wicked immortal

Chapter 723

In General Gore's camp, dozens of generals were sitting in danger.

General Gore looked smug.

In the conquest of the Great Qin Empire for more than a year, General Gore has been smooth sailing, and the momentum has been destroyed all the way. Even General Gore himself did not expect that the seemingly impregnable Great Qin Empire would be so vulnerable.

Originally, General Gore planned to occupy the entire Great Qin Empire in three years. As a result, the expected goal was achieved in just one year. The plan was fully advanced by two full years. During this journey, the Crusaders hardly encountered decent resistance. Millions of troops of the Great Qin Empire collapsed without warning.

The success of the military operation made Gore overjoyed, but it also made him anxious, because the combat plan was originally three years, and after being greatly advanced, some disadvantages were exposed. First, General Gore encountered the problem of insufficient manpower.

General Gore's army is mainly composed of cavalry and supplemented by infantry. The speed is very fast, and the total number exceeds one million. However, it is naturally stretched to use a million troops to occupy the huge country of the Great Qin Empire.

The accident at Zhenshui Pass was actually expected by General Gore.

In fact, the Crusaders are now facing the dilemma of the Zhenshui Pass in the Great Qin Empire. The dispersion of troops has stretched the Crusaders' front, making them unable to take large-scale military operations. The superior force combats the raging resistance and prevents the revival of the Great Qin Empire.

Of course, all the problems will be solved soon, because millions of infantry are rushing over from the other side of the sea in boats, and the first batch of 20 infantry will soon reach the territory of the Great Qin Empire. As long as the first [-] infantry arrived, the urgent need of the Crusaders would be solved.

During this period of time, General Gore adopted a siege policy against Heishui City, but it was not impossible to capture Heishui City.

In fact, as long as Gore ordered, Heishuicheng would be able to be taken at all costs within a week at most, but General Gore did not do so.

the reason is simple.

Now the last elite troops of the Great Qin Empire are all in Heishui City. If you act too hastily, in addition to causing heavy casualties on your own side, the opponent will definitely jump over the wall. If the soldiers split up and break through, it will cause hidden dangers.

Gore is very clear that as long as the effective forces of the Great Qin Empire enter the territory of the Great Qin Empire, new forces will inevitably form, and even grow stronger, because now, in order to control the vast territory of the Great Qin Empire, it is impossible for the Crusaders to organize large-scale If the corps are chasing and intercepting, this will give the opponent a chance to grow stronger. Therefore, siege is the best policy.

In addition, behind Heishui City is the vast Jasper Prairie. If the little emperor is forced to the Jasper Prairie, if you want to find it again, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In fact, Gore didn't know that his tactics had long been exposed by Guo Futou, but because Guo Futou was not good at words, and General Changkong was devoted to protecting the little emperor, he didn't have the idea of ​​preferring jade to pieces rather than tiles. Let General Gore's plan proceed in an orderly manner.

However, just today, the appearance of a mysterious army broke General Gore's plan.

According to the information obtained by Black Wing Kunpeng, there is an unknown number of cavalry lurking in the Black Forest, conservatively estimated at around [-].

Facing tens of thousands of cavalry, General Gore had to pay attention.

At first, General Gore thought that the soldiers of Blackwater City were trying to sneak attack, but he quickly vetoed this idea, because, according to the information transmitted from Blackwater City, Blackwater City seemed to have nothing against the cavalry that appeared in the Black Forest. Know.

Why is this happening?

Who is this mysterious cavalry army?

What surprised Gore the most was that the cavalry in the Black Forest didn't seem to want to take military action for the time being, but instead lurked in the lush woods and set up camp.

What are they going to do?

A large number of black-winged Kunpeng and scouts were dispatched.

A steady stream of information was fed back to the Crusader headquarters.

Based on all the information, the identity of the other party was finally revealed.

Assassin cavalry!

General Gore is no stranger to the Assassins, because the Crusaders, like the Assassins, were born nomads, and there are many similarities between the two.

However, General Gore never took the assassins seriously, because he knew that a few years ago, Zhao Yuan, the undefeated god of war of the Great Qin Empire, ravaged the assassins prairie wantonly, and the assassins had declined and were no longer the same brilliant.

"Will they form an alliance with the Great Qin Empire?" A general put forward his opinion.

"will not."

Almost at the same time, everyone including General Gore shook their heads, because everyone here knew that the Assassins had a sworn feud with the Great Qin Empire. In the past few years, the undefeated Great Qin Empire Zhao Yuan, the God of War, not only beheaded Zuo Xianwang and Shanyu, but also beheaded the most powerful Wuwu King in the imperial capital of the Great Qin Empire.

It can be said with certainty that every slave assassin hates Daqin to the bone.

The information collected also showed that the Assassins were gloating over the fall of the Great Qin Empire, and there were even clues that the Assassins were also ready to make trouble, preparing to make trouble.

If it was worse, why did it go deep into the hinterland of the Great Qin Empire?

It stands to reason that if the assassins want to attack the army of the Great Qin Empire, it is best to attack Heishui City from the direction of the grassland, and let Heishui City suffer from the enemy.

But now, the Assassins sneaked into Heishui City secretly.

Obviously, this large number of cavalry had ulterior motives.

In addition, intelligence shows that there are still large-scale cavalry gathering on the Yinu prairie.

All the evidence shows that the assassins had a large-scale military operation plan.

What General Gore couldn't understand the most was why the assassins were so sneaky?Theoretically, the Assassins and the Crusaders have a common enemy, and the two sides should communicate with each other about the enemy. Such a large-scale military operation should be informed in advance.

After a while of discussion, General Gore's think tank team came up with two possibilities. First, the Great Qin Empire formed an alliance with the Assassins; second, the Assassins wanted a share of the pie.

Obviously, the possibility of the Assassins forming an alliance with the Great Qin Empire is very slim. Even if they want to form an alliance, there is no need to sneak from the dangerous Black Forest to the hinterland of the Great Qin Empire.

Moreover, the information transmitted from Heishui City shows that the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire have not changed at all, and it does not seem to be a sign of large-scale military operations at all.

For intelligence work, the Crusaders can be said to be extremely proud. The church members all over the Great Qin Empire provided the Crusaders with a steady stream of information, and the black-winged Kunpeng was also a sharp weapon for the Crusaders.

The Crusaders were able to conquer the entire Great Qin Empire in just one year, and the black-winged Kunpeng has made a lot of contributions.

If the alliance cannot be established, then the only reason for the slave cavalry to go deep into the territory of the Great Qin Empire is to try to get a piece of the pie.

Now, millions of crusaders are distributed in the major cities of the Great Qin Empire. If the assassination army marches straight in and captures the city, it is very likely that they will form a rivalry with the crusaders. After all, the army led by Gore must not leave the black army. Water City, because the emperor of the Great Qin Empire was in Heishui City.

If the last army of the Great Qin Empire is relieved, there will be endless troubles.

For the Crusaders, the emperor of the Great Qin Empire was far more important than the assassination army.

General Gore found that if the assassination army really entered the territory of the Great Qin Empire, he would have no way to deal with it, and even, he would not be able to organize a decent army to deal with the assassination army. In the country on horseback, like the crusaders, they come and go like the wind.

According to a large number of black-winged Kunpeng reconnaissance intelligence, the number of Assassin's cavalry assembled outside the Heishui City Pass has exceeded [-].

What kind of concept is one hundred thousand cavalry?

Inexplicably, Gore was afraid for a while.

Fortunately, the army of the assassins was found lurking in the Black Forest, otherwise, when they launched a military operation, they would really be out of control.

Once the slave assassination army rampages in the Great Qin Empire, the military layout of the Crusaders is bound to be disrupted, and the Great Qin army in Heishui City will also take advantage of the chaos to launch an attack. At that time, the Crusaders will be devastated. Over there, uprisings are raging one after another.

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