Chapter 214 Find him no matter what!
After Wang Guangjin sent Wang Cong and the others away, he turned and entered the room, and his concubine whom he loved last night posted it up, and said softly, "My lord, it's still early, why don't you rest for a while?"

Wang Guangjin patted the concubine's face with a sullen face, frowned and said: "Good boy, you go to bed first, I still have some things to do."

"My lord, even if you do things, you can't tire yourself. Come back and rest quickly after you finish the work." The delicate and beautiful concubine's voice is delicate and tender, and her eyes are full of tenderness: "These days I see you frowning. It hurts."

Wang Guangjin's frowning brows relaxed a little, and he sighed softly and said: "Okay, I know, you can go and rest!"

The concubine nodded, and retreated obediently.

Wang Guang went into the study.

After sitting in the study for a while, a faint light flashed in his eyes. He slowly reached out and pressed a button. Suddenly, a narrow secret door appeared from behind the bookcase. He walked inside with a lantern in his hand. The bookcase quickly and gently moved against the hidden door, as if it had never been moved.

The passage in the secret door is very narrow.

Only one person can pass through.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, he stopped in his tracks, glanced back, and remained silent for a moment, seeing nothing or hearing anything, then proceeded cautiously, and walked for less than half a quarter. There was a sound of water flowing in front of the clock, and a stone tablet was against the exit. He pressed a small protrusion, and the stone tablet slowly moved away, and he leaned out.

Then they came to a yard that had been abandoned for a long time and was overgrown with weeds.

He let out a long sigh, crossed the weeds, walked to the crumbling house, pushed the door and walked in, and saw a tall young man with a serious face standing inside, he was stunned for a moment, hurried up and humbly cupped his hands and said: " I have seen adults."

Wang Jue turned around with a vague look on his face. He frowned and said softly, "Master Wang, we are all from the same family. Speaking of which, I should call you an uncle."

Wang Guangjin shook his head and said: "I can't help it. Although we are all from the Wang family, how can I be called old? I just don't know what orders Mr. Wang has come here this time?"

He had a hunch that the person King Zhennan ordered him to arrest this time was extremely important.

If this matter is not done well, I'm afraid it will make Zhennan Wang unhappy.

After all, Wang Jue was the number one bodyguard next to the prince, and they were all sent here, which shows the seriousness of this matter.

Wang Jue's eyes were pale, and he didn't answer, but frowned and asked, "How are you doing what the lord ordered?"

"My lord, ever since the lower official received the letter from the prince, he closed the city gate in time, and has been sending people to search many times on the grounds that there were thieves in the city, but they couldn't find any sign of that person."

Wang Guangjin thought about it and said: "It is said that the martial arts is very strong, and I don't know if he has left Moyang City."

Wang Jue frowned, and said with certainty: "He hasn't left yet. Even if he arrives here from the capital city at the fastest speed, he will only arrive in the evening this evening. You need to send more people to find him no matter what. !"

Wang Guangjin was shocked, raised his eyes and glanced at Wang Jue quietly, seeing his sullen face, almost biting his tongue in fright, he nodded hastily and said: "Yes, yes, the lower officials will definitely send someone to investigate, as long as he still In Moyang City, even if you dig three feet into the ground, the officials will dig him out!"

"Well, hurry up and do it, I only give you five days."

Wang Jue said with a cold face: "If you haven't found that person within five days, the prince will blame you, I'm afraid you will be unable to eat and walk around."

(End of this chapter)

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