Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 196 As long as you don't let me down in the future, I won't let you down

Chapter 196 As long as you don't let me down in the future, I won't let you down
But there is no need to tell anyone, especially Su Chengxi, what he has experienced.

If she knew that he was so desperate for the past two years, that he almost went crazy in order to get her back, she would definitely be frightened.

He didn't want to see her have any unhappy moments, and only hoped that her future life would be smooth sailing, safe and joyful.

Su Chengxi looked at Jing Jian's anxious but pretending to be calm, couldn't help raising his hand to caress his resolute face, his light pupils looked into his deep eyes, and said in a low voice: "Ah Jin, you have worked hard all these years. .”

The provocative words were stuck in her throat and she couldn't spit them out, but she knew very well that Xiao Jianjin's life would be very difficult after she disappeared.

Jing Jian's eyes suddenly turned red, and the sourness, despair, and madness instantly turned into sweet candied fruit, filling his chest. He raised his hand and grabbed Su Chengxi's little hand, pulled it to his lips and kissed it gently, his voice He said in a low voice: "Those are all in the past, now that you have returned to me, I don't feel hard."

Everything he did was worthwhile, even if he lost his life and the throne of the Yunsheng Dynasty, it was totally worth it.

He already considered himself lucky enough.

Su Chengxi seemed to see Jing Jian's thoughts at a glance, her heart was boiling hot and bubbling, with guilt, touch, sourness, luck, sadness, regret, tenderness and other emotions mixed in her heart, which made her feel Miscellaneous and helpless, she sighed softly and said, "Although you think it's worth being together now, I can't deny anything you've done for me just because you've forgotten it. Ah Jin, if you're too hypocritical, I I can't say it, but you have to understand that as long as you don't let me down in the future, I won't let you down."

"That's enough for you."

Jing Jian laughed suddenly, a strange light flashed in his deep eyes, he happily kissed Su Chengxi's little hand again, and said softly, "As long as we are steadfast, we will grow old together. In a few days, we will grow old together." I will bring a master into the palace to show you, and cooperate with the genius doctor to strengthen your spirit, and must ensure that you will never disappear suddenly again."

He could only experience that kind of pain once in his life.If it happens again, he will go completely crazy.

Su Chengxi suddenly found that Jing Jian's deep eyes were dancing with a powerful light, which was so firm and full of tenderness.

He really can't do without her.

He expresses it with his actions.

Su Chengxi suddenly thought of the tragic ending of the original owner in the original text, and suddenly understood what Xiao Jianjin did.

Because the original owner in the book colludes with Xiao Jianmin in order to make a living and make a living in the world. He detains their son and sings every night.

The original owner used her body to have sex with Xiao Jianmin, how could Xiao Jianjin bear it?
It was probably because he found out in despair that she could never be found again, so the original owner who occupied her body and used her body to entangle with other men suffered crazy revenge from Xiao Jianjin.

Even if her body was destroyed, Xiao Jianjin would never let the woman who occupied her body feel better, so he tortured her endlessly for many years.

After thinking through these things, Su Chengxi sighed for a while, then looked at Jing Jian, and said very seriously: "A Jin, don't be frightened, such things will never happen again."

How could Jing Jian not be afraid?
In the past, he didn't believe in such mysterious things as seizing a house or reviving a dead body, but after personal experience, he firmly believed in it.

Su Chengxi has been robbed once, and there is no guarantee that there will be no second time. He must make sufficient preparations to ensure that no accident will happen to her again.

(End of this chapter)

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