Chapter 218 Rewrite the list ledger
The little servant was so frightened that his legs went weak, he knelt down on the ground limply, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, I don't know anything about this, and when I saw the fire, I hurriedly called someone to put out the fire, please be careful! "

"Damn, damn, all of you!"

Wang Guang's eyes were wide open, bloodshot eyeballs filled with killing intent.

Mei Niang took a step forward hesitantly, gently grabbed Wang Guangjin's sleeve, and persuaded in a low voice: "Master, don't be angry, those things are gone, let's just write again, you can't get angry because of these things body, that would be more harm than good."

Mei Niang's words reminded Wang Guangjin.

It's just that those bills at the beginning were written and fingerprinted by the person in charge.

Now that the account book is lost and the fingerprints are gone, even if he writes another copy, it is useless if others refuse to accept the account.

But, fortunately, he remembered everything clearly.

It is not difficult to write another copy.

The difficulty is that there are not only fingerprints on the account book, but also the handwriting of those people is difficult to imitate.

Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

But it suddenly occurred to him that there are still capable people in this world.

Not only can it imitate other people's handwriting, but it can also delicately depict handprints, which is enough to make it look like the real one.

It's just that such capable people are very hard to find.

But it's not hopeless.

After Wang Guangjin was furious, he turned around and left, Mei Niang hurriedly followed, Wang Guangjin turned his head and glanced at her, with a vague look in his eyes, and said softly: "I have something to do, you don't have to follow."

Mei Niang trembled all over, hurriedly lowered her head, and said cautiously: "But master, you haven't finished your breakfast yet."

"Don't eat, go back to the yard by yourself."

As Wang Guangjin said, she turned around and strode away. Meiniang stood there for a long while, until Wang Guangjin's figure disappeared, and then she turned and went back to her yard.

After Wang Guangjin returned to his yard, he quickly rewrote all the contents in the ledger that he had memorized one by one, and put the correspondence between the other party and him in the corresponding place for reference.

These things will be useful in the future, he dare not be careless.

When everything was written, a whole day passed. He rubbed his sore wrist, took a long breath, and carefully checked for any mistakes or omissions.

After confirming that there was no problem, he breathed a sigh of relief.He fell back and collapsed on the chair, his whole body was wet as if soaked in water.After he relaxed, he realized how bad his situation was.

The corner of his mouth moved, and he realized that his stomach was growling from hunger, and then he raised his voice to call the butler. The butler, Uncle Chen, hurried forward, stood at the door and asked respectfully, "Master, I'm here, I don't know what orders the master has. ?”

"I'm hungry, and I'll send someone to prepare hot water, and I'll take a shower after my meal."

Wang Guangjin stuffed the account book he just finished into his sleeve, opened the door and walked out with his usual expression.

Uncle Chen said with a smile: "My lord, Aunt Mei has prepared everything. There are vegetables and hot water in her yard, all of which you like to eat. Would you like to go there and rest?"

Wang Guangjin paused, turned his head and stared at Uncle Chen with dark eyes, Uncle Chen immediately realized that the master was unhappy, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly said: "Master, I just want to see you during this period of time. I really dote on Aunt Mei, and she can make you happy, if you don't go, I will send someone to tell her right away."

"Forget it, let's go!"

Wang Guangjin turned his head with dull eyes, and walked out. Uncle Chen was surprised, and then hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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