wicked immortal

Chapter 836 Mental Stress

The whole prehistoric world was boiling, because after discussing with a group of cultivators, Zhao Yuan announced that the crystal stones obtained in the Kuaiji Mountain Palace, as long as they are cultivators living in the prehistoric area, they can get a share.

Zhao Yuan's approach can be said to be a happy one.

The big sect already has an advantage in terms of numbers, so it is natural to be able to share more. As for some small sects, they are weak in themselves, so they are naturally satisfied with the same treatment as those big sects.

Because the number of cultivators in the prehistoric area is very large, and there are tens of thousands of sects involved, some sects are lonely, and they are also a sect. Based on the average of five people in each sect, it is conservatively estimated that the total number of cultivators in the prehistoric area has reached five There are tens of thousands of people, so it is necessary to draw up a detailed roster and then allocate the number of people.

In front of hundreds of practitioners, Zhao Yuan cleaned up the crystals in the Sumeru Ring, and the total number was as high as one million. That is to say, each person can get five crystals.

Five crystals!

For some cultivators, five crystals are already very attractive, especially for some big sects with a large number of people, they cannot resist the temptation. One person has five crystals, ten has fifty, and a hundred people is five hundred. However, the total number of cultivation sects like Jiutianmen has reached more than 500 people. If the spar is divided, it will be an extremely terrifying number.

Of course, the Nine Heavens Gate and the Golden Crown Gate have already been deprived of the right to "split the spoils".

Intentionally or unintentionally, Zhao Yuan used alienation tactics to alienate Jiutianmen and Jinguanmen. Many cultivators even took pleasure in their misfortune. Killing it means that other sects will get more crystals.

After Zhao Yuan announced the crystal stone distribution plan, cultivators from all directions in Honghuang came to hear the news. At the foot of Jiutianmen Mountain, there were more and more cultivators, just like the vegetable market of the Great Qin Empire, full of people's voices.

The heads of some cultivation sects are eligible to enter the "palace" built by the monsters for Zhao Yuan.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yuan, the heads of some sects elected a group of highly respected cultivators to monitor the quotas reported by each sect. Once fraud was discovered, the eligibility to share the spoils would be immediately cancelled...


At the same time, Zhao Yuan announced in a high-profile manner that any cultivator who pleads for the Nine Heavens Gate and the Golden Crown Gate will be regarded as his enemy of Zhao Yuan.

Faced with Zhao Yuan's stern and selfless expression, many cultivators who planned to plead for Jiutianmen swallowed their words forcefully.

Thousands of demon soldiers surrounded the Jiutian Gate like an iron bucket, and no one could go up the mountain.

The vulture king is the best at monitoring, it can be said that even flies can't fly up, the sky, the sharp eyes of the soaring vultures are fixed on the Jiutianmen, even if there is the slightest disturbance, they can't escape their eyes.

In this prehistoric area, there are traps everywhere, and birds are the only ones that can fly freely.

On Jiutianmen Mountain, the seven Nine Heavens Sword Formation had been guarded for several hours, and the mountain was getting more and more lively, with bonfires raging into the sky, but there was no sign of attacking the mountain at all.

Naturally, the cultivators of Jiutianmen didn't know that Shanshita was discussing the matter of splitting crystals vigorously at this time.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.


As time passed bit by bit, the disciples of Jiutianmen became more and more anxious. Even Tang Xiong, the head of the sect, became impetuous, not knowing what medicine Zhao Yuan was selling.

The Golden Crown Sect cultivators who supported the Nine Heavens Sect also had different opinions, and many people were already dissatisfied.

Whether it is the Nine Heavens Gate or the Golden Crown Gate, the pressure that ordinary people are under at this time is unimaginable.

No one knows what happened down the mountain.

There are more and more cultivators flying in the sky Yujian. Around the foot of the mountain, there are burning bonfires, and more and more people gather.

From the perspective of the cultivators of Jiutianmen, those people are definitely not here to support Jiutianmen, but to add insult to injury.

Tang Xiong really wanted to go down the mountain to see the situation, but he didn't dare to act rashly, because his every move might arouse the suspicion of the disciples and shake the morale of the army.

Tang Xiong knew very well that the Nine Heavens Sect had no advantage in the face of Zhao Yuan's demon soldiers and the Daqin Empire's cultivators. The only thing that could be honored was the Nine Heavens Sword Formation, and the Nine Heavens Sword Formation itself was a defensive formation that could not move flexibly. Fa, if you go down the mountain, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. At that time, I am afraid that you will be defeated without fighting.

Nine Heavens Sword Formation is an ancient strange formation. It is said that during the war between gods and demons, human cultivators had many formations that could kill gods, and Nine Heavens Sword Formation was one of them.

Like other formations for killing gods, the Nine Heavens Sword Formation is mainly used to ambush gods on the ground.

Time did not stop at all, it passed firmly and persistently.

The vigorous battle that everyone was expecting did not happen, and the night passed like this, but the mountain was still full of people, and more and more cultivators were running unscrupulously between the mountains, making the sound of howling and piercing the air.

The disciples of Jiutianmen and Jinguanmen spent a sleepless night.

The atmosphere on the mountain became more and more depressing.

If we say that at the beginning, the disciples of the Jiutianmen were full of fighting spirit, but after a night of intense tension, the disciples of the Jiutianmen had become extremely exhausted.

The disciples of the Jingua Sect complained even more.

Tang Xiong's mood became heavier and heavier.

The opponent is indeed the undefeated God of War!

Now, Tang Xiong already believed that the legend was true. The opponent had disintegrated the Jiutianmen's fighting spirit in just one night, and his tactics were superb.

Faced with Zhao Yuan's approach, Tang Xiong had nothing to do, because he was not a general who fought on the battlefield, he was just a cultivator who practiced in closed doors all day long.

The disciples of Jiutianmen are not soldiers killed from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. Although they are powerful cultivators, their psychological quality is not as good as that of ordinary human soldiers.

It was just one night of torment, and the willpower of many practitioners was already on the verge of collapse.

At this time, if any of the generals leading troops in the Great Qin Empire and Tang Xiong were to change their identities, there would be hundreds of ways to deal with Zhao Yuan's tactics. It is a pity that Tang Xiong is not a general who kills with iron blood, but He is a cultivator who single-mindedly strives to achieve Taoism and immortality.

The blazing bonfire and the sound of the bubbling down the mountain made Tang Xiong and the disciples lose their minds.

Down the mountain.

No one knew that this ordinary night was a tormenting night for the entire Jiutianmen, because the cultivators at the foot of the mountain were eagerly looking forward to the "dividing the spoils", and they were all in high spirits.

After a night of hard work, the list has been drafted. In order to show fairness, it is announced in the form of a list, and everyone can supervise it. As long as the cost is found, all qualifications will be disqualified.

The number of cultivators gathered at the foot of Jiutianmen Mountain is getting larger and larger.

No one knew what Zhao Yuan was thinking, and what Zhao Yuan wanted was this effect.

When Zhao Yuan fought towards Jiutianmen with great fanfare, he created an illusion of strong soldiers and horses pressing every step of the way, and splitting the crystal stones allowed practitioners from the prehistoric area to gather under Jiutianmen, causing huge psychological pressure on Jiutianmen. So as to achieve the purpose of disintegrating the will of Jiutianmen.

In Tongzhou City, Zhao Yuan was also calm and calm in the face of the [-] crusaders. Naturally, he didn't take the hundreds of thousands of cultivators to heart.

If the prehistoric area could fly with the sword, those Jiutianmen disciples who couldn't bear the pressure in their hearts would have fled long ago.

Unfortunately, in this prehistoric area, there is no difference between flying with a sword and committing suicide, and the Nine Heavens Gate has been besieged by thousands of demon soldiers and cultivators.


To capture Jiutianmen, Zhao Yuan can find countless ways, but Zhao Yuan has to choose a thunderous method, so that Jiutianmen has no power to fight back. Only in this way can the practitioners in the prehistoric area be shocked.

At noon, the plan of "dividing the spoils" was finalized. Zhao Yuan proposed that after the capture of the Nine Heavens Gate, the spoils could be divided.

Due to Zhao Yuan's affection, although some cultivators were dissatisfied, they still agreed to Zhao Yuan's request. After all, Zhao Yuan made it clear that they would not need their assistance in capturing the Nine Heavens Gate.

Of course, Zhao Yuan still made a small request, asking the cultivators to chop firewood for him.

There is really no reason for a cultivator to shirk Zhao Yuan's small request, after all, it is a matter of little effort.

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