wicked immortal

Chapter 844 The King of Corpses

That loud noise was exactly where the ten-thousand-year-old corpse fell on Zhao Yuan.

At this time, Zhao Yuan realized that he had actually landed on a huge rock overgrown with weeds. The rock had already been smashed to pieces by the Wannian ancient corpse and Zhao Yuan, and the criss-crossing cracks on it were like spiders.

Although the ten-thousand-year-old corpse's body was tyrannical, it didn't have a dragon armor to protect it. It was hit like a drunk by this earth-shattering impact. Want to wake up.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan had already returned to his normal state from the phantom realm, what surprised Zhao Yuan was that the zombie, which was tens of feet tall, had turned into the same size as him.

Could this zombie also be able to enter the realm of phantoms? !


Just as Zhao Yuan was considering whether to sneak attack on the ten thousand year old corpse, suddenly, a faint sigh sounded in the air.

Zhao Yuan was startled. He didn't realize that there were people around him just now. His body bounced up abruptly, his limbs tensed up. His blade-like eyes followed the sound, only then did he realize that there was a place in front of him and the [-]-year-old corpse on the left. , there is a huge bluestone like a mushroom, on the bluestone, there are two Taoist priests playing chess.

No wonder I didn't find them just now!

These two Taoist priests sat cross-legged on the bluestone, wearing blue robes, motionless, covered with vines and withered grass for camouflage, like two timeless, lifeless sculptures, Zhao Yuan was knocked dizzy At first glance, it is really not easy to see clearly.

Zhao Yuan was secretly vigilant, the other party was definitely a rare master, because he didn't feel the slightest human breath just now.


While Zhao Yuan was observing the two Taoist priests, suddenly, the ten-thousand-year-old corpse beside him who had been bumped as if he was drunk grabbed Zhao Yuan, and the pitch-black nails on Ji Zhang's five fingers were like five fists. The sharp sword made a whistling sound, sharp and terrifying.

Zhao Yuan didn't want to fight a mindless ancient corpse, so he ducked down on the spot, dodged the sharp nails, and ran towards the opposite place from the two Taoist priests on the bluestone...



Zhao Yuan had only been running for tens of feet when two blue lightning bolts suddenly swept in front of him, blocking his way out.

Blocking Zhao Yuan's way out were two Taoist priests wearing blue robes. The two Taoist priests carried long swords on their backs. The robes were windless and automatic, and they looked like immortals. However, their eyes were filled with Undisguised ferocity.


Just when Zhao Yuan was concentrating on guarding against the two priests, the ten thousand year ancient corpse entangled again and grabbed Zhao Yuan's back.

"Do you fucking have any brains? You are still entangled with me when they want to kill us. You think I'm really afraid of you!"

Zhao Yuan urged "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Years", kicked up in the air, and kicked the ten thousand-year ancient corpse fiercely. The ten thousand-year ancient corpse's body was only stagnant for a while, but it actually bullied him again. Zhao Yuan couldn't think of it. The other party was secretly shocked when he took a blow from him, and couldn't help but curse.

"Who said I have no brains." The ten-thousand-year-old corpse said in a low voice.

"Ah...you...you can talk?" Zhao Yuan suddenly petrified, he always regarded this ten thousand year old corpse as a monster without thinking and only killing.

"You didn't talk to me, why should I talk to you." There was a hint of arrogance on the withered and strange face of the Wannian ancient corpse.

"Ahem..." Zhao Yuan never imagined that the expression on the zombie's face would be so rich.

"You ruined my Qi-gathering formation, I'm going to kill you!" Although the Wannian Ancient Corpse spoke in a slow manner, it was obvious from his demeanor and movements that his thinking was not in a mess, but a little dull.

"When did I destroy your formation?" Zhao Yuan argued while observing the two Taoist priests in blue robes. Although the two had fierce eyes, they looked leisurely and indifferent. , it seems that he is not in a hurry to make a move.

"You ran wildly in the mountains and stepped on my eyes. From now on, I won't be able to sit back and enjoy it." The Wannian ancient corpse became more and more angry as he spoke, his face was full of anger, and his emotions seemed to be out of control. killing spirit.

Zhao Yuan immediately guessed that this zombie must have hunted some souls or cultivators' spirit beasts with the large formation. The law gets something for nothing, that's why he hunted him down endlessly.

Zhao Yuan thought to himself, it seems that he was still at fault for this matter, no wonder this guy is so persistent in chasing him, anyone else would be furious.

"When I go back, I'll help you recover the energy gathering array." Zhao Yuan was wary of the two green-robed Taoist priests from the beginning to the end, so he could only perfunctory first to appease the zombie for the time being.

"You can restore the Qi Gathering Formation!" The face of the Wannian Ancient Corpse showed a hint of sarcasm, but because there was no flesh on its face, it looked extremely eerie.

"This..." Zhao Yuan really wanted to pat his chest to reassure him, but he knew nothing about the Qi Gathering Formation, so if the zombie asked a few questions and immediately put on the bag, he naturally wouldn't dare to speak out.

"The gas-gathering array was formed naturally by the good fortune of heaven and earth. Then, together with the three eyes of the formation left by the battle between gods and demons, the gas-gathering array was formed. It can be said to be a supernatural workmanship. It is impossible to form a gas gathering array..."

The more the ten thousand-year-old corpse spoke, the more angry it became. With ten fingers stretched in the air, there was a hissing roar in its throat, and it looked like it was going berserk.

"Don't you just want to become a fairy! Without the Qi Gathering Formation, you can become a fairy!" Zhao Yuan didn't put his mind on the Wannian Ancient Corpse at all. It was absolutely impossible to kill him. What Zhao Yuan was worried about was the two green-robed priests. Judging by their appearance, they were determined to win. Although Zhao Yuan didn't know what they wanted, he could be sure that the other party and his It is definitely not a good thing for strangers to block the way out with a hostile expression.

"Become an immortal... hahaha... who said I want to become an immortal?" The Wannian Ancient Corpse laughed.

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhao Yuan asked absently.

"Become a demon!" The Wannian ancient corpse spat out two words.

"Cheng Mo...has ambition!"

"Of course!" The Wannian Ancient Corpse looked smug.

"If you want to become a fairy, I can help you. If you want to become a demon, I can also help you. Even if you kill me, the energy gathering array will not recover. Why don't we join hands and kill these two people?" Guy make another plan..."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." A green-robed Taoist priest interrupted Zhao Yuan's words with a nighthawk-like laugh, which was creepy.

"Just because you want to kill us?" Another green-robed Taoist priest had a mocking look on his face.

"Why did you kill us?" Zhao Yuan asked suddenly.

"Because you have what we need..."

"Look, I'm right, they want to kill us, and you still want to kill us to the death with me. It's fine if your IQ is not enough, but judging by your conversation, you are not an ordinary corpse demon, so I don't think you need much! We are fighting against each other now, if we kill each other, wouldn't they be taking advantage of them." Zhao Yuan immediately interrupted the Taoist leader, and said to the Wannian ancient corpse.

"Why do you want to kill me?" The Wannian Ancient Corpse glared at the two green-robed Taoist priests, with a pair of deep-set eyes shooting out crackling electric lights.

Seeing that the ten thousand year old corpse actually asked such a question, Zhao Yuan thought to himself, this zombie should also be a guy who is both good and evil, not a real bloodthirsty person.For those real bloodthirsty people, killing is purely a kind of entertainment, enjoying the pleasure of killing, there is no reason at all.

"Do you still need a reason to kill you idiot!" The Taoist priest who liked to laugh at each other coldly snorted, and the murderous aura emanating from his body was as real as it was.


The Wannian Ancient Corpse was furious, and reached out to grab the Taoist leader, but before he fully stretched out his hand, Zhao Yuan's five fingers clasped the Wannian Ancient Corpse's wrist like lightning, and the Wannian Ancient Corpse's target shifted to On the body of the two green-robed Taoist priests, Zhao Yuan caught him off guard, and a wild force immediately lifted him up into the air, flying like clouds and fog.

puff puff puff puff...

After Zhao Yuan grabbed the ten-thousand-year-old corpse, the other hand volleyed a missile, and a series of pill symbols shot towards the two green-robed priests. The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the air was filled with gunpowder smoke.

"Come on!"

The ancient corpse of ten thousand years was about to struggle, Zhao Yuan yelled into his ear, let go of his arms, and rushed out first, with all his strength, countless afterimages swept up behind him, like a wisp of blue smoke.

Seeing that Zhao Yuan ran away without stopping, Wannian Ancient Corpse was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, opened his mouth and exhaled a strong black corpse breath towards the place where the two green-robed Taoist priests were standing, and then chased after Zhao Yuan.


The Dan Talisman flying like a butterfly was still exploding in the air. Although the power of the Dan Talisman could not kill the two green-robed Taoist priests, they were also blown to disgrace. It filled the entire sky, and they couldn't see their fingers. The two of them turned pale with fright, and ran wildly. After running out of the range of the corpse, the long-haired young man and the zombie had long since disappeared.

"let's go!"

The two Taoist priests stomped their feet resentfully, with unwilling expressions on their faces, Yu Jianfei flew away.

After a full stick of incense, there was a movement in the withered grass in the barren mountains, and then, a bald, dark-skinned head with sunken eyes sneaked out.

"They're gone?" Zhao Yuan asked as he lay on the grass facing the sky, looking at the gray sky.

"Let's go." The Wannian Ancient Corpse snorted coldly and said, "Why are we running away?"

"Can you beat them?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"...I don't know." Wannian Ancient Corpse was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with an expression of uncertainty.

"Since you are not sure, why take the risk?" Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"Rat!" The Wannian Ancient Corpse sarcastically said.

"Why don't you look like a zombie at all?" Zhao Yuan asked curiously, looking at the rich expression of the Wannian ancient corpse.

"Who is a zombie! You are a zombie! Your whole family is a zombie!" Wannian Ancient Corpse jumped up and cursed angrily as if it had been poked into a nerve.

"..." Zhao Yuan was speechless, turned over and got up, glanced at the surroundings, and saw that the weather was calm, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief. The two cultivators just now caused him great mental pressure.

"I am the consciousness born of countless dead souls, and I am the king of all corpses!" The Wannian ancient corpse said proudly.

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