wicked immortal

Chapter 899 Terrorist Rivals

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Yuan looked at Xueyi's flawless face, every time he looked at Xueyi's face, Zhao Yuan would always feel an inexplicable shock, if it wasn't for Xueyi living in front of his eyes, he couldn't believe it, in the world, There is such a perfect woman.

The beauty of Xueyi is that there is no flaw in the slightest,

If we talk about Xueyi's defect, then it is too perfect, which makes Zhao Yuan always have an unreal feeling, and even has no definite impression of Xueyi's appearance.

If Zhao Yuan was asked to describe Wan Ling'er or Fairy Caixia, he would be able to think of many appropriate words immediately, but if asked to describe Xueyi, he couldn't find them.

Occasionally, Zhao Yuan would think, if he didn't see Xueyi for a long time, would he forget Xueyi's appearance?

This possibility is very high, because Xueyi is too perfect.In fact, Zhao Yuan felt this way because Xueyi seldom expressed her views. She was more often an audience in front of Zhao Yuan. If Zhao Yuan didn't take the initiative to ask, she would never be able to find a topic to chat with. Because of this reason, Xueyi felt a little unreal in Zhao Yuan's eyes.

"I don't know." Xueyi shook her head.

"I don't know?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"As long as we activate the exile bomb, all equipment and instruments related to us will be shut down, and the data will also be blocked."


"I don't know. I think the main reason is that we are afraid of revealing the secrets of our awakened human beings, so as to prevent practitioners from knowing our weaknesses."

"...but... how can I send you back?" Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

"No way. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Zhao Yuan asked anxiously.

"You really want me to go?" Xueyi looked at Zhao Yuan quietly.

"Cough cough..."

"You hate me?" Xueyi gently rolled her hair with her white wrist, and asked with a flat face, as if she was asking a question that had nothing to do with her.

"No, you are beautiful."

"I never understood why you don't want me?"

"...You don't want to, I feel it, I don't like to force women..." Zhao Yuan didn't expect Xueyi to raise such a sensitive topic so straightforwardly, and felt caught off guard.

"Really?" Xueyi stared at Zhao Yuan with clear eyes.

"Ahem...Actually...Actually...It's because you are so beautiful that I can't arouse my blasphemous heart..." Zhao Yuan had a feeling of being cornered.

"No. You are afraid that I will entangle you." Xueyi said slowly.

"No..." Zhao Yuan felt that his voice was so low that he couldn't hear it.

"If you want me to return to the world of awakened humans, you have only one way, let awakened humans follow you." Xueyi suddenly changed the subject.

"This is easy to do."

"It's easy! Do you think it's easy?" Xueyi showed a strange expression on her face.

"Aren't you awakened humans able to monitor the ascenders? I have reached the early stage of ascension. If you use a little spar, you can easily attract the attention of your partners."

"Have you thought about the consequences?" Xueyi smiled wryly.

"What consequences?"

"Your breath has been incorporated into the optical brain of the headquarters. As long as you reveal your identity, you will be locked immediately, which will arouse the vigilance of the headquarters. At that time, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid what?"

"You have already destroyed two of our spaceships. You once captured No. [-] and me, and you have already been exiled. If you suddenly appear, then you will definitely attract the attention of the headquarters. At that time, it may not be us who come to chase you down." A level of awakened warrior."

"What level will it be? It won't be a mechanical warrior!"

There was a wry smile on Zhao Yuan's face. He thought of Hou Yi. As early as countless tens of thousands of years ago, Hou Yi was able to shoot the sun. Through the development of these long years, the technology for awakening human beings has developed to an extremely terrifying level. , Then, it also means that the combat effectiveness of the mechanical warrior has also increased accordingly. If the awakened human beings really send mechanical warriors to chase and kill him, then things will be really big.

Although Zhao Yuan is conceited, he is not complacent. He doesn't think he can compete with mechanical warriors who kill gods like chickens.

Since the mechanical warrior can become the strongest awakened human being, there must be something special about it, there is no doubt about it.

If it was after the ascension, Zhao Yuan would really see how powerful the mechanical warrior is, but now, Zhao Yuan has no desire to challenge the mechanical warrior at all.

What Zhao Yuan was most worried about was that he would be bombarded and killed before meeting the mechanical warrior.

The White Dragon King was a bloody case.

For a cultivator, Xueyi was powerless, but she was a powerless woman who insisted on beating the god-level White Dragon King to a serious injury and sleeping in the cold universe to heal her wounds.

If Xueyi hadn't beaten the White Dragon King seriously, I really don't know who will die.

"It's hard to judge, but according to the usual practice, if you encounter a superpower, each branch will report to the headquarters level by level, and the decision will be made by the headquarters. Because the mechanical warrior is the existence of the highest level of awakened human beings, so, specifically I can't understand the situation."

"Damn it, let's go back to Zhanyun Continent first!" Zhao Yuan said harshly.

"Zhao Yuan, you have to think clearly, if you reveal your identity, it's not just your business."

"Why?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"According to my guess, you should not be able to use mechanical warriors yet, but it is possible to use some super weapons."

"What is a super weapon?"

"Super weapon is actually just a general term. Normally, what we refer to as super weapon means that after losing a large number of manpower one after another, it is impossible to identify the target person among ordinary people. Then, once there is a chance to lock it, it will use super weapon. Weapons, and the smallest consequence of super weapons will also make a city disappear..."

"Make a city disappear!" Zhao Yuan gasped.

"The disappearance of a city is already the smallest means of attack. The disappearance of a planet and the disappearance of galaxies have also appeared before."


Zhao Yuan could no longer use words to describe the shock in his heart.

Xueyi's meaning is already very clear, if the awakened human beings think that they cannot kill him through conventional means, they will use unconventional means to kill him, even at the expense of letting a planet or a galaxy be buried with him.

"You think, right?" Zhao Yuan asked after taking a deep breath.

"It's only since I got to know you that I thought it was wrong, but I always thought it was right before." Xueyi sighed.

"It's born from the same root, so why rush each other! We're all human, why bother fighting in the same room." Zhao Yuan shook his head and sighed.

"That's our philosophy...sorry..."

"It has nothing to do with you, it's your leader who has a problem." Zhao Yuan said depressedly: "No wonder the cultivator on Earth wants to leave the awakened human beings, do you know that you are anti-human?!"

"I haven't thought about this issue. In the education we have received, it is to kill the gods at all costs and liberate the entire human race."

"Liberating human beings and slaughtering human beings at the same time, what a fucking fart!" Zhao Yuan couldn't help but swear.

"Sorry..." Xueyi lowered her face.

"Okay, anyway, let's go back first."

"...Mmm." Xueyi hesitated to speak, but she still didn't speak.

Zhao Yuan picked up the prison-suppressing stone drum.

In order to avoid the granite stone boat that spent a lot of energy and time being carved by the turbulence of time and space inside the prison stone drum, Zhao Yuan collected the stone boat into the world of Lingtai.

"By the way, if the Sha Miao formation is really destroyed by the King of Ten Thousand Corpses, how can we return to Zhanyun Continent?" Xueyi asked suddenly.

"Don't worry about this problem. The Zhanyun Continent was the main battlefield of the war of gods and demons back then. There are countless historical sites and sites. You can return to Zhanyun Continent just by looking for any place."


"Hold me tight...let me hold you tight!"

Zhao Yuan took Xueyi into his arms and urged the stone drum of the prison.

Inside the stone drum, there is another world. When Zhao Yuan was on the earth, every time he tried to go deep into the stone drum, there would be a majestic force to prevent him from entering, like layers of invisible shackles, unable to break through. a breakthrough.

Now Zhao Yuan's strength is not what it used to be, the long aura envelops the ancient stone drum, and the envoy follows the aura and penetrates deeper and deeper.

As deep and vast as ever.

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