wicked immortal

Chapter 812 Death Freezes

The fierce cold current swept across the entire Crocodile God Lake in an instant, and thousands of monsters around were shivering from the extreme cold, and quickly activated their aura to keep warm.

The moment the cold current swept across the lake, the entire lake was covered with a layer of solid ice. The dead fish that had been white and blooming were also frozen on the lake. It was also solidified, like a wonderful work of art.

What frightened the group of monsters the most was that powdery icicles fell from the sky.

The sudden coldness of the monster crocodile Sobek froze, but after all, it was the number one monster in the prehistoric area. Although it was caught off guard, it did not wait to die. With a heart-piercing roar, it suddenly returned to its original shape and transformed into a huge crocodile.

At this time, the scales of the monster crocodile were frozen. In order to get rid of the attack of the ice fire knife, the monster crocodile fled on the ice. While moving, the scales of the body kept opening, making a crackling There was an explosion sound, and for a moment, the ice that had solidified on his body shot out in the air, and the sound was extremely terrifying.

Zhao Yuan was famous for his decisive killing in the Great Qin Empire, and he had long been determined to cut grass and roots. Naturally, he would not let the monster crocodile escape. How ferocious it was, it was like a sharp sword shooting across the ice, leaving behind an afterimage of a dotted line.

Zhao Yuan's speed was not only fast, but also his momentum was earth-shattering. With each step, the ice surface of the lake would crack like thunder, which was soul-stirring.

The huge Ice and Fire Demon Knife transformed into a huge shadow in the air, following like a shadow, covering the head of the monster crocodile from the beginning to the end, like a thick dark cloud.

The monster crocodile was stared at by the Ice and Fire Demon Knife, scared out of its wits, lost its fighting spirit long ago, and ran desperately on the ice. Unfortunately, although the ice is big, it can't stand their running like this, so they had to circle the lake. spin around.

From the beginning to the end, the monster crocodile ran around God of Crocodile Lake and never left. Obviously, he has regarded this place as his home, his territory.


Getting closer and closer.

Zhao Yuan's speed was already faster than that of the monster crocodile. On this ice surface, Zhao Yuan's speed was even faster, but in less time than a stick of incense, Zhao Yuan, who was chasing after him, was already very close to the monster crocodile... …



The monster crocodile was chased by Zhao Yuan in front of thousands of monsters, and ran for his life like a bereaved dog. Seeing that Zhao Yuan was already behind him, he became angry from embarrassment, and unexpectedly disregarded the ice and fire magic knife above his head. His huge body suddenly folded and opened his bloody mouth , showing sharp teeth, and bit Zhao Yuan head-on.


Seeing Zhao Yuan rushing towards the dark red blood basin, the group of monsters let out an exclamation.

Long Zifei, a group of cultivators, also had palpitations on their faces, especially Leng Qing, who was even more pale, with both hands, tightly grasping the arms of each of Leng Yue, who was in pain and pain when she was caught, But it's not easy to make a sound.


Under the eyes of the group of monsters, Zhao Yuan's wild body suddenly came to an abrupt stop without any warning, making people inexplicably suffocate and extremely uncomfortable.

Just when everyone felt uncomfortable, suddenly, the huge black knife in Zhao Yuan's hand flew out, and the huge blade turned into a black shadow, which fell into the bloody mouth of the monster crocodile. middle.

Time and space froze in this instant.

The monster crocodile was also frozen.

The monster crocodile opened its bloody mouth wide, and its ferocious eyes were full of inconceivable color.

Time passed little by little.

Hundreds of eyes were fixed on the motionless crocodile.

When it was half a stick of incense, the monster crocodile remained motionless, and the ferocious eyes that were still a little angry also lost their vitality.

he died?

Could it be that the arrogant and invincible monster crocodile in the prehistoric area died?

The monsters watching from the surrounding peaks all held their breath, as if they were afraid of waking up the sculpture-like demon crocodile.

On the ice surface, Zhao Yuan stood tall like a mountain, with long hair flying in the cold wind, soaring to the sky.

For this knife, Zhao Yuan not only used all his strength, but also used the power of faith in the Lingtai world.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was the huge black knife that killed the monster crocodile, but in fact, it was Hua Toutuo's evil spirit that really killed the monster crocodile, because at the moment when the ice and fire magic knife shot into the bloody mouth of the monster crocodile , the tenacious spirit of the monster crocodile showed a flaw, and the evil spirit took advantage of it.

Faced with the attack of the magic knife and the evil spirit, the monster crocodile lost its defense in an instant, and was swallowed by the evil spirit, leaving only a huge hard body...

Under the eyes of thousands of eyes, Zhao Yuan moved. His steps were slow but firm, and he walked towards the sculpted demon crocodile step by step, full of determination and courage to move forward.

The atmosphere is getting tense.

At this time, although the group of demons speculated that the crocodile was dead, there were still thousands of possibilities before it was confirmed. After all, it was an invincible crocodile, a crocodile that even the monkeys could not defeat.

In just a few breaths, the group of monsters felt as long as a century.

Finally, Zhao Yuan walked up to the monster crocodile's big mouth.

In front of the huge monster crocodile, Zhao Yuan's slender figure is too small. Zhao Yuan's height is less than half of the monster crocodile's big mouth. The size of Yuan's head can be seen from the huge size of the monster crocodile.

Zhao Yuan poked his arm.

The huge ice and fire demon knife slowly appeared from the monster crocodile's bloody mouth.

In Zhao Yuan's hands was the huge black Ice Fire Demon Knife, spitting out black flames, majestic and majestic.

With the giant knife in hand, Zhao Yuan made a simple beheading movement towards the monster crocodile.

When Zhao Yuan raised the giant knife in his hand, the hearts of the group of monsters beat crazily, everyone was waiting for the shocking strike.


It wasn't a shocking knife, the sound of this knife was undetectable, like a hot knife piercing butter.

Zhao Yuan raised the knife in his hand, and the huge head of the monster crocodile was cut off, and fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, the huge body of the monster crocodile also collapsed, shattered into thousands of fist-sized fragments. , just like the glass is scratched and broken, the only difference is that the fragments are all blood-red that makes people palpitate.

The crocodile is dead!

Around the huge Crocodile God Lake, there was a suffocating silence at first, and then there was an earth-shattering cheer, and the monsters cheered Zhao Yuan's name.

"The wicked Zhao Yuan!"

"The wicked Zhao Yuan!"

"I love you, Zhao Yuan!"

Above the mountains and haze in the distance, there was a stunningly beautiful woman in a long white dress that was fluttering and screaming.

It's the witch Bai Jie.

Zhao Yuan waved to Bai Jie, the demon girl. Unexpectedly, Bai Jie rushed over to watch the battle.

Of course, Zhao Yuan didn't know that this monster crocodile was notorious in the prehistoric area, because he relied on his body to be tyrannical, invulnerable, and took pleasure in killing. The monsters in the prehistoric area suffered greatly from it, even Bai Jie was often harassed by him Today, Zhao Yuan killed the demon crocodile, which can be said to be eliminating harm for the people... no, it was killing demons.

"Brother, these monsters seem to know Big Brother Zhao?" Seeing that Zhao Yuan was popular with monsters, Leng Qing was in a good mood, but when she saw the witch Bai Jie, her mood immediately became bad.

"It looks like it is." Leng Yue smiled wryly.

"It seems that we are the only ones who don't know him." Long Zifei also smiled wryly.

"I don't know if our teacher knows Brother Zhao's name?" Leng Qing showed a hint of curiosity on her face.

"Our masters usually don't pay attention to the Great Qin Empire, so they probably don't know about it." Long Zixiao said.

"Yeah, no matter how strong Brother Zhao is, he won't be stronger than our head. Our head doesn't even pay attention to General Changkong." Strong self-confidence.

"This is..."

Everyone did not object to Hua Tian's words.

Although Huatian's Feiyun Sect is a small sect, its head is extremely powerful and has reached the early stage of ascension. Even the arrogant Jinguan Sect dare not easily provoke Feiyun Sect.

The Zihuang Danyang Sect, Feiyun Sect, Burning Soul Invincible Sect, and Jinguan Sect are all neighbors. Among the four sects, the Jinguan Sect has a large number of people, and there are countless outstanding disciples. The second is the Zihuang Danyang Sect. On a par with the Burning Soul Invincibles, the last one was Feiyunmen.

However, among the four sects, the Feiyun sect is the most powerful in terms of personal influence. Even the disciples of the sect are all outstanding. Even among the five sects, although Hua Tian is not very old, his skill is comparable to that of Long Zi. Fly par.

In fact, in the prehistoric area, there are thousands of sects of cultivation, large and small, and one person can start a sect, and there are countless sects that are not well-known. Among these sects, the number of unborn masters of cultivation is still very large Yes, among them, some masters are even able to compete with Tongtian Monkey...


"Let's go."

Just when everyone was chatting wildly, Zhao Yuan had already returned to the beach, and everyone realized that the countless monsters around them suddenly disappeared miraculously.

Long Zifei and his group didn't know that to the monsters, Zhao Yuan was also a terrifying human being. No monster was willing to stay by Zhao Yuan's side. When the monster crocodile was killed, the group of monsters dispersed immediately.

At this time, the Crocodile God Lake had already frozen, which saved some trouble.

Everyone sprinted across the ice, staring dumbfounded at the frozen fish and waves.

How much mana is needed to freeze the lake!

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