Chapter 97, You Can Do Anything?

A crisp sound resounded in the silent courtyard.

Jiang Li and Gu Qian watched with a flat expression, as if they were watching a play.

Jin Lanting, who had been burying his head in his meal, was attracted by the crisp sound of slaps, and looked at the two of them curiously while holding a bowl.

"Uncle, you...why did you hit me?"

Zhao Duan was stunned, his cheeks were burning with pain.

He didn't say a word, only to be slapped and dizzy.

"Why did I hit you? Why did you bring someone here?"

Zhao Rui scolded sharply.

Zhao Duan was dissatisfied: "I followed Brother Han to catch a bitch..."

Another crisp sound directly interrupted Zhao Duan's blurted words.

Zhao Ruiqi's voice trembled a little: "Shut up for me! Go away!"

Zhao Duan was slapped, and he was stunned. He covered his face and looked at Zhao Rui in disbelief, full of grievances in his heart: "Old uncle, why did you hit me? You didn't ask me to come with Brother Han..."

Zhao Rui subconsciously raised his hand.

Zhao Duan learned a lesson, shut up immediately, and subconsciously shrank his body and raised his hands to cover his face: "Old...Old uncle, don't hit me."

"go away!"

Zhao Rui cursed, and looked at Gu Qian and immediately softened his attitude: "Mr. Gu, my nephew has a brain problem, he must have been bewitched to bother Ms. Jiang Li, I will definitely teach him a good lesson when I go back. "

Gu Qian didn't answer, but looked at Han Jing with a half-smile and asked, "Mr. Han, what's the matter with Jiang Li?"


Han Jing faltered for a long time, and finally squeezed out a few words: "I'm here to celebrate... to celebrate Mr. Jiang's move to a new home."

Nor is he a fool.

In the past, he only thought that Gu Qian was an important actor in the entertainment industry, but now seeing Zhao Rui's attitude, he realized that he had always underestimated him.

It is impossible to take Jiang Li away today, the only way out is to find a way to get out first.

"is it?"

Gu Qian smiled indifferently, and turned his gaze to Zhao Duan's direction.

Zhao Rui immediately yelled at Zhao Duan: "I'm asking you something, tell me quickly!"

"Yes... yes, we just celebrated Miss Jiang's moving into a new house, there is absolutely no other meaning."

Zhao Duan quickly followed Han Jing's words and explained.

Jin Lanting swallowed the meat in his mouth, and said casually: "Other people celebrate with gifts, why do you bring more than a dozen people here? It's just a meal."

Gu Qian's eyes were indifferent, and he glanced at Zhao Rui who was nervous: "Mr. Zhao, your nephew is not very honest. If he is not well educated, how about I help you educate him?"

Zhao Rui was startled when he heard the words, raised his hand and slapped Zhao Duan on the back of the head: "Tell the truth! If you dare to say a lie, I will kill you today."

"I...we are here to arrest people."

Zhao Duan didn't dare to hide any more, so he quickly explained what Han Jing had said, including some plans made by Han Jing.

The more you explain.

Han Jing felt more and more chills down his spine.

He never dreamed that he would meet Zhao Rui here, let alone that all his thugs would betray him.

In the huge courtyard, he seemed to be a loner, without the arrogance he had when he first came in.

"Mr. Han, is he right?"

Gu Qian asked in a cold voice.


Han Jing felt like falling into an ice cellar and couldn't say a word. He looked at Zhao Rui as if he had seen a life-saving straw, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhao, please say something for me..."

"Shut up, do we know each other well?"

Zhao Rui said with a cold expression.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with Han Jing at all now. From the moment he offended Actor Gu, this former cash cow is destined to have no good ending.

"Mr. Zhao, you..."

Han Jing looked at Zhao Rui in disbelief, they were on the same boat before.

Zhao Rui glanced at Zhao Duan and the other younger brothers, and said in a cold voice: "Detain him."

Zhao Duan started immediately.

"Hey, hey, take it easy!"


Han Jing was directly detained on the ground.

Originally they were called brothers, and they drank together after meeting, but in a blink of an eye they became like enemies.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Zhao Rui has been in the capital circle for so long, so he understands this truth best, and immediately looked at Gu Qian and Jiang Li's respectful expressions: "Mr. Gu, Ms. Jiang, what should I do with this person?"

Gu Qian glanced at Jiang Li beside him, and asked in a gentle voice, "How do you want to deal with it?"

"Give it up."


Gu Qian coughed subconsciously, he didn't expect this girl to speak such cruel words.

Jin Lanting also stopped eating, silently lowered his head and folded his legs.

"Eri! You...don't go too far."

"I didn't mean anything else today, I didn't do anything, you are breaking the law!"

"You let me go!"

When Han Jing heard the words "eunuch", he immediately began to struggle crazily, but was held tightly by others but could not move.

The corners of Zhao Rui's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he looked at Jiang Li and asked tentatively, "Miss Jiang, are you serious?"

"You can figure it out for yourself."

Jiang Li didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Gu Qian saw that Jiang Li was a little depressed, reached out and rubbed the little girl's head, and said gently: "Let's eat first... Where's the meat?"

On the table.

The two vegetarian dishes were still untouched, but the other three meat dishes had basically bottomed out.

Jin Lanting glanced at his bowl in embarrassment, picked up the last piece of ribs left in it, and asked tentatively: "There is the last piece, do you want it?"

Jiang Li: "..."

Gu Qian: "..."

While the three were talking.

Zhao Rui watched anxiously, waiting for the final decision from the three of them.

Han Jing, on the other hand, was struggling hard, calling Zhao Rui's name constantly, trying to break free from the arrest of these thugs.

Now after the "egg cutting" operation is completed, it will not affect my daily life too much.

But if it is "uprooted".

He didn't even dare to imagine what his future life would be like.

"Mr. Zhao! Mr. Zhao, I am the face of Highland Barley Media, and I can bring huge benefits to the company!"

"I have tens of millions of fans, and the benefits I bring to the company every year are ten times that of other artists. You can't give up on me!"

Han Jing begged bitterly.

But after all, he underestimated the cold-bloodedness of a capitalist: "Han Jing, Mr. Gu and Miss Jiang have already spoken, and no one can save you."


"I can promise to write off everything before, as long as you let me go this time!"

Han Jing looked at Jiang Li and the others, but found that the three of them had no intention of talking to him at all: "Jiang Li, Gu Qian! You two better not push me, I can do anything if I push me!"


Gu Qian snorted, glanced at the angry Han Jing, and said in a playful tone: "I'm driving you into a hurry, you can do anything?"

"Okay, get him a set of this year's college entrance examination questions, and if he can do it, I won't pursue the past."

(End of this chapter)

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