wicked immortal

Chapter 648 Strings in the Heart

"Teng Lao, Fuji Lao, the city is broken, the city is broken..."

A soldier scrambled to catch up to old Fuji, with a panicked look on his face.


Teng Lao and Eddie shook their bodies and asked in unison.

"Woooo...the city is broken...the city is broken...all the defenders are dead..." the soldiers wept bitterly.

"Where are the reinforcements? Where are our reinforcements? Where are our mobile units?" Teng Lao grabbed the soldier's chest and lifted him into the air, roaring hysterically, furious.

"Without reinforcements...we don't know...without reinforcements, more than 1 defenders were all killed..."

"*** Yan Tiancheng!" Elder Teng raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, cursing in grief and indignation.

"Old Teng, I'll talk about the matter of City Lord Yan later. Later, some carnivores will sneak into the Sky City. Let's gather the residents of the Sky City first, and after this crisis is over, we will find the ****." Let's settle the score!" Eddie had a murderous look on his face.

"What if Yan Tiancheng ran to get the magical artifact? Hey, it's all my fault. In fact, I also knew that things were different, so I still trusted him. Eddie... I'm sorry..." Teng Lao looked remorseful.

"Old Teng, I can't blame you for this matter. In fact, I just suspected it, and I didn't expect that he would really ignore the hundreds of thousands of people in Sky City." Eddie said with a gloomy face.

"Well, now, the most important thing is to prevent him from taking the magic weapon." Old Fuji nodded.

"Old Teng, don't worry. After I learned Qiongye's secret, I deliberately explained to the four guardians of the temple. Even if City Lord Yan has great abilities, he should not even try to get the magic weapon from them!" Eddie He snorted coldly.

"That's right, it's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River are pushing the waves ahead. I'm so confused. I didn't expect Eddie to plan for a rainy day. This time, if Sky City can survive the crisis, you will be the first to contribute!"

"If it wasn't for that bastard Yan Shaojie who abandoned us in the sea of ​​clouds last time, I wouldn't have thought so much. Thinking about it now, Yan Shaojie and his son seem to have thought of killing people with a knife, but this time, that old bastard Yan Tiancheng turned the tiger away. Deliberately transferred some masters away..."


Running all the way, Teng Lao's face was ashen.

At this time, it was as if a pot had exploded in the city of the sky. The originally orderly soldiers ran around without any organization, and there were wild herbivores everywhere. Their speed was extremely fast, like lightning, and after running Suddenly, with a long tongue, the wind and clouds swept away, and the trees in the green belt immediately became bare, like locusts passing through...

In the city, there are panicked residents everywhere. People are chaotic, calling for help and running for their lives aimlessly, dragging their children and children.

Fuji Lao and Eddie began to gather the scattered soldiers, and soon, thousands of soldiers gathered around them.

The purpose of herbivores is not to fight humans. Their purpose is plants. Therefore, herbivores will not cause too much harm to humans. Now, what humans are most worried about is carnivores that follow herbivores into the city.

At this time, in the face of millions of herbivores, in the face of this terrifying disparity in the number, human beings are no longer able to protect plants. The most important thing is to protect human life and prevent some old, weak, sick and disabled from being killed by carnivores.

In the meteorite belt, humans are the natural enemies of carnivores. Usually, carnivores hunt humans not for food, but for the deep-rooted hatred. This hatred is rooted in genetics, just like the wolves on the earth will kill their young. Lions have a reason.

No animal wants its enemies to become stronger.

As long as there is a chance, carnivores will not hesitate to kill humans!

The cracks in the city wall were getting bigger and bigger. Tens of millions of herbivores poured into the city of the sky like a tide, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sky, and then split into countless streams and disappeared into the huge city of the sky.

Behind the steady stream of herbivores, there are countless carnivores.

It's time for the autumn harvest.

The season of killing has come.

Carnivores follow herbivores for dozens of days, waiting for this moment. As long as herbivores enter the Sky City, they will disperse and look for food. Herbivores attack in groups. In fact, when herbivores enter the city, they become a mess and lose the fighting power of the group.

When the last herbivore on the wasteland rushed into the city, the carnivores wandering around also flocked to start a gluttonous feast.

The murderous intent is spreading in the sky city.

The flames are everywhere.

This is a duel of primitive forces. In every corner of Sky City, primitive killings are being staged. At this time, it is no longer clear who is the prey and who is the hunter. Every individual may be a terrible threat. Or a poor victim.

Zhao Yuan strolled on the street, Kuang Biao followed closely behind him.

There is no place safer than Zhao Yuan's side. With Zhao Yuan as the center, there will be no herbivores or carnivores within a radius of tens of feet.

Zhao Yuan's body exuded an extremely dangerous aura, no matter whether it was a herbivore or a carnivore, they all shunned.

After seeing the Sky City, Zhao Yuan realized how simple and primitive the City of Exiles is.

Sky City is a city full of artistic atmosphere. The buildings are not only magnificent, but also exquisite and unique. Some reliefs made Zhao Yuan have the urge to overwhelm the audience.

In addition to the exquisite stone carvings, the green plants in Sky City are also extremely rich, and there are towering trees with luxuriant branches and leaves everywhere. If it is normal, it is definitely a refreshing beauty.

Now, the beauty has turned into a scene of hell.

Huge herbivores rampaged, one building after another was destroyed, and bricks and stones flew everywhere.

A building caught fire, and for a moment, thick smoke billowed, predators chased herbivores, some carnivores were dismembering corpses, blood flowed into rivers, as if they had arrived at a slaughterhouse.

Tens of feet away, a child about seven or eight years old rushed out of a half-collapsed building and ran towards Zhao Yuan...

Looking at the child's frightened eyes, Zhao Yuan opened his arms subconsciously.

Just when Zhao Yuan opened his arms and waited to embrace the child, a ferocious looking beast full of bone spurs let out an earth-shattering roar, rushed out from the side like lightning, bit the child's neck, and killed the child alive. Bit off his head, blood spattered...

The ferocious beast was not for hunting at all. After biting off the child's neck, it immediately jumped up and chased after the crowd on the street.

The speed was so fast that Zhao Yuan had no time to think.

The blood splattered scene suddenly froze like a movie.

Zhao Yuan opened a pair of embracing hands, looked at the weak body on the ground with a pale face, his body trembled, the past flashed through his mind like lightning, that night of blood and fire, that horrific massacre, in this In an instant, it became extremely clear again...

"Xiaosong, Xiaosong..."

A woman who looked like a mother rushed to the corpse of the child with a little girl about five years old madly, hugging the corpse and howling madly.

"It's all my fault, my fault..."

Zhao Yuan muttered to himself, with red eyes, walked to the mother's side, knelt on the ground, hugged the child's young body with trembling arms, trying to protect the child's soul with spiritual energy, unfortunately, the child is already fragile , the moment his head was bitten off by a ferocious beast, his soul was gone, without his soul, even with Zhao Yuan's ability, he couldn't bring the dead back to life.


"Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds!"

Zhao Yuan stood up abruptly and shouted loudly into the air.

Amidst Zhao Yuan's loud shouts, a golden streak pierced the darkness and shot towards Zhao Yuan, the speed was so fast that it shocked the world.

"Kill it!" Zhao Yuan pointed in the direction where the beast covered in bone spurs disappeared.


Amidst a loud cry, it seemed to understand Zhao Yuan's thoughts. With a shake of its wings, it immediately shot out like an arrow off the string. , filled with an aura of tyrannical killing.

"Follow me, safe."

Zhao Yuan took off the robe on his body, bent down to wrap the child's body, and said softly to the grieving mother, his voice was extremely gentle.

"Well..." The mother picked up the child and stood up sobbing. She had to stand up, because she still had a child who needed her protection, and she knew very well that she could not protect herself and the child. This strange young man, this young man, gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

An inexplicable grief and anger filled Zhao Yuan's chest. He didn't know what he was going to do, as if an indescribable force was driving him forward.

Kuang Biao frightenedly followed behind Zhao Yuan, he was very close to Zhao Yuan, he could already feel the monstrous anger emanating from Zhao Yuan, this anger seemed to burn everything...


Zhao Yuan walked forward step by step along the main street connected to the city tower, with long hair flying, a pair of deep eyes, exuding a monstrous killing intent, like a demon god from hell.

The ferocious beasts within a radius of [-] zhang became the targets of Zhao Yuan's slaughter.

The ferocious beasts fell one by one, and behind Zhao Yuan were bloody corpses.

More and more people gathered behind Zhao Yuan, soldiers, hunters, old people, wounded, children, women, they gathered behind Zhao Yuan from all directions.

People found that behind the long-haired young man was a safe haven, and those terrifying beasts were either killed by him, or they took a detour...

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