wicked immortal

Chapter 665 The Gate of the Void [Seeking Red Ticket]


Just as Zhao Yuan was flying with his sword in the wind, he reached the sky above the chasm.

Perhaps due to geographical reasons, the broken rocks of the Tianzhu gap did not float into the sky, and the sight line is excellent. People can clearly see that the frightening Tianzhu gap is getting wider and wider, and large blocks of rocks on the edge of the cliff collapse, like Like an avalanche, after the stones fell into the chasm, there was a rumbling huge memory, which was occasionally mixed with the roar of some earth-shattering beasts.

People saw that there was a ferocious beast on the mountain that seemed to want to summon the beasts from the abyss, and it kept running and jumping on the cliff, which was full of dangers.

It's a pity that those ferocious beasts who lived in the abyss for an unknown number of years didn't seem to want to leave at all. Although they kept making earth-shattering roars, they didn't appear.

Seeing the beast on the sacred mountain wandering anxiously and moaning on the edge of the cliff, Zhao Yuan could only sigh. He is not a savior, and he cannot save all the lives in the meteorite belt. All he can do is try his best.

In complicated moods, everyone flew away from the chasm and reached the sea of ​​clouds.

The originally quiet sea of ​​clouds was full of panicked beasts running wildly. People found that a large part of the beasts were running in the direction of the city of exile, forming a wave of beasts. Looking down from the sky, it was like countless torrents heading in one direction. Convergence, the visual impact is extremely majestic and majestic.

It seems that the summoning effect of the beasts on the mountain has appeared.

Soon, he flew over the sea of ​​clouds and arrived at the city of exile.

The city of exile has become a hellish world. There are collapsed buildings everywhere, and some sculptures have also fallen to pieces. On the streets, panicked residents are running around, but they can't find a safe place.

At this time, the moment of crisis has come, and the cracks in the earth are increasing.

Compared with the city in the sky, the city of exiles is pitifully small, but it is actually a huge meteorite, and now, this huge meteorite is in danger, with huge cracks extending continuously, forming a series of unfathomable dark abysses, from time to time There will be panic-stricken humans falling entirely into that abyss.

In fact, the city of exile is getting smaller and smaller, because the cliffs on the edge of the city of exile are collapsing sharply. Looking at the city of exile from the sky, the city of exile has become a huge cake, and on the cake Around it, there seemed to be countless invisible giant beasts lurking, and they were sharing this gluttonous feast, gnawing off the edges of the cake bite by bite.

There is no time left!

Zhao Yuan drove the flying sword and landed on the square of the city of exile, setting down a group of masters from the city of sky.

"You maintain order!" Zhao Yuan shouted violently.

"Yes, sir!"

A group of hunters suddenly agreed.

After Zhao Yuan stood still, he immediately activated "The Enemy of Ten Thousand People" and entered the realm of phantom.

Under the horrified gazes of Teng Lao and his group, Zhao Yuan's body grew bigger, and in just one breath, Zhao Yuan had already turned into a tall man in golden armor tens of feet tall, with his legs standing in the air like mountain peaks. The golden armor exudes a compelling light, which is clearly visible in the night.

The residents of the city of exile stopped running and knelt down to pray.

Zhao Yuan's body was still getting bigger, a pair of legs straddling the sky, standing at the two ends of the city of exile, wild power surged between Zhao Yuan's legs, the terrifying sound of cracking in the city of exile actually stopped, those sharp The cracks extending in all directions also stopped abruptly.

"I'm Zhao Yuan, please come to the Gate of Void, folks from the City of Exile!"

Zhao Yuan made a voice like an oracle, and around him, countless void gates appeared. Inside the void gates, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, like a paradise.

"City Master Fang, call everyone to enter the Gate of Void, quickly!" Kuang Biao's sharp eyes saw Fang Yong and others who were in a daze in the square, and immediately shouted.

"Ah... it's Kuangbiao, everyone, hurry up, enter the gate of the void!"

The battered City Master Fang and a group of masters were staring blankly at Zhao Yuan's body that went straight into the sky and towered into the sky. With a loud shout, he woke up with a start, and immediately organized a chaotic crowd to rush towards the open void gates.

After someone took the lead, the residents who were still shocked by Zhao Yuan's majestic body also woke up, dragged their children and daughters, and rushed towards the void gate of Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world.

At this time, the residents of the city of exile were already desperate, and they didn't care about asking what the void gate was, and immediately poured in like a tide.

Because the city of exile has passed the crisis of the beast tide, and the residents are scattered, some are even hundreds of miles away, so it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time to gather all the people to the gate of the void.

City Lord Fang Yong and a group of experts from the city of exile began to notify the residents of the city of exile to rush towards the square as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, due to the strength of Zhao Yuan's legs, the core area of ​​the city of exile has not been cracked and deteriorated. However, the cliffs on the edge are still making thrilling cracking sounds, and huge rocks like mountain peaks will fall from time to time. It fell with a deafening roar...


Zhao Yuan, who is hundreds of feet tall, has stopped growing taller, because this is already his peak.

Zhao Yuan is still in a half-god state at present, he still can't control his body as he likes, making his body reach hundreds of feet high, which is already his peak state, and this state is the first time he has experienced .

Looking at the ants-like humans on the ground, Zhao Yuan suddenly lamented the insignificance of life.

No wonder the gods are desensitized to human woes.

In fact, when Zhao Yuan looked at human beings from the current visual angle, he already lost a kind of reverence for life. In his eyes, those intelligent individuals who were originally full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy have become like ants. The presence.

Do humans care about the feelings of ants?

The answer is yes, no!

Zhao Yuan's mood can actually be understood, because at this time, Zhao Yuan is already a god-like existence in front of the humans in the city of exile. People feel powerful power, which is not a power that human beings can overcome.

A steady stream of power of faith poured into Zhao Yuan's body.

The wonderful feeling made Zhao Yuan seem to be bathed in the sun.

Zhao Yuan was not happy because of the powerful power of faith, a wry smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Why do human beings always give birth to powerful and pure power of faith in times of disaster?

Why do humans lose faith in peaceful times?

This is a chain of interests.

In times of disaster, human beings look to gods to bless human beings. At this time, human beings will have fanatical worship and derive powerful power of faith.

Obviously, this is the contradiction between humans and gods.

Without disaster, there is no faith.

In other words, if you want to gain the power of human belief, you must keep creating disasters, otherwise, you will get nothing.

Human beings imagined that gods can accomplish things that humans cannot do, but they are trapped in a cocoon, which in turn makes gods the masters of human disasters.

Only after being on the earth, Zhao Yuan has figured out a set of models of the gods. In order to avoid causing infinite calamity, they use the contradictions between human beings to create disasters, and reap the benefits from it...


While Zhao Yuan was thinking about it, suddenly, his legs felt a tremendous force.


A crack several feet wide appeared under Zhao Yuan's crotch.

The terrifying force seemed to tear Zhao Yuan's legs apart. At this time, humans from all directions were still rushing towards here, and there were countless beasts among them.

adhere to!

adhere to!

Looking at the moving black dots on the ground, Zhao Yuan suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness.

Why can't human beings control their own destiny?



Amid the earth-shattering sound of cracks, crowds of people and beasts poured into Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world like a tide. The masters of the city of exile and the city of sky are maintaining order and avoiding chaos. Under the circumstances, the power of human beings has become extremely small, and those who are usually high and strong are vulnerable like ants.

A sharp pain came from stepping down, and Zhao Yuan subconsciously relaxed.

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