Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 195 Even if the hope is small, I am willing to do my best

Chapter 195 Even if the hope is small, I am willing to do my best

Su Chengxi's body was stiff, and she didn't speak for a while, just letting Jing Jian hug her tightly.

"Xi'er, don't be angry with me."

Jing Jian rubbed her neck lightly, and said in a soft voice: "I know you are stubborn. I used to be afraid that you would forget me, so I didn't want to be with me anymore, and I wouldn't love me anymore. But you and I After getting back together, I love you again. Some of those memories are not good, but when I think about it now, even if those memories are not good, they are still a part of your life, and only you can decide whether to remember them or not."

But whether those memories can be fully restored depends on luck.

Su Chengxi stopped being angry with Jing Jian a long time ago.

Her whole body softened, her back was pressed against Jing Jian's chest, and she was just held in his arms.

She was silent.

Jing Jian said again: "Xi'er, forgive me! I made my own decisions, and I interfered with you too much. Don't be angry. I will pay attention to propriety in the future."

Jing Jian's voice was low and calm, but it made people feel a little wronged.

Su Chengxi's heart has already softened to a mess.

These days, she has been thinking that they have been in love for many years, got married and had children, and they are like glue.

There was a sudden change of soul in her body, and she disappeared without a trace. Just imagine Jing Jian's sadness and helplessness in those two years, and how she looked helpless but hoped that she would come back one day , must be extremely painful.

She lost her memory and everything was empty.

Even if he came back, he still had a different memory. He stayed out of it all the time, treated himself as a third person with him, but forgot him completely. One can imagine how painful and desperate he was.


Su Chengxi sighed suddenly, patted Jing Jian's arm lightly, and wanted to turn around to look at him, but Jing Jian's arm didn't move at all, still holding her tightly, as if he was worried that if he let her go It will disappear.

"I'd like to see you……"

Su Chengxi said in a low voice: "I have figured out a lot of things these days, and I want to tell you."

Jing Jian's stiff arms stopped suddenly, and then he relaxed a little. Su Chengxi turned from his arms and looked at him face to face.Jing Jian's eyes seemed calm, but his heart seemed to be burned by scorching fire. He was frightened, afraid that Su Chengxi would say something that disliked him.

Two years is not too long to say long, nor short to say short.

For him at least, life feels like years.

Because he and Su Chengxi have been in love for many years and are too familiar with each other, he immediately noticed the huge changes in Su Chengxi's body. He tried quietly and finally confirmed that a strange soul lived in his lover's body .

And his lover is missing.

He was so angry that he wanted to kill the unknown thief.

But he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't know, and then sent people to secretly search for capable people and strangers in the world. It was not until half a year later that he was sure that his lover had been taken away.

And the thief who stole his lover's body is a soul from another world, and it is extremely difficult and hopeless to find his lover back.

For a time he was desperate.

But there is still a child between them, and he can't fall down. During that time, the son would always ask him why he was not allowed to approach the mother.He really didn't know what to say other than lying to his son that his mother was sick.He couldn't bear to tell his son that his mother had disappeared and disappeared, and there was little hope of finding her.

But no matter how small the hope, he tried with all his might, even if it cost his life.

 Hahaha, Xiaoyu is here to update

(End of this chapter)

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