Chapter 219 Who Are You?

late at night.

After eating and bathing, Wang Guangjin slept in Mei Niang's courtyard.

Because I didn't sleep well last night.

Mei Niang lit the incense in the house again.

Therefore, Wang Guangjin fell into a deep sleep, and Mei Niang called him several times without any response.

Mei Niang got up from the bed lightly, and tiptoedly searched for Wang Guangjin's clothes, but found nothing.

She frowned, ready to put on her clothes and go out and sneak into Wang Guangjin's house to find what she wanted.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she got up, she suddenly saw a figure sitting by the bed, his gloomy face was illuminated by the dim candlelight, looking extremely terrifying.


Mei Niang was startled, Wang Guangjin's face was extremely ugly, and his voice was gloomy, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Master, I'm going to tidy up your clothes. I think your clothes are made of the best Sichuan brocade. If you throw them on the ground, they will inevitably be stained with dust. If you don't wash them clean, they will be wasted. So I want to hang them up for you!"

Mei Niang twitched her lips anxiously, she didn't know how long Wang Guangjin sat up and watched, she was very uncertain.

After Wang Guangjin was silent for a long while with deep eyes, he said softly, "Throw it on the ground and throw it on the ground! Come here."

Mei Niang felt that her whole heart was in her throat, and her legs were shaking with fear. She took a deep breath and approached slowly.

Wang Guangjin watched her movements expressionlessly, and the corners of his mouth tightened.

When Mei Niang was only half a step away from Wang Guangjin, the two suddenly rushed towards each other at the same time. Wang Guangjin held a dagger in his hand and stabbed fiercely into Mei Niang's chest, and the hairpin in Mei Niang's hand was inserted into it. Wang Guangjin's throat.

Both of them stared wide-eyed in shock.

Wang Guangjin scolded angrily, "You bastard, how dare you assassinate me! Who sent you here? What's the purpose of lurking beside me?"

Mei Niang's chest was bleeding profusely, but the expression on her face was very cold. She sneered viciously and said coldly, "It doesn't matter who sent me, what matters is that today is your day of death!"

She had been lurking by Wang Guangjin's side for more than two years, trying her best to get his favor. Every intimate contact was extremely disgusting to her.Wang Guangjin was more than [-] years older than her, and it was more than enough to be her father, but she had to endure this man's assault and pretend to be happy. No one knew how disgusting she was!
"You bitch, I will kill you today!"

Wang Guangjin stabbed forward with the dagger, and Mei Niang also unceremoniously thrust the hairpin into his neck forcefully, and said coldly: "Old thief, my mother's hairpin is poisonous, but if the skin is broken, there will be no harm." Way to live, do you think you can live alone if you kill me? Exchange my life for yours today, it's worth it!"


Wang Guangjin suddenly felt like being bitten by countless ants in the stabbing pain of the wound. The pain made him convulse all over, and the hand holding the dagger trembled, and then relaxed. ,

Mei Niang took the opportunity to take a step back, covered the bleeding wound, and said viciously: "You are so weak now that you can't speak, and in half a quarter of an hour you will be paralyzed, the pain is unbearable, but you will not be able to speak." Action. You will feel the coming of death little by little, but there is nothing you can do about it, you will feel your body being swallowed by poison little by little, turned into pus, and then swallow your last breath in pain!"


It was difficult for Wang Guangjin to speak out anymore.

After all, he was careless.

Having already realized that something was wrong with Mei Niang, it was a stupid decision to risk her life.

He regretted it!
(End of this chapter)

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