wicked immortal

Chapter 664

"Swear allegiance to Mister!"

"Swear allegiance to Mister!"

Including Fuji Lao and Wu Tian, ​​all the hunters knelt down.

At this time, in the eyes of the hunters, Zhao Yuan was like a god.

In fact, everything Zhao Yuan did could only be done by a god.

Raising Heaven-Defying Monkeys and Cloud Sea Golden Eagles as pets, killing the Lord Yan who refined the Jade Slips of Creation, and bringing hundreds of thousands of residents and millions of beasts into the gate of the void, these are not ordinary humans at all. What can be done, even if it reaches the level of the invincible hunter, is unimaginable.

In the meteorite belt, the invincible hunter is the most powerful existence, and Zhao Yuan's strength has far surpassed the invincible hunter.

Of course, people didn't expect that Zhao Yuan felt extremely guilty at this time, because he couldn't save the entire meteorite belt, and thousands of animals would be destroyed together with the meteorite belt.

When he came down from the sacred mountain, Zhao Yuan tried to use his power to save the meteorite belt, but he was powerless, the entire meteorite belt was rapidly falling apart, his efforts were like a praying mantis blocking a car, and he could only watch the sacred mountain collapse and the earth fall apart.

It's a pity that the good fortune jade slip was actually refined by the Yan City Lord, and finally both jade and stone were burned.

Zhao Yuan felt awe-inspiring at the thought that the Good Fortune Jade Slip had been able to maintain the balance of the meteorite belt for thousands of years. From this, it can be seen that the ancestor Na Hongjun is indeed a supernatural power with boundless magic power. If you encounter it in the future, you must be careful.

From the meteorite belt and the fortune jade slips, Zhao Yuan had a more intuitive understanding of those legendary characters.

Although Patriarch Hongjun is powerful, he is a sand of the Ganges River among many gods. There are countless gods of the same level as him. It seems that in the fairy world, it is not so easy to mess with...


Now that time was running out, Zhao Yuan didn't care about hiding his strength anymore, so he simply lifted his flying sword, formed a huge energy shield, and flew towards the city of exile with a group of hunters at high speed.

Although the hunters have been active in the meteorite belt for a long time, Teng Lao and Wu Tian have also been to the depths of the universe, where there is no gravity, they can easily fly tens or even hundreds of kilometers, but Zhao Yuan does not need any external force. It was the first time I was able to fly in the air, and everyone was shocked at first, and then extremely excited, feeling the excitement and pleasure of the bird's-eye view from a high altitude.

However, after the excitement, there is endless sadness, because, in the sky of flying sand and rocks, you can still vaguely see the tragic situation on the ground.

On the outskirts of the Sky City, it has become a world of hell. The cracks on the ground are getting bigger and bigger. Even if you watch it from space, it is shocking. The unfathomable black cracks tear the ground into several small pieces. , Those small pieces also have huge cracks, like spiders, shocking.

The city of the sky is getting farther and farther away. Among the dust that covers the sky and the sun, there is only a vague outline left. The towering city wall has also collapsed in large sections. The once prosperous city of the sky , has become a hell on earth.

The hunters knew that there must be countless residents running in panic to save their lives. However, they were helpless. In the face of this huge disaster, it was impossible for them to search corner by corner...


Along the way, people saw countless wild beasts running wildly, and they also saw wild beasts running back and forth on the desolate land like lightning. Behind them, various animals followed, and after the cracks and collapses of the land, From time to time, wild beasts fell into the unfathomable crack, screaming and wailing on the verge of death...


This is the end of the world for the meteor belt!

People's hearts are extremely heavy, because the selfishness of Lord Yan has plunged the entire meteorite belt into a disaster that will never be restored, causing countless lives to die.

Without Zhao Yuan...

People's eyes fell on the long-haired figure in front of him, and his face showed an extremely pious and fanatical look.

Zhao Yuan is running his Lingtai world.

Because the settlement of hundreds of thousands of people has broken the original natural balance of the Lingtai world, Zhao Yuan is helpless at this time, because the ecological balance of the Lingtai world has already been formed, and he can only partially intervene, not from overall broken.

To put it simply, Zhao Yuan is no longer able to control the natural laws in the Lingtai world. The only thing he can do is to exert influence locally, which is what the cultivation world calls revealing miracles and gaining the power of faith.

Zhao Yuan did not allow humans to live scattered.

The human beings in Sky City will feel terrible if they live in a strange place for the first time.Fortunately, through Zhao Yuan's relentless construction in Lingtai World, natural resources are extremely rich, and the human beings in the meteorite belt have extremely low food requirements, and a full meal can last for several weeks without causing large-scale disasters. The ecological balance of the environment will not cause a certain species to suddenly become extinct.

When the humans in Sky City entered the Lingtai world, they were immediately overjoyed. Compared with the barren meteorite belt, this rich Lingtai world is like a paradise. Moreover, the prey here is compared with the meteorite belt. , It is too easy to hunt, even an adult hunter can catch prey...


Humans don't need to worry about Zhao Yuan, what Zhao Yuan needs to worry about is the millions of herbivores.

If millions of herbivores are arranged in one place, it will definitely cause a locust effect, and the places they pass will become deserts.

In order not to break the natural balance of the Lingtai world as much as possible, Zhao Yuan scattered millions of beasts in the Lingtai world, allowing them to have a certain space to move around. up.

The balance of the Lingtai world is maintained by the laws of nature. Survival of the fittest is an inevitable law of the laws of nature. Because of the immigration of tens of thousands of people, plus millions of herbivores, there are also countless The ferocious carnivores in the Lingtai world will have a long period of turmoil. After this turbulent period similar to shuffling, a new food chain will be formed in the Lingtai world, and this food chain will slowly evolve in the long river of time. .

Heroes in troubled times!

Zhao Yuan also didn't realize that any Lingtai world will have turbulent periods, because the masters of the Lingtai world will keep migrating new species, making the species of the Lingtai world diverse and forming a healthy competition. The migration of each species will break the original natural balance. In the process of breaking the balance and restoring the balance, some powerful existences will be born. Whether it is human beings or beasts, it is a process of survival of the fittest, which can persist until the end Yes, they are all kings.

And Zhao Yuan's spiritual platform world, compared with the spiritual platform world of ordinary cultivators, the competition is more cruel and bloody, because in Zhao Yuan's spiritual platform world, there are thousands of dragon veins, and these dragon veins will multiply, which will make this Talented people emerge in large numbers in this land, and mythical beasts are flooding...

Because of the influx of humans, so far, the construction of Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world has been truly completed.

After humans moved in, apart from gaining the power of faith, Zhao Yuan would no longer intervene in the competition between species, because any intervention by external forces might form a destructive force of nature that would counterattack Zhao Yuan's soul. It will cause immeasurable calamity, which is not beneficial to self-cultivation.

Next, there will be more and more things that upset Zhao Yuan, because Zhao Yuan has already had direct contact with humans in the Lingtai world, and has gained a strong power of faith, which means that Zhao Yuan There will be a certain spiritual connection with the human beings in the Lingtai world. The so-called spiritual connection means that Zhao Yuan can understand the development of human beings in every detail.

It is not a good thing to understand human development in detail. It is impossible to completely deal with the sufferings of the people with thousands of incarnations of Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is for this reason that many spiritually exhausted cultivators will eventually strip the Lingtai world, and the Lingtai world will be destroyed. become a lost world.

After becoming the Lost World, Zhao Yuan can still harvest the power of faith, but at that time, he will have countless competitors. Gods and cultivators who are coveting, because the lost world is equal to an open world, just like the earth, any cultivator can establish his own power.

In the world of comprehension, there are many cases of magpie's nest and dove occupying. Some powerful and lazy cultivators have no leisure to spend painstakingly racking their brains to manage the Lingtai world, but choose to snatch the fruits of other people's ready-made labor.

Usually, it is human cultivators who snatch other people's spiritual platform worlds. Some ancient gods are the products of human fantasy. They rely on the accumulation of long time to build countless spiritual platform worlds in the universe, and there are also in the huge population of the earth. There is no need to snatch the fixed power of faith. Only human cultivators, the first immortals, who are poor and white, will fight for the territory and build their own faith totem...


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