Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 222 Aijia Wants to Ask Your Opinions

Chapter 222 Aijia Wants to Ask Your Opinions


Mei Niang frowned in puzzlement, but did not raise any questions. She was just a subordinate and was not qualified to question any of the master's decisions.

Her chest hurt so badly that she broke out in a cold sweat. After thinking about it, she endured the pain and thanked in a low voice: "This subordinate is very grateful to the master for saving his life, and thanks to the master for allowing this subordinate to take revenge. This subordinate is extremely grateful."

"This is what I promised you at the beginning."

Jing Jian said indifferently, "If you hadn't sent the news in advance and made arrangements, I would not have been able to quietly transfer out the money and treasures that Wang Guangjin had privately hidden. We will arrive in Dongjiang in about ten days, and I have a task to order by then."

Mei Niang knew that she was still useful, she breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "Yes, master, the subordinates know."

Jing Jian immediately sent back news to Su Chengxi who was far away in the capital city, and all the things worth twenty taels of silver were secretly sent to Dongjiang.He has left someone to deal with the matter of Moyang City, and he has been delayed for two days now, so he can't delay any longer.

Along the way, they traveled very fast.

But they also encountered several interceptions, but fortunately they all managed to save themselves from danger.

When Su Chengxi received Jing Jian's secret letter, she opened it and saw that it was written in English, which really shocked her.

She was in a very complicated mood. Could it be that she taught Xiao Jianjin English at the beginning?

But it's not right, she was originally Su Chengxi herself, and she should have grown up in the Yunsheng Dynasty, so why did she already know English long ago?

This made her quite puzzled again.

Following what Jing Jian wrote, her frown became tighter and tighter, and when she saw that Jing Jian seized Wang Guangjin's [-] taels of silver, her brows relaxed slowly.

After a while, he ordered Ru Lan to invite King Yuancheng, King Zhennan and Marquis Zhongwu into the palace.

When the three of them met behind the palace gate, they were all taken aback. Marquis Zhongwu stepped forward to salute King Yuancheng and King Zhennan, and asked with a smile: "The two princes were also announced into the palace by the Queen Mother?"

The king of Yuancheng said with a sullen face: "Otherwise? If the Queen Mother hadn't summoned me, how could this king enter the palace rashly?"

Marquis Zhongwu knew that King Yuancheng had a bad temper, so he smiled and said, "In this case, let's enter the palace quickly! Don't make the Queen Mother wait too long."

Xiao Jianmin smiled and said: "The queen mother has not announced me into the palace for a long time. This time I was called here, there must be something urgent, we really need to be faster, otherwise it will be delayed. Well, we are all sinners."

King Yuancheng snorted coldly, gave Xiao Jianmin a disdainful glance, and walked in front.

Xiao Jianmin's eyes flickered slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he lifted his heels.

Zhong Wuhou walked silently at the end.

Su Chengxi summoned the three of them in Chengqian Palace.

Just as they were about to salute, Su Chengxi waved his hands and said, "You don't need to be too polite, just sit down! The Ai family has something to ask for your advice."

Everyone raised their eyes and glanced at Su Chengxi, vaguely guessing in their hearts what was the most important matter for Su Chengxi. After straightening up, they sat down, and Su Chengxi said slowly: "In the past few months, our Yunsheng Dynasty has been plagued by natural disasters, and countless people have suffered tragically. The persecution, the Ai family was already very anxious, but those things have not been dealt with, and now there is another incident that shocked and angered the Ai family, I am here today, and I want to ask you what the Ai family should do .”

Upon hearing this, the King of Yuancheng frowned and said, "Since the Empress Dowager has announced us into the palace, you might as well speak up."

(End of this chapter)

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