wicked immortal

Chapter 886 Cosmic Civilization

"Could it be... We are wrong?" Xueyi was lost for a while.

"It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. In the process of human civilization, the gods have indeed created countless disasters for mankind. However, I personally think that the awakening of human beings to the gods is biased and too extreme. "


"There is nothing wrong with it. The gods cannot do without humans, and humans can leave the gods, because human beings have the choice of technological civilization, and gods, leaving humans is like a fish leaving water. Therefore, humans are actually Standing on the upper hand, the problem is that the awakening of humans has pushed the gods to a dead end, and they have become anti-human existences."

"..." Xueyi opened her mouth, but couldn't tell why.

"Actually, whether it is human beings or awakened humans, it is impossible to destroy the gods forever, because the gods and humans are a whole, with the same ancestors and the same ancestors. Unless the entire human being is wiped out, the gods and humans will perish together!"

"Doesn't that mean that human beings will be enslaved by gods forever?" Xueyi shook her head, trying her best not to be influenced by Zhao Yuan.

"Awakened human beings have the power to compete with the gods. Why do you say that the gods will enslave humans forever? At least, when the gods do everything, they must consider the reactions of awakened humans. In addition, I believe that the relationship between humans and gods , will eventually find a suitable way to get along, and at that time, the gods can also drive the awakened human spaceship to travel in the universe..."

"Ah...the god is driving the spaceship?" Xueyi's face changed color, as if she had thought of something.

"Why not?" Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"If gods drive spaceships, then what other species is human's opponent?" Xueyi lowered her head and muttered to herself.

"There are species that can compete with humans?" Zhao Yuan was surprised.

"The vastness of the universe is beyond your imagination. In this vast space, there are many intelligent creatures living. Their strength is also beyond your imagination. In fact, we humans, in front of some intelligent creatures, Existing like ants..." Xueyi said with a wry smile.

"With your high-tech weapons for awakening human beings, are they also existences like ants?"

"Although it is not certain, according to the information clues we have grasped from the awakened human beings, human beings are actually just a small branch of cosmic civilization, and human civilization is likely to be a civilization derived from other species."

"It's so powerful!" Zhao Yuan couldn't help gasping. He has always believed that human beings have stood at the top of the cosmic biological chain. In the universe, although there are some powerful interstellar monsters, they can defeat ordinary humans. , but unable to defeat humans at the level of gods.

"The development of civilization will eventually form the form of a great unification. However, the process of this unification is extremely cruel. Many civilizations will disappear in smoke if they can't persist in the final unification. Therefore, we awaken the responsibility of mankind. Not only to hunt down the gods, but also shoulder the responsibility of protecting the entire human race, so that human civilization can continue.”

"Is there any alien civilization threatening the survival of human beings?" Zhao Yuan asked curiously.


"Tell me."

"My level is not enough. We are awakened humans, and there are spiritual leaders from higher planes who are responsible for higher-level tasks. I am just an awakened warrior, and I have not yet reached the level where I can know alien civilizations."


That night, Zhao Yuan and Xueyi lay in the tent and chatted until late at night. These days, the two had never had such an in-depth conversation. During this conversation, Zhao Yuan learned more about awakened human beings. And Xueyi also has a different understanding of the world of comprehension.

During this exchange, Zhao Yuan and Xueyi reached an agreement on some views.

When human beings encounter a barbaric and powerful civilization, they must have an overwhelming advantage in order to allow human civilization to continue.

The reason is very simple. When humans and lions live in the same room without the protection of guns and tools, the only way is to kill the lion or isolate the lion.

In the vast universe, there are countless civilizations that are as powerful and savage as lions. Their strength is inherent and evolved from individuals, while human beings are civilizations evolved from the entire group. Between the two, There is no common language at all.

In Xueyi's view, human beings are not afraid of alien civilizations, because any species that can be called civilization will not exterminate other species, and even if there are conflicts, they will choose a way to coexist peacefully.

What humans are most afraid of are those interstellar beasts without civilization in the universe. They mostly exist in the form of individuals. In their consciousness, killing is an innate instinct.

Of course, there is a more terrifying existence, that is, the civilization carrying the killing gene. They regard killing as a kind of pleasure, and they enjoy the thrill when their prey is on the verge of death.

Zhao Yuan thought of the Earth movie "Alien"...


"Zhao Yuan, I'm not a cultivator, I'm tired and going to sleep..." Xueyi murmured softly.

"Go to sleep."

Looking at Xueyi's astonishing curves, Zhao Yuan covered her with a blanket and got out of the tent.

I seem to be becoming more and more like a gentleman.

Inexplicably, Zhao Yuan recalled the love affair with Lan Cai'er in the same tent back then, and a wry smile appeared on his face, if it was back then, he would have put the beauty in front of him to death on the spot.

It seems that his control over the body is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhao Yuan didn't like this kind of feeling. He thought that he was a man, a man of flesh and blood. As a man, he should have needs. He didn't want to become a monk who hung on to eat meat.

Do real gods have physical needs?

Zhao Yuan sat alone on the desert, looking up at the vast and boundless starry sky, traveling thousands of miles.

The one-night long talk with Xueyi gave Zhao Yuan a better understanding of this universe.

Will those sci-fi movies on earth become reality?

Will the human galaxy fleet encounter powerful creatures like aliens in the universe?


After wandering for thousands of miles, Zhao Yuan came to a conclusion.

High technology can strengthen the entire human being, but the power of individual human beings still needs to be improved by gods and practitioners. For example, the aliens in the earth movie "Alien" are helpless for human beings. However, if the aliens meet gods or practitioners , It can be said that it is a one-hit bombardment, not even scum is left, this is the difference between humans and gods.

The huge planet rose, and in an instant, the scorching sun shone on the earth. The temperature of the originally cool desert increased from about [-] degrees to over [-] degrees in just ten minutes. It became a huge furnace, and some small animals that were originally active have disappeared.

Xueyi was woken up by the heat.

Zhao Yuan quickly tidied up and hid in the cool Wrangler.

At this moment, Xueyi, who sneered at the Wrangler, also had to thank this backward means of transportation.

"Zhao Yuan, there is no way for us to find this way." Xueyi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, frowned.

"If we can't find traces of human activity today, we'll stop."

"Stop for what?"

"Transform this planet and let humans multiply here."

"Oh...but, there is no one." Xueyi responded casually. She didn't take Zhao Yuan's words to heart. In her opinion, let alone Zhao Yuan, even a real god, it is impossible for a short time In order to transform this planet that is not suitable for human habitation, besides, if there are no people on this planet, the transformation will be meaningless.

"It doesn't matter if there is no one, we can have children. Just work harder and have one child a year. In ten or eight years, we will have a large group of children." Zhao Yuan laughed.

"But...our children cannot intermarry..." Xueyi didn't dare to meet Zhao Yuan's eyes, she lowered her head, a blush appeared on her snow-white face.

"Haha, don't worry, Shanren has his own plan." Seeing Xueyi's shy expression, Zhao Yuan laughed loudly.

"Do you have a way to leave?" Seeing Zhao Yuan's unstressed expression, Xueyi suddenly understood.

"Maybe, but I really want to transform this planet." Zhao Yuan smiled slightly.


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