Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 223 Hand over this matter to King Zhennan

Chapter 223 Hand over this matter to King Zhennan
Su Chengxi rubbed his forehead, and said with a tired face: "The Ai family just received a secret letter, and someone discovered that there are many official silver and treasures hidden in the mansion of Moyang City prefect Wang Guangjin, which add up to [-] yuan. The remaining two silver. The Ai family was very angry and sad, but thinking that a mere eunuch dared to act so boldly, there must be someone in the court colluding with him! The Ai family did not startle the snake, and called you here today because I wanted to Seek a proper solution from you guys."

"What? More than three hundred thousand taels of silver?"

The king of Yuancheng was furious after being shocked, he slapped the table and roared: "How can a small prefect have so much ability? He has really eaten the heart of a bear and a leopard! The officials in the capital city are all too rampant. If the moths are removed from my Yunsheng Dynasty, I don’t know how many people will suffer because of them!"

Marquis Zhongwu said solemnly: "Your Majesty, this matter must be investigated and dealt with strictly, and no one can get away with it. More than [-] taels of silver is not a small amount. The prefect of Moyang City is too bold." gone."

Wang Guangjin dared to be so bold, and also verified a very practical problem from the side.

That means that those in power are cowardly and incompetent, or have neglected their duties, and the ministers of the DPRK and China colluded to cover up each other, which was very rampant, and she was completely ignored.

Su Chengxi knows that there are not many people who obey her in the court.

Xiao Jianmin just raised his eyebrows and didn't speak for a while.

Su Chengxi turned to look at him, and asked indifferently, "What does King Zhennan think?"

"This king thinks what Uncle Wang of Yuancheng and Marquis Zhongwu are saying is reasonable. If something like this happened, there must be someone in the capital who is the backer of the prefect of Moyang City. Many people colluded, enriched their own pockets, corrupted, persecuted the people, embezzled official money, He should be punished for his crime!"

Xiao Jianmin said earnestly: "This king suggests that the queen mother send people to investigate strictly. As long as the culprit is found out, the nine clans should be exterminated."

Su Chengxi stared at Min Zhengzheng's expression for a while, and after a moment of silence, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Then who does King Zhennan think is more suitable to investigate this matter?"

"Such a big matter will naturally be handed over to Dali Temple for investigation."

Xiao Jianmin said: "Others are not suitable either."

Su Chengxi knew that the Minister of Dali Temple had secretly taken refuge in Xiao Jianmin, and there was some unclear relationship between Wang Guangjin, the prefect of Moyang City, and King Zhennan.

Now let Dali Temple investigate this matter.

It is tantamount to handing over the initiative to Xiao Jianmin.

She remained silent, King Yuancheng and Marquis Zhongwu were also a little delicate, and no one spoke for a while.

After a long while, Xiao Jianmin chuckled lightly and said, "Of course, if the Empress Dowager has other plans, I'm willing to listen to the arrangement of the Empress Dowager."

After Su Chengxi pondered for a moment, he said in a low voice: "King Zhennan, you also know that there are not many people available in the court now, and the scientific examination for the Ministry of Rites will start next month for a while, and there are really no useful people around Aijia. Yes. After much deliberation, the Ai family felt that it would be better to leave it to King Zhennan."

"Give it to the king?"

Xiao Jianmin raised his eyebrows in surprise, and after hesitating for a moment, he raised his eyebrows with a light smile: "Thanks to the empress dowager's attention, the king is very happy, but the matter is left to the king to investigate in person, the empress dowager is really relieved ?"

"King Zhennan is the mainstay of our Yunsheng Dynasty, why is the Ai family worried?"

Su Chengxi said: "[-] taels of silver is a large amount. The Ai family hopes that the King of Zhennan can recover all of it. The eastern and southern borders and the north are now using money, and they must not be sloppy. Except for the king of Zhennan, the Ai family really Don’t worry about leaving it to others.”

(End of this chapter)

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