wicked immortal

Chapter 641

Zhao Yuan's body is at the peak of energyization. Once it breaks through the peak of energyization, Zhao Yuan's physical body will be able to advance to a new level. At that time, Zhao Yuan's body will become a time-space channel, and even be able to turn hell to the real world.

In Zhao Yuan now, every cell in his body contains unimaginable energy. However, because Zhao Yuan has not broken through yet, he cannot fully utilize it.

Zhao Yuan kept tempering. Through tempering, he made the energy more and more pure, and combined it with the original power.

The true essence of "The Enemy" is the original power, which is to strengthen the power that human beings had in ancient times. That power is more direct and does not need any other magic weapon to release energy. The body itself is an indestructible magic weapon.

At present, Zhao Yuan's physical situation is very strange. He possesses the spiritual platform world of the gods, but he has only reached the aura of mortals, and his strong physical body subverts the power of mortals.

The dragon armor has returned to its original nature, losing its golden luster, just like the rock that has experienced wind and rain.

The God-Bound God Bracelet in Lingtai World has been completely refined, forming a towering and towering ring-shaped mountain, which will become the totem of the future residents of Lingtai World and a platform for the display of Zhao Yuan's miracles.

The Sun Colorful Jade Ruyi in Lingtai World has been completely energized, even if Zhao Yuan does not input energy, I believe it will not be a problem to run for thousands of years.

The seal of Wu Wu is still incomparable, Zhao Yuan doesn't even know what kind of form the seal of Wu Wu stays in his body, he always has an inexplicable feeling, that is the sense of power, just It seemed that there was a mysterious and unpredictable force calling to him.

The dragon soul quickly took root in Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world, forming blessed lands one after another. Under the blessing of the blessed lands, some animals and plants appeared some powerful existences. Although these existences were insignificant in Zhao Yuan's eyes, through With the passage of time, it is only a matter of time before the brilliance shines...


All of the above have undergone changes under the repeated tempering of Zhao Yuan's furnace body.

Zhao Yuan was in charge of the world of Lingtai, the seal of martial arts, "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies" and spirit energy, as well as the dragon armor. If he had changed his body, he would have been smashed to pieces.

It was precisely because the body of the cauldron laid a strong foundation for Zhao Yuan that Zhao Yuan's body became a body of steel.

In fact, the strength of Zhao Yuan's body has far surpassed that of the Man of Steel...


It is not an easy task to climb up the thousands of feet of cliff completely with the body. Kuangbiao kept jumping on the raised rocks with his hands and feet. His forehead was already covered with a dense layer of sweat. Like being picked out of water.

Because of the weak gravity, in theory, climbing on the cliff does not require too much physical strength, but in fact, the cliff has a strange attraction, forcing the body to lean on the cliff. If the distance from the cliff is too far, It will be pulled down by an inexplicable force, which only makes climbing the cliff a technical job, and it is necessary to maintain a proper distance.

Kuang Biao was very depressed.

What makes Kuang Biao depressed is not Zhao Yuan's calm and flowing body. After all, he is already convinced by Zhao Yuan's strength. The main reason for his depression is that the two beasts are many times stronger than him. Needless to say, the eagle shot down like a golden arrow into the black mist below, and then shot lightning into the sky above the chasm, as if playing a game, and the black monkey was bouncing all the way Jumping, looking for something in the cracks of the rock from time to time.

There is no doubt that Kuang Biao is an arrogant person, and he is also an arrogant person. Only after he got to know Zhao Yuan did he realize how small and ignorant he was. He felt like a frog in a well before, jumping out Only after entering the well did I realize how vast and vast the world under the blue sky is...



Zhao Yuan raised his head and looked at the faint starlight above Tianzhu Gap.

ooh ooh...

ooh ooh...

Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering roar in the pitch-black depths below, the rocks on the cliff fell like raindrops, and the entire chasm trembled.


While Zhao Yuan was thinking, suddenly, the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds shot up from the pitch-black depths like a golden lightning bolt, and let out a loud and piercing cry.

At the same time, Xiao Hei also held Zhao Yuan's hand, urging Zhao Yuan to run quickly with an anxious expression on his face.


An extremely dangerous feeling spread rapidly in the air.

Zhao Yuan didn't hesitate, and immediately ran faster, Kuang Biao also realized that something was wrong, and ran faster with all his strength...

Within a few breaths, Zhao Yuan and Kuang Biao had reached the top of the cliff.

At this time, in the chasm of the sky, the black mist surged, and the earth-shattering roar seemed to be getting closer.



The Cloud Sea Golden Eagle opened its sharp beak and pecked at Zhao Yuan's skirt and pulled towards the land, Xiao Hei also took Zhao Yuan's arm, and both of them pulled Zhao Yuan towards the depths of the land.

Kuang Biao had already seen that the opportunity was wrong, and had already run for hundreds of feet.


After running for hundreds of feet, creepy roars came from behind. Looking back, I saw a dense black mist surging above the chasm. In the black mist, a giant beast that could not be seen clearly is roaring.

The entire land of Sky City fell into a dead silence, the sound of falling needles can be heard.

Zhao Yuan also held his breath, staring at the huge beast in the black mist with a pair of deep eyes, thinking in his heart whether to move his muscles...



Suddenly, the invisible giant slammed into the cliff, shaking the ground.



The giant beast slammed several times in succession, and the ground shook violently again.





There was a palpitating sound of cracking, and on the plain, cracks like spiders appeared, which was shocking.

"No, run away!"

Zhao Yuan was horrified, and quickly greeted Kuang Biao.

The two of them stopped hesitating and rushed towards the inland frantically. In a blink of an eye, they were already several miles away. While they were running wildly, there was a deafening sound of collapse behind them. Taking a breath of air, he saw that the land behind him was collapsing in large areas, as if chasing their footsteps...


The two of them ran for more than ten miles, and the subsidence behind them stopped. Looking back, the place where they started running had completely collapsed. .

At this time, the sound of rumbling in the chasm gap was heard continuously, and it was obvious that the huge collapsed rock was falling far and wide.

"What kind of guy did you provoke?" Zhao Yuan looked at the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds and said angrily.

"Quack..." Yunhai Jindiao whispered twice, not daring to look into Zhao Yuan's eyes, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

"Don't cause trouble in the future."


"Squeak..." Xiao Hei danced and danced to celebrate when Yunhai Golden Eagle was being trained, but Yunhai Golden Eagle looked dissatisfied, but dared not speak out, and sulked on Zhao Yuan's shoulder.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhao Yuan withdrew his gaze from the chasm and fell to the front. At this time, they were already standing on the land of the Sky City.

Different from the desolation of the city of exile, the city of sky is extremely fertile. Even in this sparsely populated place, the plants are extremely lush. Among them, there are many wild viburnum trees, but most of them are bare. There are very few Qiong Ye leaves left, and they should have been picked by humans or eaten by herbivores.

"Let's go."

Kuang Biao agreed, and glanced at the lingering chasm with lingering fear. The devastating collapse just now made him, who had seen the world, shaken out of his wits.

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