Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 213 That person is elusive, I'm afraid he has already run away

Chapter 213 That person is elusive, I'm afraid he has already run away

"What are you all doing here, get out!"

Suddenly, a group of men and horses walked over mightily, and the torches illuminated the narrow and dark alley. Their faces were all tense, and they said aggressively: "If you don't hurry up, you will all be hacked and killed!"

Hearing this, the little beggars were so frightened that they got up and ran forward one by one.

The second mouse was also frightened.

He subconsciously moved back, wanting to shrink behind the person next to him just now, but suddenly found that the side beside him was empty at some point, he looked back in surprise, and there was nothing around him.

"What are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry up and get out, do you want to die?"

The leader stabbed the sword sharply, and the second mouse was frightened and rolled back in a hurry, then got up and ran out screaming in the direction where the beggars had just dispersed.

"Brother Cong, these are some little beggars, there should be no one we are looking for."

A subordinate behind him said: "It is said that the man is so powerful in martial arts that even... that noble man is no match for him. It is a miracle that we young people can find his trace."

Wang Cong frowned tightly, always felt that there was another person here just now, why he couldn't see anything after he came in?

"Did you just see someone here?"

Wang Cong frowned and said, "I seem to have seen someone here just now."

"No! Are you delusional?"

The people behind him shook their heads one after another, and said suspiciously: "It's dark and the road is slippery, cold and hungry. We've been looking for someone for so long, and it's possible to get dizzy occasionally. Brother Cong, don't even think about it, hurry up." Changes, let's go back!"

"That's right Brother Cong, we've been walking outside for more than three hours, cold and hungry, our pant legs, shoes and socks are all wet, if we don't go back and change into clean ones, and drink a bowl of hot soup, we'll all suffer from frostbite. "


One of them sneezed a few times, rubbed his nose, and said shiveringly: "Brother Cong, let's go! This alley is cold, damp, and smelly, so those little beggars have no place to stay here just now." I think if that person is really that powerful, he might have escaped from the city long ago, and the prefect asked us to wander around in the city, and it was just a show."

Wang Cong thought for a while, although he still had doubts in his heart, he still led people away under the persuasion of everyone.

Not long after they left, a ghostly figure silently descended from the sky at the place where they had just stood.

Then, quietly followed behind them.

Jing Jian's lightness kung fu can be said to be superb, and he sneaked into the prefect's mansion with a group of people from the government office without anyone noticing.

Wang Guangjin just woke up, saw Wang Cong and the others come back, and hurriedly asked: "How did you find it? Do you have any clues?"

"No leads."

Wang Cong frowned and said: "The letter from above only said that the man would pass by Moyang City in the next few days, but the man's martial arts skills are so strong, he is elusive, and he may have left long before the news came. Our Moyang City Yangcheng is not small, we don't dare to make big moves, for fear of being noticed by others, we will inevitably be tied up when we find someone."

Wang Guangjin sighed while propping his forehead, and after a while he frowned and said: "If you tell me to find you, go and do your best. Even if you can't find it, I will have an explanation."

"Yes, Lord Prefect!"

Wang Cong cupped his hands and said, "The little ones will let people continue to search, and come back to report as soon as there is news."

 Good afternoon, friends

(End of this chapter)

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