wicked immortal

Chapter 722

Just as the eyes of thousands of cavalrymen fell on Zhao Yuan's back with flying hair, at the same time, the eyes of hundreds of bloody bulls also fell on Zhao Yuan.

The boiling fighting spirit seemed to plunge the entire Black Forest into dead silence.

Suddenly, the herd moved.


Hundreds of blood bulls stepped towards Zhao Yuan. Their blood-red fur was like a turbulent blood-colored ocean, dyeing the entire forest space red, and the visual impact was extremely shocking.

Not only is the visual impact extremely shocking, but the earth is also shaking.

A blood bull weighed several tons, and hundreds of blood bulls flocked towards Zhao Yuan like a tidal wave. One could imagine its wild aura.

The cavalry drew their sabers and prepared for battle.

Every soldier knew that the Blood Bull's body was covered with a layer of aura, making it invulnerable, but the soldiers did not sit still.

The atmosphere is extremely tragic.

However, the next scene turned fifty thousand cavalry into petrification.

The bloody ox that looked like a blood-red hill, like a king looking down on the world from above, walked up to Zhao Yuan first, stopped a few feet away from Zhao Yuan, and then roared up to the sky, and trotted all the way. In front of Zhao Yuan, he rubbed his neck on Zhao Yuan's dragon armor, feeling extremely affectionate...

What is even more strange is that hundreds of blood bulls also flocked to Zhao Yuan's side, scrambling towards Zhao Yuan, trying to get close to Zhao Yuan. Crazy collision.

This is what it is!

People stared blankly at Zhao Yuan gently stroking the majestic bull. At this time, the bull was already snuggling up to Zhao Yuan's body, and the huge body kept squeezing Zhao Yuan. I can't wait to squeeze that huge body that weighs several tons into Zhao Yuan's arms, which looks extremely funny.

Is this the frightening blood bull in the legend?

Surrounded by hundreds of blood bulls, Zhao Yuan's mouth revealed an expression of incomparable excitement. Even he never thought that he would meet the blood bulls who had been fighting in the Black Forest for several months. Niu, it can be said that he went through life and death with him, passed through the death valley together, and reached Longtan.

The scene in front of him was really shocking, breaking the limits of the cavalry's imagination.

The eyes of the army of [-] assassins were filled with endless awe.

As expected of a well-known figure on the villain list, even the most terrifying bloody bulls in the Black Forest will bow their heads and bow down when they meet him.

No one knew that Zhao Yuan and this group of blood bulls had been entangled for countless days and nights, but the blood bulls were killed by Zhao Yuan's tyrannical force and fled, and finally became friends who never knew each other.

"I want to fight, are you interested in joining?" Zhao Yuan patted the bull's huge head and asked.

The cow nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, after victory, I will take you to break through the restrictions of the Black Forest and fly away!" Zhao Yuan was overjoyed. If these hundreds of bloody bulls joined, there would be almost no suspense about the outcome of the war.

Hearing Zhao Yuan's words to help them lift the black forest's restriction, the cows immediately let out a roar that shook the world, and that voice was filled with incomparable joy.


An army of [-] Assassin slaves followed hundreds of bloody bulls and marched forward.

With the blood bulls, Zhao Yuan also became more relaxed, because hundreds of blood bulls opened the way ahead, and all the weeds and thorns were razed to the ground.

The [-] Assassin Cavalry's admiration for Zhao Yuan has reached an incomparable level, and every pair of eyes is filled with endless fanaticism.

Not only did the complete assassination cavalry admire Zhao Yuan, but even Shan Yuwang, with an expression on his face, was more in awe of Zhao Yuan.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yuan is a real strong man, a strong man who can make the blood barbarian cattle herd allegiance.

Because the blood bulls opened the way, the speed increased a lot. The assassin cavalry, who were walking on thin ice, also began to urge their horses. The surrounding gods and monsters, when they encountered such a huge blood bull herd, they all fled...


Fifty thousand cavalry passed through the Black Forest silently.

After passing through the Black Forest, Shan Yu couldn't help being surprised when he counted the number of people, because it was a miracle that none of the [-] cavalry was lost.

Zhao Yuan is a legendary figure who created miracles.

In the history of Assassins, there are many experiences of crossing the Black Forest, and every time they cross the Black Forest, they have to pay a very heavy price. Will choose this perilous path.

The smooth journey through the black forest boosted the morale of the [-] slave cavalry.

Of course, what really boosted the morale of the [-] Assassin Cavalry was the hundreds of terrifying blood bulls. People had already seen that these blood bulls had already joined their side.

With the help of the blood savage bull, the outcome of this war can be known without asking.

Now, there is a question in front of Zhao Yuan.

Because of the black forest's prohibition, the blood bull can't leave the black forest, and the maximum range of activities is only at the edge of the black forest.

How to take advantage of the blood bull has become a headache for Zhao Yuan.

After the [-] cavalry army reached the edge of the Black Forest, they camped to rest, recover their strength, and think of a way by the way.

When it was confirmed that hundreds of blood bulls would join the battle, the Assassin cavalry was in a turbulent mood. People seemed to see the blood bull rushing into the crusader army, destroying them all the way, and the blood boiled like a broken bamboo.

Not to mention hundreds of blood bulls participating in the battle, even a single blood bull can cause huge casualties to the enemy, and even collapse an army. After all, blood bulls are invulnerable. It's like a moving fortress.

If you want to describe the strength of the blood bull, the best way to describe it is a tank.

There is no doubt that the fighting power of the blood bull is like a steel tank on the earth.

It is conceivable how terrible the catastrophic consequences would be if a tank rushed into the battlefield of the cold weapon era.

After some discussion, everyone soon came to a conclusion - seduction.

In order for the blood bull to exert its powerful combat power, it is necessary to lure the crusaders to the edge of the Black Forest.

Originally, Zhao Yuan's plan was to use [-] assassin cavalry to catch the Crusaders by surprise, but now, with the addition of bloody bulls, the plan had to be revised.

Plans can never keep up with changes.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the plan needs constant revision. Back then, when Zhao Yuan led a group of elite students into the Assassin Prairie, it was also because of the constantly changing situation.

Today, Zhao Yuan is facing the same problem.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan knew very well that any of his decisions might make the battle between the Great Qin Empire and the Crusaders take a different trajectory.

To lure the Crusaders means to actively expose the target.

Undoubtedly, this is a plan full of risks. If the Crusaders are not fooled, then Zhao Yuan's original unexpected plan will fall short.

Judging from the current environment, it would be easy for Zhao Yuan to win a battle. After all, the Crusaders never thought that an elite cavalry force of 5 people would suddenly appear in the wild black forest.

The advantage of the assassin cavalry is surprise.

If you lure the Crusaders to the Black Forest, you will give up your advantages and expose your power.

However, Zhao Yuan still prefers to use blood bulls to fight. After all, the battlefield is not only the outcome of a battle, but morale is more important.

If the Blood Buffalo joins the battle and defeats the Crusaders, it will cause huge psychological pressure on the Crusaders, making them shrink back.

On the contrary, because of the bloody oxen's participation in the battle, the Daqin soldiers in Heishui City are bound to be greatly motivated.

After much deliberation, Zhao Yuan and Shan Yu still decided to use the blood bull's terrifying ability to charge into battle to strike a blow to the invincible arrogance of the Crusaders.

During the discussion, Zhao Yuan and Shan Yu actually had the feeling of being the same as heroes, and they felt sympathetic to each other, and the relationship between the two was brought closer.

And Shan Yu found that Zhao Yuan was not as arrogant and high-spirited as he imagined, but respected him very much. He asked him for advice in many military affairs, and his words were very sincere, which made Shan Yu very useful...


Zhanyun Dalu, two great characters, cooperated for the first time.

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