wicked immortal

Chapter 650 Little People in Troubled Times

Chaos has spread to every corner of Sky City.

Nie Bing had a blood-stained bandage wrapped around his head, and behind him were hundreds of hunters looking murderous.

Nie Bing is an ordinary hunter, but he is very skilled. He is only in his 20s, and he is already a very good hunter. Although he has not yet advanced to the space hunter, the scope of his activities is not limited to the meteorite belt. Yes, as early as when he was young, he had already penetrated to the edge of the universe.

Nie Bing came back this time to help Sky City survive the beast tide crisis, but he did not qualify as a temporary soldier.

In Sky City, there are regular active-duty soldiers, but the number of active-duty soldiers is extremely small, and they are not combat soldiers.

Active-duty soldiers are commanders. They are proficient in the art of war and do not need to charge into battle.

According to the practice of the Sky City, once the Sky City is in danger or when a war breaks out, every resident of the Sky City is obliged to join the army. This kind of army is formed temporarily. After the crisis is over, the army will It will be disbanded, and only active soldiers composed of commanders will remain, while retired soldiers will receive medals of honor, be respected by the residents of Sky City, and obtain corresponding social status.

Nie Bing was very frustrated because he was not qualified as a temporary soldier to serve his homeland.Frustrated like Nie Bing, there are many young people full of enthusiasm. They rushed back to the Sky City from thousands of miles in order to climb to the top of the city and fight the beast horde to the death and serve their homeland.

When the city was broken, Nie Bing and a group of young people were playing in the residential area. They immediately formed a strong defensive force and organized the nearby residents to evacuate to a safe place.

Now, behind Nie Bing is the only theater in Sky City, and the only place that can resist the beast tide.

The theater is very large, capable of accommodating 10 people to watch performances at the same time. Due to the need, the structure of the theater is extremely strong, made of tons of marble, and it is a unique place of refuge.

The theater has one gate and two small gates. Now, the two small gates have been blocked by Nie Bing and others with boulders, leaving the only gate to accommodate refugees.

A steady stream of refugees flooded into the theater. In just half an hour, the number of refugees in the theater has exceeded [-], and it is still increasing crazily.

Looking at the refugees pouring in like a tide, Nie Bing felt inexplicable pressure, because their total number was only over 500 people, and with the addition of the temporarily recruited hunters, the number of people who could fight was less than 2000.

Most of the hunters have been conscripted into the army, and those who stay are old, weak, sick and disabled. After the city was broken, some soldiers defending the city wall dispersed, each looking for his relatives, and lost his fighting power. Now, The entire Sky City has become a mess.

Nie Bing really wanted to twist people into one rope, but no one was willing to follow his command.

Just when Nie Bing was in a state of desperation, someone had organized the defeated soldiers and opened the other two doors to accept refugees...


Faced with this chaotic situation, Nie Bing felt powerless.

Opening the other two doors means that the defense line will be changed, and the defense force cannot be concentrated. There is no doubt that this is an extremely stupid approach, but Nie Bing can't stop it, because he is only a small circle. Hunter, in the entire sky city, he has no right to speak at all.

"Bingge, they have already opened the other two doors and moved a large amount of Qiong Ye to the theater for storage. Shall we get some Qiong Ye for storage?"

There was a hint of anxiety on the face of a fair and clean young man.

Humans living in the meteorite belt know that because of the special geographical environment of the meteorite belt, it is necessary to use Qiong Ye to supplement nutrition and strengthen the body. Otherwise, ordinary humans simply cannot survive in the meteorite belt for a long time.

After the city was destroyed, beast hordes raged and Qiong trees were destroyed on a large scale. At that time, Qiongye, which was already very rare, would become even rarer.

"What! They stored Qiong Ye in the theater?" Nie Bing was shocked.


"A bunch of idiots!" Nie Bing cursed.

"what happened?"

"Those herbivores can smell the scent of Qiong Ye. At that time, large-scale herbivores will follow the smell to find here... Idiot, idiot... There is no problem with this theater blocking those agile and light carnivores, but Can't stop those huge herbivores..."

Nie Bing was very anxious.

"Ah...then...then...then what should I do?"

"No, I have to stop them! Be careful, I'll come right there."

"Okay, Brother Bing..." The white and clean young man looked at Nie Bing's furious look, he hesitated to speak, but he still didn't speak.

Nie Bing rushed into the theater anxiously.

At this time, the entire theater was filled with crowds, the painful wailing of the wounded and the crying of children were everywhere, and there was a stench in the air, as if it was the end of the world.

In fact, the residents of Sky City know that the destruction of the city means the end of the world.

Many people had blank expressions on their faces, some were kneeling on the ground praying in a low voice, and more people were making loud noises angrily...

At the side door, Nie Bing saw a large number of soldiers carrying some boxes.

Nie Bing knew those boxes, because they belonged to Sky City's reserves, and from the patterns on the boxes, it could be seen that what was inside was Qiong Ye.

"Hey, what are you doing? You moved Qiongye to the theater, what if you attract herbivores?" Nie Bing rushed over, grabbed a soldier who was carrying Qiongye, and asked sharply.

"who are you?"

"I'm Nie Bing!" Nie Bing puffed up his chest and said loudly.

"Nie Bing, does anyone know what a Nie Bing is?" The soldier laughed.

"I don't know, what is Nie Bing?"

"Haha... I really don't know what Nie Bing is..."

"Tell me yourself, what are you..."

The soldiers laughed loudly.


"Boy, hurry up and get out, it's not your turn to talk here!" A tall, rough-looking soldier strode in. From his military uniform, it could be seen that he was a high-ranking commander.

"General, Qiong Ye will attract..."

"I know. Although the city is broken now, the beast tide has dispersed and lost its cohesion, and we are still strong and strong. It is difficult to protect the plants in Sky City, but it is not a problem to keep this small theater. Besides, we can I don’t want to gnaw on the bitter and astringent moss to survive.”

"Although the herbivores are scattered, many of them are huge. There is no problem in blocking the carnivores in this theater, but it may be difficult to block the herbivores. Think twice about the general..."

"Well, I see. We will take over the defense of the theater later. Thank you for standing up in the face of danger. Now, your mission is over." The soldier snorted coldly and said indifferently.


Nie Bing opened his mouth and glanced at the soldiers pouring in like a tide, but he still didn't speak.

As the soldier said, in his capacity, it is not his turn to make decisions.

Nie Bing returned to the gate anxiously.

Sure enough, a large number of soldiers were already taking over the defense, and there was a verbal conflict with the hunters organized by Nie Bing, and it was getting serious.

"We can't stay here anymore, we have to change places!"

Nie Bing immediately convened a group of core backbones to discuss. After some explanations, the backbones also had different opinions. Some people thought that it would be safer if there were a large number of people here, with food reserves, not to mention regular soldiers to provide protection.

"Well, anyway, I'm going to go. If you want to go with me, you can go. If you don't want to go, just stay."

The disagreement ended in parting ways.

When leaving, Nie Bing informed the refugees in the theater about the incident, and some refugees voluntarily left with Nie Bing, the total number was about 3000.

The soldiers stood on the sidelines and did not stop Nie Bing from taking the refugees away. For them, it would be easier to manage if there were fewer people who had differences. Besides, they could save a lot of food and Qiong Ye.

Under the cynicism of a group of soldiers, Nie Bing and hundreds of hunters left the theater with nearly [-] refugees. At this time, the number of refugees in the refuge had exceeded [-]. Refugees are flocking...


The streets are extremely desolate, with mutilated corpses lying dead everywhere, most of the buildings on both sides have been crashed, and the green belts have been eaten away, leaving only bare tree trunks, some of which are simply uprooted, and it seems that there is no possibility of survival up.

Herbivores also seem to be deliberately destroying this human base.

For herbivores, humans are the biggest threat, because the food for nearly a million humans in Sky City, except for a very small amount of planting and breeding, most of the food sources are herbivores active in the meteorite belt.

"Where are we going?" asked one of the hunters.

"Anywhere is fine, it's better than staying in the theater! Don't worry, herbivores are not interested in us. We only need to beware of carnivores' attacks. However, we are large in number, and carnivores mostly act alone. They usually don't Will attack humans gathered together..."

"Ah... blood wolf..."

Among the crowd, there was a sound of panic.

In front of the street, dozens of wolves with blood-red fur and strong build showed fierce eyes. Their ferocious eyes were fixed on the crowd, and their mouths were half-opened, revealing their white teeth.

"Ready to fight!"

Looking at the ferocious blood wolf, Nie Bing's heart sank, and a chill ran down his spine.

In the meteorite belt, there are very few carnivores that live in groups, and the blood wolf is one of the few.

The individual combat power of blood wolves is not strong, but they usually gather fifty heads together to hunt, and when they encounter prey, they will attack in groups without fear of death. Even some top-level beasts brought by meteorites will not Provoke the blood wolf.

Blood wolves like to attack humans very much, because blood wolves are not big, and it is difficult to hunt those herbivores that weigh tens of tons, so they are more keen on hunting humans.

In the meteorite belt, blood wolves are the nightmare of hunters.

Now, human hunters have an absolute advantage, because there are only about fifty blood wolves, while the number of human hunters is at least several hundred.

However, the advantage in numbers has become insignificant at this time, because human hunters still need to protect thousands of old, weak, sick and disabled who have no ability to protect themselves...

The pack of wolves began to circle around the crowd, relying on their sensitive speed to look for holes in the defense circle, waiting for the opportunity to move...

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