wicked immortal

Chapter 642 Nantianmen

From Kuang Biao's mouth, Zhao Yuan had a general understanding of the Sky City and the relationship between the Sky City and the City of Exile.

The residents of Sky City think that the City of Exiles is not a barracks. Of course, that barracks is indeed a barracks, but it is a barracks stationed to guard the prisoners, and the residents of the City of Exiles are the descendants of the prisoners.

For the residents of Sky City, they are the descendants of the real giant spirit gods.

Of course, the City of Exiles doesn't think so. For thousands of years, the City of Exiles and the City of Sky have fought small-scale wars almost every once in a while for the sake of orthodoxy.

Generally speaking, the residents of Sky City have a strong sense of superiority and honor, and a large part of them even disdain to conquer the city of exile, thinking that they are lowly criminals, and it is a shame to associate with them , It is also based on this concept that although there are some frictions between the city of exile and the city of the sky, they can live in peace on the whole.

In this desolate meteorite belt, there are only the City of Exile and the City of the Sky, but the communication between the two is extremely rare. It is almost impossible for the residents of the City of the Sky to set foot in the City of Exile, and the residents of the City of Exile, except Except for some businessmen, they rarely set foot on the territory of Sky City.

When it comes to business, the two parties are completely unilateral transactions, because it is impossible for merchants in the Sky City to set foot on the territory of the City of Exiles. Of course, this does not affect the economic exchanges between the two parties.

Usually, the merchants in the City of Exiles will bring their goods to the City of the Sky, and then process the goods through the merchants of the City of the Sky.

In short, the merchants of the city of exile will not easily contact the residents of the city of sky, because that kind of naked discrimination is an intolerable humiliation...


The two observed the land of Sky City while they were on their way, trying to find traces of large-scale herbivores passing by.

Zhao Yuan had been active in the Jasper Prairie before, and he had a deep understanding of tracking skills, but he didn't find any clues left by herbivores.

Apparently, they haven't kept up with the herbivores.

Don't herbivores go to Laputa?

This idea was immediately shattered by Kuang Biao. Kuang Biao’s reason was simple. If herbivores did not have a common goal, they would never gather together on a large scale. Places capable of supporting millions of herbivores.

The herbivores did not disperse, and ran towards the sky city, the target was already obvious.

Zhao Yuan agreed with Kuang Biao's idea, but he didn't understand why the trace of herbivores was lost, but Kuang Biao quickly gave the answer.

The answer is also simple.

Because the territory of the Sky City is more than ten times larger than that of the City of Exile, with a large population and a rich area, there are too many directions for herbivores to attack. Perhaps, they are approaching in another direction along the cliffs of the Scorpio Chasm Castle in the Sky……


While Zhao Yuan was chatting with Kuang Biao, Xiao Hei and the Golden Eagle actually got together. What made Zhao Yuan vomit blood was that the Golden Eagle actually let Xiao Hei ride on it, which Zhao Yuan did not enjoy. ah!

One eagle and one monkey had a great time.

Zhao Yuan discovered that the play of the two animals was not pure play, they seemed to be practicing some combat coordination skills, for example, when the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds was flying over the ground, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped on the golden eagle's back, sometimes, Xiao Hei Leaping in the air, the sea of ​​clouds and golden eagles respond.

From the cooperation between the two, it can be seen that Xiao Hei is the protagonist from beginning to end. Obviously, Yunhai Golden Eagle also realizes that Xiao Hei is stronger than him.

Of course, Zhao Yuan also found that the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds seemed very upset and would make trouble from time to time, and wanted to throw Xiao Hei. Unfortunately, Xiao Hei could also fly freely in the sky, but it was not as fast as the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds. Realizing that it is impossible at all, but the Yunhai Golden Eagle who played tricks suffered a lot...


During this journey, it is not boring to watch a eagle and a monkey playing tricks.

After running wildly for two hours, twilight had already appeared in the sky, it seemed that it was dusk.


Zhao Yuan suddenly realized that in the city of sky, there is no dusk.

Could it be that the sun in Sky City is about to go out?

As for the information about Sky City, Zhao Yuan already knew it in great detail.

According to historical records, the sun in Sky City should have been extinguished together with the sun in Exile City. Later, because an invincible hunter came out of Sky City, that hunter happened to catch up with the once-in-ten-year beast tide, so he helped , changed the extinguishing time of the sun, so that the sun in Sky City will be extinguished two days later than the sun in Exile City.

But don't underestimate these two days, because of these two days, some herbivores will gather in the city of exile, greatly reducing the pressure on the city of the sky, and become the cornerstone of the city of the sky's prosperity.

It is precisely because of these two days that the City of Exile has been firmly suppressed by the City of the Sky.

The city of exile's dissatisfaction with the city of the sky is not the discrimination of the city of the sky, but it is these two fatal days.

Hearing the grievances and grievances between the City of Exile and the City of Sky, Zhao Yuan was filled with emotion. It is true that where there are humans, there is war. In this desolate and barren meteorite belt, humans cannot work together, and other places, even more. One can imagine.

The sun in the sky has gradually turned orange. It is estimated that the fading sun will be extinguished in an hour at most, and at that time, the beast horde will launch a general attack.

In fact, Zhao Yuan didn't care about whether Sky City fell, what he cared about was the high-level space hunter Teng Lao, and only Teng Lao knew the location of the teleportation array.

Of course, Zhao Yuan also knew very well that if Lao Teng took the initiative to take him to the teleportation array deep in the universe, he had to help him survive the crisis in Sky City.

Zhao Yuan and Kuang Biao quickened their pace.

The goal of the two is Nantianmen.

Like the City of Exile, the Sky City also has four lines of defense. However, they are not called the Western Line of Defense, but the four heavenly gates in the south, east, north, and west.

After running for a stick of incense, a towering city appeared on the horizon in the distance.

"The city in the sky has a city?" Zhao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback. He thought that the city in the sky was just like the city of exile, relying on natural dangers. He never expected to build a city. After all, the beasts in the meteorite belt are extremely agile. The cliffs of hundreds of feet can be easily climbed, and the city wall can't play a defensive role at all. There is no need to waste people and money to build the city wall.

"It's all plains here, and there is no natural danger that can be guarded by one man."

"So that's how it is." Looking at the flat wasteland around him, Zhao Yuan suddenly realized.

The towering city walls are getting closer and closer.

What a tall city wall!

Looking at the towering city walls, Zhao Yuan couldn't help but think of New Moon City in the Demon Core Continent. Although the city walls here can't be compared with New Moon City, they have more visual impact than New Moon City, giving people an incomparable feeling. The feeling of oppression, because this city stands on the plain, there are no steep mountains around, and the terrain is flat. Under the twilight, the city looks more and more magnificent and imposing, as if lying on the ground. beast.

The two rushed to the city wall, and there was actually a moat in front of the city wall.

It is indeed a land of prosperity.

Looking at the clear water in the moat, Zhao Yuan secretly sighed, but he knew that in the city of exile, there was no decent well water, and most of the residents lived by collecting mist water.

Presumably, there must be another prosperity in that city!

"We're going into the city!" Kuang Biao walked to the moat in front of the city gate and shouted loudly.

"Who are you?" Several armored heads popped out from the top of the city.

"I am Kuang Biao from the City of Exile, I need to see Mr. Teng!" Kuang Biao said loudly.

"Haha... The pariahs in the city of exile also want to meet our high-level space hunter, are you dreaming? Hahahaha..."

Above the top of the city, there was a burst of unscrupulous and rampant laughter.

"You..." Kuang Biao was furious, and was about to leap onto the city wall.

"Slow down." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"Brother Zhao, I can't swallow this tone no matter what." Kuang Biao had a fiery temper, although Zhao Yuan called him to stop him, but his face was bulging with blue veins, full of murderous aura.

"Look over there."

Zhao Yuan's eyes signaled Kuang Biao to look at the attic above the city wall. On the attic, there was a big man in golden armor standing, surrounded by a group of big men in black armor, which looked extraordinarily dazzling.

"Space Hunter..."

Kuang Biao's heart was awe-inspiring, he felt a powerful breath rushing toward his face, like a mountain, suffocating.

Among the masters, one can feel the opponent's strength with just one movement and one look. Almost instantly, Kuang Biao knew that the opponent was a space hunter, and there were more than one.

This city in the sky really has strong soldiers and strong horses!

At the same time, several big men on the tower also seemed to realize that Kuang Biao was a space hunter, and several gazes looked down.

"A rookie who just got promoted." A burly man in black armor said disapprovingly.

"Kuangbiao... I heard that this person..."

The big man in the golden armor had a thoughtful expression on his face. He was not looking at Kuang Biao, but at the young man with flying hair. The young man was standing under the city wall with his hands behind his back. His calm demeanor was heartbreaking. .

Who is he?

When did the city of exile have such a character?


While the man in the golden armor was thinking, suddenly, a loud cry came from the sky. Although the sound was harsh and unpleasant, it was heart-stopping.

There was a commotion on the city wall, and countless heads popped up one after another, densely packed, all of a sudden, there were many swords and guns, full of murderous aura...

ps: Brothers, do you have a monthly pass?Throw a few.

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