wicked immortal

Chapter 901

Snowfield Star is no smaller than Zhanyun Continent.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan thought that when he dug out the metal crust on Xueyuan Star, Xueyi's first reaction was that there was an underground city underneath. It seems that she was not surprised at all to build a city underground, because the place where she lived The spaceship is bigger than the Snow Planet.

Bigger than the Snow Planet!

In Zhao Yuan's mind, he desperately imagined how majestic the giant interstellar spaceship would be. Unfortunately, with the limit of his imagination, he couldn't imagine how big the spaceship was...

"where are we going?"

"Leave this Penglai fairy island."

Zhao Yuan, who was wandering thousands of miles, was interrupted by Xueyi's thinking, and he held Xueyi in his arms with one hand, raised his flying sword, and flew into the sky, flying towards the Er Empire.

It can be said that Zhao Yuan was at the height of the sun in the Er Empire back then, but as time passed, the people of the Er Empire had long forgotten this man of the year.

Of course, it is meaningless to talk about the Er Empire, because this country has been subjugated twice in a row. First, it was annexed by the Great Qin Empire, and before recovering from the grief of subjugation, it was then occupied by the Kingdom of Heaven.

Zhao Yuan Yujian flew and directly arrived at the former imperial capital of Er Empire.

This city is full of magnificent churches rising from the ground. The magnificent churches have become a new landscape. Zhao Yuan saw that every church was full of black heads. From inside, chanting The sound is extremely pious.

"Why are these buildings more majestic and magnificent than others?" Xueyi asked, frowning and looking at the church.

"Because, this is religious belief. If there are no such tall buildings, who would believe in them? Who would worship them? Any kind of religion will use buildings and property to package itself. The Buddha needs gold, which is actually this reason."

"This is religious belief?" Xueyi looked curious.

"Yes. Haven't you seen it?"

"No, these things are strictly forbidden in our place. We only believe in one thing, science!"

"Actually, science is a kind of belief. When you believe in it, you can turn decay into magic, and you can use another way to build a world that only gods can build."


"This place has become the base camp of the Crusaders. It seems that the Great Qin Empire has not achieved a turning point victory." Zhao Yuan sighed.

Along the way, Zhao Yuan discovered that patrolling soldiers wearing crusader armor would swagger through the streets from time to time.

Obviously, this city has been completely controlled by the Crusaders.

"Since we have returned to Zhanyun Continent, we are not in a hurry. Let's live here for today."

"I'll listen to you." Xueyi herself didn't like to speak out her thoughts, and when she came to this strange place, everything was naturally centered on Zhao Yuan.

"It's been a long time since I've lived in this secular world. Today I want to enjoy myself and find a better hotel first."

Zhao Yuan stretched his limbs, led Xueyi, and walked along the street looking for a decent hotel.

After walking hundreds of feet, Zhao Yuan stopped, because a huge building in front of him caught his attention.

It was not the first time Zhao Yuan came here. In his impression, there was no huge building in this place.

Almost 90.00% of this kind of building is made of golden yellow marble. In front of it, a row of huge marble pillars looks extraordinarily majestic. In front of the building, there is a huge square full of luxurious carriages. some famous horses.

"Old man, may I ask what is this place? I remember that there was no such building here before." Zhao Yuan asked a passerby who seemed honest and friendly.

"Did you just come here?"

"Yeah, I just came back after traveling in the sea."

"No wonder! This house is a hotel. It is said that it was built by a big family in the kingdom of heaven."


Zhao Yuan's eyes almost popped out. At first, he suspected that this was some important government department, or a newly built palace, but he never expected that this majestic and resplendent building was actually a hotel. It's unbelievable.

Zhao Yuan lived in the imperial capital of the Great Qin Empire. In the Great Qin Empire, apart from the imperial palace, even the majestic Baihualou was not so majestic.Perhaps, the luxury and refinement of the interior of Baihua Building will not be inferior, but if we only compare it from the outside, Baihua Building cannot compare with this building at all.

"Come on, let's see for a while." Zhao Yuan led Xueyi's catkin and strode towards the building.

"Brother, brother, wait!" Just as Zhao Yuan took a few steps, the old man shouted.

"What's the matter, sir?"

"Brother, it's quite expensive there, you better not go." The old man glanced up and down at Zhao Yuan and Xueyi.

"...It's okay, it's okay, let's take a look, thank you, old man."

Zhao Yuan glanced at the coarse cloth on his body, then at Xueyi, who was dressed like an aunt, blushed, and smiled dryly.

As early as on the granite rock boat, Zhao Yuan made preparations. He and Xueyi each changed into a set of ordinary people's clothes in the Zhanyun Continent, especially Xueyi, whose coarse coat completely covered her graceful figure. Looking at the face, just looking at the body, basically won't keep the man's eyes.

In fact, Zhao Yuan changed his clothes mainly because of Xueyi.

Xueyi is so beautiful, if she wears it too gorgeously to show off in the market, she may become the focus of passers-by and cause riots. Zhao Yuan doesn't want to be a flower protector all the way, fight with a group of perverts, so he simply changes clothes. At least, Xueyi wouldn't be too eye-catching, but Zhao Yuan didn't expect that their outfits were too shabby to be too much.

It is human nature for Zhao Yuan to dress so shabby, to go to that luxurious place to spend money, and the old man reminded him kindly.

After dismissing the old man, Zhao Yuan took Xueyi's hand and walked towards the resplendent and resplendent hotel.

Zhao Yuan once hung out on the earth for a while, and he didn't know how many five-star hotels he stayed in. He was very psychologically strong, and naturally he would not be photographed by a slightly luxurious hotel. Wake up, this hotel looks a bit shabby...


Pass through the large carriages in the square, climb up the steps, and you are not far from the front of the hotel.

There are more than ten feet away from the entrance of the hotel, and Zhao Yuan saw the luxurious decoration inside the hotel, thick carpets, gorgeous furniture, and exquisite artworks. Just one glance makes people feel a luxurious and noble atmosphere. to.

If luxury alone is not enough to show the grade of this hotel, then the uniformed doorman standing at the door of the hotel will raise the hotel to a higher grade.

Out of nowhere, Zhao Yuan thought of Baihualou.

There are also doormen in Baihualou, but they cannot compare with the doormen here in terms of clothing or temperament. It seems that the difference in business philosophy between the two parties is no longer at the same level.

From Zhao Yuan's point of view, the hotel's business philosophy is very close to the hotel chains on Earth.

Zhao Yuan guessed right.

This hotel is really a hotel chain, the largest hotel chain in the kingdom of heaven, controlled by a huge noble family, it can be said that the country is incomparably rich...

When entering the inn, Zhao Yuan looked up at the inn's gilded name - Charo.

The name of the hotel is simply two words, Charo.

If he hadn't heard the old man say it was a hotel, Zhao Yuan would never have thought it was a hotel.

When Zhao Yuan walked into the resplendent lobby of the hotel, to Zhao Yuan's surprise, the two handsome doormen did not refuse the door because of their shabbiness, but still humbled to open the door and served The good attitude opened Zhao Yuan's eyes.

If it was on Earth, it would not be surprising for Zhao Yuan to have such a service, but this is in the Zhanyun Continent, and this kind of service, without a doubt, is extraordinarily advanced.

In the Baihua Building of the Great Qin Empire, if he dressed like Zhao Yuan, he would definitely not look good.

In Baihualou, it is a place that needs fresh clothes and angry horses to show their identity.

Just when Zhao Yuan thought he could check into the hotel smoothly, he still encountered a problem.


In front of the hotel lobby, Zhao Yuan couldn't show a valid identity and was refused to check in. The other party's refusal attitude was very neither humble nor overbearing, but it also made Zhao Yuan very angry, because the other party did not recognize the identity certificate of the Great Qin Empire at all.

At the same time, Zhao Yuan felt the discrimination in the other party's bones. The discrimination was well hidden, but Zhao Yuan could still feel it.

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