wicked immortal

Chapter 647

"Teng Lao, I think things are different!" Eddie chased after Fuji Lao and lowered his voice.

"Don't talk nonsense." Teng Lao reprimanded in a low voice.

"Teng Lao, you and I both know that the magic weapon is the root of the meteorite belt, if the magic weapon is taken out..."

"Eddie, don't slander the city lord without proof. The city lord has worked hard all these years. Besides, the city lord Yan himself lives in Sky City. Where can he go if he destroys the meteorite?"

"Old Teng, if the records in the history books are true, as long as you get the magic weapon, you can go to the God Realm. What is this continent? Besides, if you really become a god, you probably don't need this meteorite belt. And , as far as I know, in the depths of the universe, there is a teleportation formation left by the Giant Spirit God, and that legendary formation can reach the God Realm..."


"Old Teng, I don't want to talk about my humble position. I just want to ask a question. Now that the city wall has been broken and there is a crisis, according to the practice of previous years, it should be all-out support. Why didn't the city lord send reinforcements?"

"This... the city lord has his own arrangements, so we don't need to worry about it!"

"Old Fuji, the attitude of the city lord is really different from previous years. What if he artificially creates a crisis and finds an excuse to take out the magic weapon of the temple..."

"Shut up!" Old Teng said harshly.

"Old Teng, you just came back not long ago, and you don't know about the changes in Sky City. As far as I know, Qiongye in Sky City has disappeared on a large scale, and the Qiongye of many old people and children have also been detained. After tracing, it was found that most of the Qiong Ye were taken away by the city lord..."

"Why do you want so many Qiongye?" Teng Lao snorted coldly.

"I suspect that the city lord used Qiong Ye to feed the herbivores, and then lured them to the Sky City, triggering this animal crisis, and then, as an excuse..."

"Fart! Eddie, I know you have a feud with the young city master, but please don't slander the city master. For decades, the city master has worked hard for the Sky City. In the history of the Sky City, have you ever seen The high-level space hunter stayed in the city of the sky? Which hunter didn't go to the meteorite belt or the depths of the universe to pursue strength after being promoted to the space hunter? Let's talk about you, you will come back except for the outbreak of the beast tide. Have you dealt with the affairs of Sky City?"

"Old Fuji..."

"Okay, now that Sky City is at stake, we must unite as one and unite as one, those trivial and trivial things will be discussed later, there will always be a day when the truth will come to light."

Fuji Lao didn't seem to want to say much, he threw away Eddie and ran eastward along the city wall.

"When the truth comes out... I'm afraid that when the truth comes out, we're all dead..." A helpless wry smile appeared on the corner of Eddie's mouth.


There was a gap in the north wall of the north city gate. On one side of the gap, there was a corpse of a dragon elephant beast. The corpse was like a small hill, and the corpse was full of human weapons, which was shocking.

The gap was about ten feet wide, and the huge masonry was smashed to pieces. Countless ferocious beasts rushed towards the gap like a tide, densely packed, layer upon layer, fearless of death.

On the other side of the city wall, nearly ten thousand soldiers are fighting desperately.

The above has issued a death order, not giving an inch!

At this time, the soldiers were covered in blood one by one, but they did not panic, because behind them, there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers as their backing, and there were more than a dozen cosmic masters, among them, there were two high-level cosmic masters. A hunter sitting in town can be described as a strong soldier.

No reinforcements!

The battle became more and more fierce. Thousands of soldiers gathered in the gap of less than ten feet, forming a city wall of flesh and blood, repelling wave after wave of attacks. At the gap, corpses piled up like mountains, and blood flowed into rivers. .

The bloody battle was in full swing, but a terrible scene appeared. The soldiers found that the comrades around them fell one by one, but the reinforcements did not show up. Like a torrent of steel rolling in, it made an earth-shattering roar, and its momentum was frightening...


Zhao Yuan and Kuang Biao fought on a hill far away from the battlefield, overlooking the entire battlefield situation from a bird's eye view.

From Zhao Yuan's point of view, he could clearly see the opening on the city wall. At this moment, the beast hordes within the range of sight were all rushing towards the opening.

"When will we make a move?" Kuang Biao looked at Zhao Yuan in awe. At this moment, Kuang Biao was completely convinced by Zhao Yuan.

"Don't worry, the beast hordes haven't fully gathered yet. Moreover, the battle has just begun, and the Sky City has not yet fallen into crisis. If you make a move at this time, the opponent may not appreciate it." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"Yes." Kuang Biao nodded, secretly admiring Zhao Yuan's thoughtfulness.

"The golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds and Xiao Hei seem to be unable to bear it anymore." Kuang Biao looked up at the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds hovering in the sky.

"The two guys like to beat dogs in the water, they won't make a move." Zhao Yuan looked up at the golden eagle in the sky, thinking that the two guys came here alone to watch the fun, so he personally killed the four universes Hunter, Zhao Yuan felt upset, snorted coldly, thinking about finding an opportunity to teach them a lesson, lest they get spoiled.

"Sir, something is wrong." Kuang Biao frowned and looked at the gap in the city wall that was shaking the sky. Now, Kuang Biao started to respect Zhao Yuan as Mr. in the meteorite belt. Mr. is a person with profound knowledge. Teachers on Earth are similar, with high status and deep respect.

"Something is wrong. Humans seem to be at a disadvantage. No, beasts flood into the Sky City!" Zhao Yuan looked surprised.

At this time, the speed of the raging beast tide suddenly accelerated, and thousands of ferocious beasts disappeared into the gap, like a surging torrent, rolling up sand and dust, covering the sky and the sun...

what happened?

At this moment, Zhao Yuan's thinking was short-circuited. He didn't understand why this happened. Judging from some information, Zhao Yuan believed that even if the number of beast hordes was more than twice that of previous years, Sky City would still be able to persist. In a few days, after all, there are more than 30 known hunters in Sky City, and there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary people as backing support.

Zhao Yuan never dreamed that the city in the sky would be destroyed just at the beginning of a confrontation, which is really unimaginable.

There are more than a million herbivores in this wasteland. The best way to stop them is to use the city wall as a defense line. Once the herbivores break through the city wall, millions of herbivores will scatter behind every corner of the sky city , That is definitely an ecological disaster, you know, they are very agile, come and go like the wind, if you want to strangle them again, it is really harder than going to the sky...


Eight thousand!

Six thousand!

Five thousand!

one thousand!


There were fewer and fewer soldiers at the gap, and one after another the soldiers fell down, trampled under the iron hooves of the swarming beasts, and instantly smashed to pieces and turned into flesh.

At this moment, the soldiers' fear of death has become insignificant, because there is no extra time to think, every soldier's eyes are red, and the weapons in their hands are mechanically raised, lowered, raised, lowered, and then As the ferocious beasts fell in a pool of blood, the iron hooves of the beast tide had already fallen in the air. When the soldiers looked behind them from the last corner of their eyes, the reinforcements still did not appear.

There was a hint of despair and sadness in the air.




The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. At this time, it is no longer an ant's nest. When the last soldier of the taxi fell down, the beast tide spread like a flood that broke the embankment. Some people hidden in the beast tide The powerful and ferocious beast also seemed to know that the opportunity must not be missed, and began to crazily hit the city wall. Amidst the earth-shattering impact, large sections of the majestic and towering city wall collapsed, flying sand and rocks.

When Zhao Yuan saw the wrong opportunity and rushed to the city wall, the cracked city wall had reached a distance of hundreds of feet.

At this time, even if Zhao Yuan is a hero, he is powerless to recover.

Subconsciously, Zhao Yuan looked at the tower in the night. On the tower, there was a figure in a snow-white robe standing quietly, like a lifeless sculpture...

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