wicked immortal

Chapter 863

Zhao Yuan was too lazy to deal with the king of corpses, and began to carefully examine the body of the five elders.

"How is it?" Seeing Zhao Yuan's solemn expression after the inspection, Xiao Ruan couldn't help asking.

"The five elders were struck by the lightning and hurt the internal organs. However, no matter whether it is a skin injury or an internal injury, it is not a big problem for me, but..." Zhao Yuan hesitated.

"How is it?" Xiao Ruan and Wu Lao seem to have a deep relationship, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"The fifth elder's soul was shaken by the sky thunder, and he almost lost his soul. I can heal his wounds, but I can't help him restore his shaken soul..."

"The primordial spirit is damaged!" Xiao Ruan's face changed color.

Anyone who is a cultivator knows that the primordial spirit is the foundation of a cultivator. The so-called cultivation is to strengthen the primordial spirit. Moreover, the aura also comes from the primordial spirit. Life makes no difference.

The power of a cultivator mainly comes from the body given by his parents, followed by the soul, and the body is born with a certain amount of power, while the soul needs to be cultivated.

The so-called annihilation of body and spirit means that the body and the soul are destroyed at the same time, which shows the importance of the soul.

"Don't worry, it just takes a little time." Zhao Yuan frowned.

"How long will it take?" Xiao Ruan was overjoyed.

"It's hard to say." Zhao Yuan shook his head.

"What will happen before recovery?"

"It's no different from ordinary people."

"It's no different from ordinary people..."

Xiao Ruan's face was blank immediately, now, he finally understood why Zhao Yuan's expression was solemn.

For a cultivator, if he suddenly loses his supernatural powers and becomes an ordinary mortal, it is tantamount to cruel torture.

In the world of comprehension, many cultivators choose to commit suicide after losing their aura and mana.

"What should I do?" Zhao Yuan handed over the choice to Xiao Ruan.

"No matter what, save him first!" Xiao Ruan gritted her teeth and nodded fiercely.

"Who is he to you?" Zhao Yuan felt the resoluteness in Xiao Ruan's attitude, and at the same time, he could guess that Xiao Ruan's life would be difficult in the future.

In this vast formation of sand, all the people living in it are cultivators, moreover, they are all master cultivators, and the worst ones have reached the third intermediate level, which is about the same level as Wan Ziyu. Most of them are advanced cultivators. Living here can be said to be frightening and perilous. If he saves the five elders, it means that Xiao Ruan will be responsible for the life and safety of the five elders in the future.

"When I was a newcomer back then, it was the five elders who saved me." Xiao Ruan showed a trace of nostalgia on his face.


Zhao Yuan nodded. He is also a newcomer, so he can naturally feel the helplessness Xiao Ruan felt when he first entered Sha Miao's formation. The population in the formation is increasing, and the survival rate of newcomers is getting lower and lower. If a cultivator can get the help of the old man when he first enters the Sha Miao formation, he will undoubtedly win the gold medal for avoiding death.

Zhao Yuan didn't ask any more questions, he took out dozens of top-quality crystals from his body, and laid out the crystal matrix that he stole from Mrs. Suxin.

Back then, Mrs. Suxin used the spar matrix to pull Wan Ziyu back alive from the Palace of the King of Hades.

When Master Suxin healed Wan Ziyu, he used nine top-quality crystals, but this time, Zhao Yuan used 27 crystals at a time.

After 27 brilliant top-quality crystals are arranged in a crystal matrix, they radiate dazzling precious light in the Bingjie Valley, and above the sky, colorful entanglements and radiance...

When Xiao Ruan saw Zhao Yuan using dozens of top-quality crystals to heal the five elders, his whole body was shocked to petrification, and he looked at Zhao Yuan dully, unable to say a word.

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses was someone who had seen the world. Although his face was a little shocked, he was not as excited as Xiao Ruan. Instead, he licked his lips with a look of regret on his face.

After Zhao Yuan set up the spar matrix, he began to activate the array, holding the spiritual energy in his hands, and kept doing some complicated and obscure movements. Those top-quality spar began to bloom with dazzling brilliance. Gradually, the brilliance of 27 spar was connected in series. Together, a human-shaped mask was formed, completely covering Wu Lao's body, as if Wu Lao's body was emitting a compelling light...


There seems to be water flowing inside the radiant mask, and there seems to be ripples that are constantly spreading.

Zhao Yuan sat upright, the aura of his hands connected with the aura of the spar, forming an irregular light beam. The thin beam seemed to be controlling the mask. Gradually, the mask became thicker and thicker. His figure could no longer be seen clearly, only a halo of a human figure.

Unlike Master Suxin, who was drenched in sweat back then, Zhao Yuan appeared calm and calm, and his gestures gave people a strong sense of security.

What a powerful force!

Although Xiao Ruan is called "Xiao Ruan", he is not young. He is already over 300 years old and has reached the third advanced level. Zhao Yuan is not simple.

Not to mention how powerful Zhao Yuan's true power is, just seeing that he can activate 27 top-quality crystals at the same time is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

For a cultivator like Xiao Ruan who is considered a master in Zhanyun Continent, it is impossible to even think about mobilizing 27 top-quality crystals.

Usually, after a cultivator obtains the best spar, it takes a long time to refine it.

Back then, after Wan Ziyu spent a huge sum of money to purchase a top-quality spar, he retreated for three months. From this, it can be seen how difficult it is for a cultivator to refine a top-quality spar...


Time passed bit by bit, Xiao Ruan nervously looked at the five elders in the spar matrix.

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses was also watching from a distance. At this moment, he had a very strange feeling, feeling that the dying body was exuding vigorous vitality.


The King of Ten Thousand Corpses showed frustration on his face, and sat down on the ground, "Hey!" The King of Ten Thousand Corpses who had just sat down suddenly stood up and looked up into the distance.

In the distance, there was a thrilling sound of piercing through the air, one after another, as if thousands of cultivators were flying with their swords, it was extremely frightening.

"What are they doing?" Seeing that Xiao Ruan was still concentrating on watching Zhao Yuan heal the five elders, the King of Ten Thousand Corpses couldn't help reminding.


Xiao Ruan raised her head and looked shocked. She saw practitioners rushing over from all directions in the air. Like locusts, there were at least dozens of them. In the distance, there were still some little blacks coming continuously.

"What's the matter?" Although the King of Ten Thousand Corpses was dull, he was not stupid, and immediately realized something was wrong from Xiaoruan's expression, and lifted the Death Scythe like he was facing a formidable enemy.

"They were attracted by the colorful aura emanating from the top-quality spar." Xiao Ruan looked at the five elders in the spar matrix, burning with anxiety.

From the extremely fast brilliance of the top-quality spar and Zhao Yuan's solemn expression, it can be seen that the healing of the five elders has reached a critical moment.

"We protect the law for Zhao Yuan." Xiao Ruan stomped his feet fiercely, drew out the flying sword from his waist, and said murderously.

"What are they going to do?" The king of corpses showed a puzzled look on his face.

"They want to grab Zhao Yuan's spar."

"In broad daylight, you dare to rob, there is no law!" The king of corpses shouted, with a righteous face.


Seeing the furious, righteous and awe-inspiring king of corpses, Xiao Ruan opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word. The word "Wang Fa" came out of the king of corpses, which made Xiao Ruan feel like Weird feeling.


The King of Ten Thousand Corpses uttered an earth-shattering roar, shaking the mountains and rivers.

The king of corpses stretched out his arms, and his snow-white bathrobe fluttered in the wind, hunting, and the black death scythe shot out dazzling lightning.



The ground made a scalp-numbing cracking sound, and countless criss-cross cracks appeared on the ground of Bingjiegu...

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