wicked immortal

Chapter 811

In the prehistoric area, monsters are also divided into three, six, and nine classes.

Usually, monsters like Tongtian Monkey and Demon Crocodile participated in the war of gods and demons back then, and they stayed in the prehistoric area for various reasons. There are not many such monsters in the prehistoric area, but, They occupy an absolute dominant position.

In addition to those ancient monsters, there is also a group of monsters left over from the war between gods and demons. They are mainly mounts of gods. They originally possessed powerful mana. Breed a large number of descendants.

In fact, the evil unicorn belongs to the second category.

Although the Evil Qilin was defeated by the monster crocodile Sobek, and could not change its human form, this did not mean that it was weak. In fact, in the prehistoric area, there would never be more than ten monsters who could defeat the Evil Qilin.

Back then, when the evil unicorn was in the Black Forest, it could be said to be majestic, and it could calmly face hundreds of bloody bulls. It can be seen from its strong fighting power.

In addition to the above two, the rest are a group of monsters cultivated because of the unique environment formed by the magic circles, pills and magic weapons left by the gods. The ability of such monsters mainly depends on their strength. by chance.

For example, some tree demons grow on magic weapons and dragon veins, so they are naturally blessed, not only with powerful mana, but also with magic weapons.

In addition to Feng Shui, there are some secrets of self-cultivation. Some smart animals, such as foxes, monkeys, and orangutans, have obtained some secrets of self-cultivation. Due to various reasons, they have cultivated into monsters... …


Undoubtedly, among the many monsters, those who were able to fight against some gods in ancient times are the most powerful existences. In fact, they are gods themselves.

The demon crocodile Sobek was originally a deity respected by thousands of people in the earth age, but later participated in the war between gods and demons, and wandered in the prehistoric area.

Zhao Yuan didn't know that the demon crocodile was a god. In his eyes, the other party was just a crocodile that had been cultivated to become a spirit.

Originally, at the beginning, Zhao Yuan had no intention to kill, but now, Zhao Yuan's determination to kill the monster crocodile has become unshakable.

Zhao Yuan's determination was due to the reaction of the monsters around him.

During the battle with the monster crocodile, Zhao Yuan clearly felt that every time he gained the upper hand, the surrounding monsters would applaud, which means that this monster crocodile is extremely unpopular. The hostility in put.

Subconsciously, Zhao Yuan has already classified himself as a team of Eastern Gods, and this monster crocodile seems to be incompatible with some monsters, so it can be inferred that it is definitely not a team.

Zhao Yuan has advanced to the realm of eyesight, and his thoughtfulness is unparalleled in the world. He immediately deduces that this monster crocodile is extremely unpopular in the prehistoric area. Moreover, judging from the numerous bones in the woods, this guy is completely a addict. Killed the ferocious monster.

Zhao Yuan has a certain understanding of monsters. He knows very well that when a monster reaches the level of a monster crocodile, it will not need too much food at all. The only thing that can be proved by the numerous bones in the forest is that the monster crocodile Hunting, just for fun and entertainment.

Although Zhao Yuan's name is on the list of villains and is known as a vicious person in the Great Qin Empire, but in his bones, he does not kill innocent people indiscriminately. In his opinion, this kind of monster who kills to satisfy his perverted desire , is the real monster that deserves to be killed.

If this monster crocodile arrives in the densely populated Great Qin Empire, with its tyrannical and invincible body and bloodthirsty savage character, it is afraid that people will be wiped out and cause heinous murders.

Zhao Yuan's understanding of the monster crocodile is not one-sided, and there is also modern knowledge from the earth.

The crocodile is the earliest and most primitive reptile found alive so far. It evolved from amphibians in the Mesozoic from the Triassic to the Cretaceous. It continues to be a semi-aquatic and fierce reptile. It is contemporaneous with dinosaurs. The extinction of dinosaurs is already a fossil, whether it is due to the influence of the environment or its own reasons; the existence of crocodiles proves its powerful life.

From the knowledge of the earth, we can know that crocodiles themselves have strong adaptability, and they are also cold-blooded animals.

Usually, it is difficult for cold-blooded animals to become friends with humans.

Humans can easily keep cats and dogs as pets. As for tigers and leopards, as long as they are properly raised, they can also be kept as pets. However, it is more difficult to keep existing crocodiles as pets.

Moreover, although crocodiles have strong adaptability, their brain structure is not suitable for cultivation. If a crocodile can become a spirit, it may be a disaster for other monsters, because crocodiles are born killers.

Zhao Yuan's guess is actually inseparable. This monster crocodile has hunted and killed many monsters in the prehistoric area, devouring their primordial inner alchemy.

Kill him!

Zhao Yuan stared at the savage eyes of the monster crocodile, and the fighting spirit in his heart was burning.

In the midst of the speeding mind, in the extremely obscure corner of Zhao Yuan's mind, an extremely powerful and ferocious shock wave suddenly surged towards the source of his telepathy with unimaginable speed and overwhelming force. Shock coming!


An astonishing scene appeared, the black flame boiling above the black giant knife blade in Zhao Yuan's hand suddenly turned into fiery red, and the whole sky shone blood red.

Countless mysterious ancient runes danced and spun in the blood-red flames, or floated quietly.

The joy in Zhao Yuan's heart couldn't be increased. Finally, he knew the name of this giant black knife.

Ice Fire Demon Knife.

Good name!

"Haha, monster crocodile, I, Zhao, will sacrifice the knife to you today!"

Zhao Yuan laughed loudly, his figure leaped into the air like a mist, and swung his knife proudly, full of domineering arrogance.

The boundless fiery red aura of the black giant knife mixed with gorgeous flames looks bright and colorful, and in an instant, the icy aura of the giant sword Bingxin reflects the snowflakes all over the sky. The scene is completely out of reality, illusory and coquettish and terrifying!

Alternate hot and cold!

A group of monsters, the shock in their hearts is already unbelievable. People can't imagine that the giant knife in Zhao Yuan's hand has reached the state of turning the clouds into clouds and raining in the hands. , it is absolutely impossible to do.

In fact, Zhao Yuan not only surpassed a super martial artist physically, but his aura also far surpassed the Dao of Heaven, and he was already a half-immortal.

Even Zhao Yuan's strength surpassed that of a half-immortal, because a real half-immortal would never have the world of Lingtai.In fact, let alone a half-immortal who does not have a spirit platform world, some real gods may not necessarily have a spirit platform world, let alone the power of faith.

Theoretically, the Heaven-Defying Monkey, the Tongtian Monkey, the White Dragon King, the Black Dragon King, and the monster crocodile Sobek are all gods, but none of them have their own spirit world.

Sometimes, the cultivation base is powerful, and there may not be a Lingtai world.

Speaking of the world of Lingtai, we must talk about the gods. In the eyes of mortals, everything in the heavens is a god and has the power to overwhelm the world, but in fact, this is not the case.

In Taoism, there is a saying that "one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven". Could it be that one person becomes a god, and chickens and dogs become gods?

Obviously, this is not possible.

In fact, ascension to heaven just means having a long lifespan, and does not mean having overwhelming divine power.

In the myths and stories of the ancient earth, the combat effectiveness of the heavenly soldiers and generals is probably not as good as some powerful human cultivators. There is nothing he can do about it. It can be seen that some gods just have endless lifespans, which does not mean that they are very powerful...


Sobek the alligator saw the huge black knife passing by in the air. The sky was blazing for a while, and snowflakes were falling for a while.

However, Sobek, the demon crocodile, did not get rid of Zhao Yuan's shadowy knife light. In the sky, it seemed that Zhao Yuan's ethereal figure appeared in the sky, and that huge black butcher knife filled any small space around him in an instant. , unprecedented pressure is overwhelming.

There was a look of horror on the face of the alligator Sobek, because at the moment when the huge pressure was overwhelming, his body was frozen.


The demon crocodile Sobek has lived for who knows how many years, and has seen countless storms and waves, but at this moment, he was frozen by the aura emanating from Zhao Yuan's black giant knife, and he was frightened out of his wits.

As the saying goes, one thing drops one thing.

Demon crocodiles are not afraid of high temperature, but they are afraid of extreme cold...

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