wicked immortal

Chapter 649

Full of anger, Zhao Yuan entered a state of ecstasy.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan's mind is in an ethereal state. This state is extremely wonderful, burning with anger, which makes him lose his clear thinking. It is like countless thunderbolts striking down in the sky, becoming more and more violent. , penetrated into every cell of Zhao Yuan in an invisible form.

At this time, Zhao Yuan entered the critical moment of promotion.

Originally, Zhao Yuan's Phantom Realm had already reached its peak state, but it was always in a critical state where he was about to be promoted but could not be promoted, just like a person full of strength and no place to exert himself, it was very uncomfortable, precisely because For this reason, Zhao Yuan didn't want to use the Illusion Realm, he couldn't bear the painful feeling of being on the verge of upgrading but not being able to upgrade.

Zhao Yuan didn't even think that the catastrophe this time was actually sent from within, rather than natural forces from the outside.

The inner demon is also a kind of catastrophe.

Zhao Yuan had cut off the inner demons countless times, but this time, the inner demons were more difficult than any other time, because the darkness lurking in his heart was disturbed, and the scene of blood rain and fire became clear in his heart, awakening His inner darkness.

In Zhao Yuan's veins, there seemed to be an extremely evil beast running.

No one can know that Zhao Yuan is experiencing a catastrophe at this time, even a cultivator can't imagine the mystery, because in the world of comprehension, the catastrophe is an external force. As for the inner demon, for a cultivator, it is just A kind of practice, not crossing the catastrophe.

Heart demons are like leeks, they cut one farm after another and keep growing.

Evil power grows in Zhao Yuan's body, killing and tyranny surges in Zhao Yuan's blood vessels. At this time, Zhao Yuan, like a hell demon awakened, flies up in the night, with a pair of eyes that glow with death. The people exuded a suffocating breath of death, and the residents of Sky City who were closely following were also forced to be tens of feet behind them, each of them kept silent, not daring to make the slightest sound...


Zhao Yuan has gone through countless catastrophes, big and small, from the level of brute force to the realm of eyesight in "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies". However, this time the catastrophe is not trivial, because Zhao Yuan has already advanced to The third realm of "The Enemy of Thousands" is the realm of wisdom.

Theoretically, there is nothing special about the state of wisdom mind, it is just a level that a cultivator must pass through, but for Zhao Yuan who is cultivating with the physical body, it is extraordinary, because after the state of wisdom heart, there is a level of mountains and rivers. Realm, when entering the realm of mountains and rivers, Zhao Yuan has truly entered the immortal way and became a cultivator on par with the gods.

Reincarnation and birth and death are the basic laws of all things in the universe, and the laws of their operation are called Tao.

Whether the heaven and the earth are not benevolent or the heaven is merciful, it is a matter of the mentality of each creature, but the way of heaven, one thing is certain, it is fair to everything, to all living beings, and even to the ways of gods, gods, and demons.

In heaven and earth, all living beings are evolving. They are struggling for survival. Their fates are intertwined to form various cause and effect. As life multiplies, this struggle for survival becomes more and more intense. It is called a robbery, and the robbery can be big or small.

Cultivators are different from mortals. Mortals die in a hundred years. After death, everything will be returned to nature. If you don’t bring it with you, you won’t take it with you. It won’t break the balance. Immortals don’t. They live forever. The energy is becoming more and more unbalanced. During the absorption of this kind of energy, the universe will produce a kind of backlash force to maintain the balance, which is called the infinite calamity...

Among the catastrophes, the most powerful is the immeasurable calamity, followed by the calamity of the amount.

The immeasurable calamity is caused by the collapse of the energy that supports the operation of the universe. This calamity is to return everything to chaos, and no one can reverse it. The second is called the quantitative calamity.In the immeasurable calamity, only a sage who has attained the Tao can live, and in the measurable calamity, there is still a glimmer of life. If the calamity is not handled properly, causing great turmoil, it will evolve into an immeasurable calamity.

Zhao Yuan is undergoing a calamity second to the infinite calamity.

If the news of Zhao Yuan's calamity is spread in the cultivation world, it will definitely shock the entire cultivation world, because the calamity is not a "treatment" that everyone can enjoy, but a calamity suffered by immortals, and Zhao Yuan is just a mortal. body.

Zhao Yuan didn't know that he was going through a catastrophe, he didn't even know what he was doing, he was already lost in the inner demon, what he saw in his eyes was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, like hell.

Zhao Yuan walked slowly on the street, his six senses became extremely agile, searching for carnivores within a radius of [-] zhang.

Behind Zhao Yuan, more and more residents of Sky City followed. They kept a distance of ten feet from Zhao Yuan, and their eyes showed horror.

It wasn't Zhao Yuan's strength that shocked the residents of Sky City, because Zhao Yuan didn't hunt any more after killing a few beasts. He just walked slowly on the street. , Whether it is a swift herbivore or a fierce and brutal carnivore, they all run away. Even those plants will center on Zhao Yuan and radiate outwards, as if they can't wait to escape with long legs.

There is no doubt that plants are alive, and they can also feel the fear of death.

Now, the breath of death exuded by Zhao Yuan formed a huge vortex, which had the potential to devour everything, making people tremble with fear.

Zhao Yuan, who no one knows about this, has fallen into the battle between heaven and man.

The death of that child awakened the darkness in Zhao Yuan's heart, and also caused Zhao Yuan to fall into a terrifying calamity.

People who have not experienced Quantity Calamity cannot understand the form of Quantity Calamity. It is like the devil has entered your body through the window of the soul, and wants to use the hands of Transcendence Man to create killing and turmoil, so that Quantity Calamity will evolve into Infinite Calamity. , to achieve the balance of the universe...

Zhao Yuan's body generally feels every movement and stillness of Sky City, while enduring the suffering of the invisible calamity.

The violent storm was blowing Zhao Yuan's body in another world, and it became more and more violent. Every time it passed by Zhao Yuan's body, it would transform into all kinds of sky thunders and bombard Zhao Yuan's body, trying to Awaken the evil power in Zhao Yuan's heart.

Every cell in Zhao Yuan's body exploded with boundless murderous intent.

Kill the beast!


Kill the beast!



The monstrous massacre under Zhao Yuan's control was confronting the all-pervasive force. This was not a confrontation of strength, nor a struggle of magic weapons, but a contest of willpower.

If you win, you will be promoted, and you will make great progress.

Losing will open a door to hell. At that time, Zhao Yuan will become a walking corpse who only knows how to kill, a killing machine, turning the city in the sky into a hell on earth.

Zhao Yuan had already stopped hunting carnivores. Although he didn't know what happened at this moment, his intuition told him that he had to restrain his desire and use reason to overcome the all-pervasive murderous intent.

The mentality of "The Enemy of Thousands of People" was activated by Zhao Yuan, and the dragon armor was activated.

Under the eyes of thousands of people, Zhao Yuan's body began to transform, layer upon layer of golden armor covering his body, even at night, the golden armor still exuded a compelling light.

What is shocking is not only the dazzling golden armor, but also Zhao Yuan's body.

Zhao Yuan's body was three times bigger than an adult's, tall and tall, with long hair flying in the air, like a god descending from the earth, majestic...

"Giant God!"

"It's the giant spirit god!"

"The giant spirit god has revealed a miracle..."

The woman who was holding the child knelt down first, praying with all her body cast down.

After the first person knelt down, more and more people knelt down. In the long street, thousands of people knelt on the street, and their faces were all extremely devout.

No one knows Sky City's feelings for the Giant Spirit God, because the people in Sky City all claim to be the descendants of the Giant Spirit God...

An inexplicable power poured into Zhao Yuan's limbs like the Yangtze River. This power is not the power of spar, nor the power of the body, nor the power of magic weapon. This power is like countless trickles. Gathered together, they are soft and lingering, and in the midst of relaxation, there is invincible power.

The power of faith!

Zhao Yuan's gaze suddenly shot out a flash of electricity, the treasure looked solemn, staring down at the black crowd kneeling on the ground...


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