eye to Zhao Yuan and the others.

"The herbivores from the city of exile have come to the sea of ​​clouds." Kuang Biao, an extremely experienced hunter, squatted down, inspected the footprints and the gnawed moss, and immediately came to a conclusion.

"Why are they still there?"

Zhao Yuan squatted down to check, and he found that the thick moss growing in the sea of ​​clouds had been gnawed down to the roots, and even the rocks were exposed. Moreover, it was gnawing on a large area, bare, obviously, it was the scale of the moss. An extremely large herd passed by.

"Usually, herbivores will disperse, because, in the meteorite belt, there is no place that can provide enough food, even if the resources are relatively rich in the cloud sea zone.

"Could it be that he went to Sky City?" Kuang Biao asked suddenly.

"Sky City!" Zhao Yuan's body shook, "The sun of Sky City will go out too?"

"Yes." Kuang Biao nodded affirmatively.

Zhao Yuan's expression became serious.

If the beasts in the city of exile went to the city of the sky, it means that the number of beasts in the city of the sky is twice that of the city of exile.


Zhao Yuan and Kuang Biao fought a cold war at the same time.

Along the way, countless mutilated corpses fell down along the way, some were herbivores and some were carnivores. Among them, there were some powerful beings. No need to ask, Zhao Yuan could guess that it must be the passing animal horde and The fierce beasts in the sea of ​​​​clouds clashed.

The ferocious beasts in the sea of ​​clouds all have strong domain concepts. For example, the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds guards the Qiong tree for hundreds of years.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the carnivores that follow the herd keep attacking the herd, but this possibility is very small, because the carnivores that follow are familiar with the behavior of the beast tide, and they usually don't take risks.

Joan tree!

Zhao Yuan suddenly remembered the Joan tree.

If this huge amount of beasts passed through that Qiongshu tree, there might not be even scum left.

Subconsciously, Zhao Yuan thought of the black monkey. Will it conflict with the herd?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan quickened his pace.

All the way was fast, and after an hour, the two of them were only ten trees away from the Qiongshu. To Zhao Yuan's surprise, the Qiongshu was still standing in the vast wasteland, even in the night, they could Feel its flourishing.

Judging from the footprints of the herd of beasts, it is certain that the herd of beasts passed the huge Qiong tree, why is the Qiong tree safe and sound?

Could it be that that monkey is actually strong enough to fight against the tide of beasts?


The air was filled with the breath of death.


The golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky made a thrilling cry...

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