Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 220 Chapter 220 After you die, go to hell and apologize to my family!

Chapter 220 Chapter 220 After you die, go to hell and apologize to my family!

Mei Niang sneered coldly: "You must be very curious about who I am and why I would rather kill you than kill you, right?"

Wang Guangjin was sweating from the pain, and he was terrified, but he couldn't move.

He desperately wanted to ask for help from the boy guarding outside the yard, but there was nothing he could do.

Could it be that he is going to die in Huangquan today?

He is not willing!

He hasn't even spent a single ingot of that silver!

The rare and rare treasures he collected have not yet been displayed in front of people.

He... He hasn't seen the death and burial place of this vicious woman with his own eyes!
He doesn't want to die, and he can't!
Seeing Wang Guangjin's sinister eyes that seemed to tear her apart, Mei Niang felt very happy and couldn't help but smile and said, "Do you still remember Liu Family Village?"

Wang Guangjin's dilated pupils suddenly shrank.

Mei Niang said fiercely: "You remember it, right? You remember the sin you committed, right? Do you know how desperate it was to be burned to death when the whole village was buried in the sea of ​​fire? The skin and flesh were burned inch by inch, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh, they were crying! They begged for mercy! But you watched indifferently, letting them all die with hatred on your face In that fire!"

Wang Guangjin's resentful pupils finally showed a little fear.

Mei Niang felt happy in her heart, and continued: "If I hadn't been playful, got lost with my friends, and came back late, I wouldn't have escaped. I saw my dear relatives buried in the sea of ​​fire with my own eyes, and I saw you with a The team stood around and watched them all being burned to death, you must have ordered the fire to be set!"

Wang Guangjin was in pain all over his body, scratching his heart and lungs, and the pain was so painful that he wished he could die immediately.

But Mei Niang obviously didn't want him to die too easily, she walked over and kicked him on the chest fiercely, and said viciously: "If you want to hide the nasty things you did with those court moths in the capital city, you can You brutally killed more than [-] people in my Liujia Village! Don't worry, your whole family will go down to accompany you after you die! None of your wife, all your concubines, and your sons and daughters will escape. You all must die!"

Wang Guangjin was terrified.

His eyes widened, looking at Mei Niang as if he were looking at a devil.

Mei Niang laughed loudly: "You killed my whole family, and now I will kill your whole family, which is regarded as revenge. You have committed a lot of evil, and you will definitely go to the [-]th floor of hell after you die. Apologize!"

Wang Guangjin was lying on the ground, motionless, if not for the movement of his eyeballs, he would be no different from a dead person.

At this moment, a figure silently landed beside Meiniang and said in a low voice, "You are seriously injured, go get a doctor quickly, you will still be of great use if you survive."

Mei Niang was stabbed deeply by Wang Guangjin, the pain was unbearable, her face had already faded, she turned her head to look at the tall and burly man beside her but couldn't see his face clearly, and said in a low voice: "Master, this subordinate is injured. Seriously, I'm afraid it won't be saved."

"It can be saved. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I will take you away first."

The man in black wrapped Mei Niang's wrist with a handkerchief, dragged her figure and disappeared in a flash.

The next day, Housekeeper Chen found something unusual, and when he pushed away Meiniang's house and went in, he found a puddle of thick black blood and some torn fabrics in front of Meiniang's bed, but Wang Guangjin and Meiniang were nowhere to be seen.

He noticed that something was wrong, so he hurriedly called Wang Cong and asked him to send someone out to look for Wang Guangjin and Mei Niang.

(End of this chapter)

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