Chapter 98, Han Jing withdraws from the circle

Han Jing finally failed in this year's college entrance examination questions, and Zhao Rui arranged for someone to directly detain him and leave the gate of the Qingshi mansion.

That night.

The news of #韩景解决别娱乐圈无限定时候# rushed into the trending searches on Weibo.

As the lead singer of the most popular male group in the entertainment industry, the news caused huge waves once the news was released.

Numerous fans shed tears of heartache and attributed the reason for Han Jing's resignation to the reason of "one-tested man's boldness", and Jiang Li became their first choice to vent their anger.

[Jiang Li gets out of the entertainment industry! 】

[Our elder brother has left the entertainment industry, what face do you have to stay in the entertainment industry? 】

[Brother Jing quit the circle because of you, we will not let you go! 】

[Jiang Li came out to apologize, the "Heartbeat" program team must thoroughly investigate the cause of Brother Jing's injury, this matter cannot be left alone. 】

[We need a statement! 】

Jiang Li's Weibo comments were blasted by Han Jing's fans again.

Available in the next second.

#青鲜media announced the termination of cooperation with Han Jing#
Two news hit the hot searches one after another.

The truth about Zhao Rui's "model" company in Sanya was exposed by an insider, and one of its regular customers was Han Jing, the lead singer of the super popular boy group.

A series of real video exposures.

Almost in just a few hours, Han Jing fell from the altar of a super-popular idol and became a festive mouse that everyone in the entertainment circle shouted and beat.

Directors and senior seniors who had previously expressed appreciation for him have distanced themselves.

The other members of the Ace boy group were affected even more, the number of fans dropped sharply, and some issues of private life and style were also picked up one after another.

of course.

As the chief director of "Heartbeat", Pang Gao was shocked at first when he saw the hot search on Weibo, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

A few days ago, the program group had terminated the cooperation with Han Jing.

Due to a combination of circumstances, "Heartbeat" Lian Zong escaped a catastrophe because of this.


The entertainment industry is booming.

The Lishu Courtyard of Qingshi Mansion has regained its calm.

Jiang Li was not in a good mood after learning about all the "calculations" of the Jiang family on her from Zhao Rui. She simply ate two bites of vegetarian dishes and commented: her cooking skills have improved.

He returned to the room alone.

Jin Lanting and Gu Qian sat opposite each other at the stone table in the courtyard, on which were still bottomed out dinner plates and bowls and chopsticks.

"Remember to wash the dishes before you leave."

Gu Qian was about to go back to the room.

Jin Lanting called to stop, as if he meant to stay overnight: "It's already dark, and the mountain road is not easy to walk."


"I'll make a living here for one night." Jin Lanting said with a mean smile: "When you took pictures of this mansion, I haven't lived in it even once."

"It's not for you."


Jin Lanting let out a hehe, instead of being entangled in this issue, he asked curiously: "Sister Jiangli now knows that this house is your wedding room?"

"do not know."

"So you plan to keep collecting rent as a mysterious landlord?"


"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really nothing."

Jin Lanting couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and began to clean up the dishes on the table while complaining.

Wash the dishes after eating.

He is already used to this model. After participating in the show "Heartbeat", he has also gained a lot of experience in washing dishes.

"By the way, you remember to ask someone to clean up an empty room for me."

"You go to my room."

"how about you?"

"I am the host of this house, of course I live in the hostess' room."


After a while.

Gu Qian pushed the wheels to the door of Jiangli's room, knocked lightly on the door and asked, "Jiangli, are you resting?"


Jiang Li responded, got up from the chair and opened the door, Gu Qian looked at the door with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

"You were not in a good state when you were eating at night, come and have a look."


Gu Qian glanced at the room, then reached out and passed the water glass in his hand: "I made a glass of honey water for you, it should make you feel better after drinking it."

"Thank you."

Jiang Li nodded lightly, took the honey water from Gu Qian's hand, and then closed the door again: "I'm a little tired today, I'm going to rest, good night."

"Uh... good night..."

Gu Qian looked at the door that was closed in an instant, feeling a little dazed.

The normal plot should not be to deliver honey water by yourself, and then go to the room to sit together, and the two of them talk about their hearts all night.

In the end, he brazenly slept in Jiangli's room all night on the grounds that "the room was given to Jin Lanting"?
Why is it closed now?

5 minute later.

Gu Qian returned to his room.

Jin Lanting was leaning on the head of the bed with his legs crossed after washing, looking at his phone comfortably, when he noticed the moment when Gu Qian pushed the door and walked out.

Unscrupulous laughter echoed throughout the room.

"Hahahahahaha, Lao Gu, aren't you going to rest in Jiang Li's room? Could it be that you were shut down?"


"Quickly tell me how Jiang Limei rejected you. Everyone will be happy when you tell this kind of thing."


Gu Qian stood up directly from the wheelchair, stretched out his hand and lifted Jin Lanting off the bed: "Find a place and make a bed on the floor."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Jin Lanting clicked his lips, hugged the pillow with a smile on his face and began to lay the floor, the joy of gloating at others' misfortune had reached the point of being visible to the naked eye.

"By the way, how is Han Jing's matter handled?"

Gu Qian sat on the bed, stretched out his hand and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.

Jin Lanting lay down comfortably on the floor and stretched his waist: "I quit the entertainment industry. The police are slowly investigating the crimes on my body. Jail should be inevitable."

"Where's his PR team?"

"It's all gone."

Jin Lanting explained indifferently: "Han Jing is an artist of Qinglan Media, which is a company wholly-owned by Changteng Capital. Zhao Rui has been very honest since he was beaten half to death by you in the hotel last time. "


Gu Qian hummed lightly.

He originally thought that Han Jing's management team would hold back a little longer, find some excuses to fool the public, or find someone else to take the blame.

Now it seems that these troubles have been saved.

"After the typhoon in the past two days, accompany me to Qi County."


Jin Lanting lay on the floor, thinking about the place name in his mind, but he had no impression at all: "What the hell is Qi County, I've never heard of it."

"A small county under the jurisdiction of City A."

"Where are you going?"

"Investigate something."

"what's up?"

Jin Lanting sat up in a jerk, looked at Gu Qian on the bed curiously, and deliberately lowered his voice and asked: "What little secret does your family have in Qi County?"

"You'll know when you go."

(End of this chapter)

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