Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 227: General Zhen Guo Has Dementia!

Chapter 227: General Zhen Guo Has Dementia!
Zhao Yi looked at the little emperor in surprise.

He really didn't expect the little emperor to be so thorough in this aspect despite his young age and occasional temper tantrums.

Opinions are not mature enough to look like a seven-year-old child.

Xiao Yuhuan noticed Zhao Yi's eyes. He straightened his back, his eyes were serious, and he said solemnly: "Of course, those words just now are just my humble opinions. If you have any different opinions, you can also raise them with me."

Zhao Yi shook his head with complicated eyes and said: "Nothing. I think your majesty is right. If you want to improve yourself, the teaching of others can only play a supporting role. The most important thing is to see if you are willing to work hard. "

"Well, that's what my mother and Mr. Mo told me."

Xiao Yuhuan nodded, deeply convinced: "So, let's start!"

Zhao Yi nodded, took a step forward, and began to teach Xiao Yuhuan lightness kung fu carefully.

Eastern Xinjiang.

The city gates are closed.

The people in the city have already been transferred.

The army has been stationed here for nearly half a year. Except for the soldiers and horses on mission, no one is allowed to enter or leave without permission. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!

Mei Niang and Jing Jian escaped several times of pursuers, and finally temporarily settled down a hundred miles away from Dong'an City, a border town in the Eastern Frontier.

"Master, no one is allowed in or out of the city now, and my subordinates are not good at martial arts, so I'm afraid I won't be able to continue walking with you."

After more than ten days of nursing, Mei Niang's wound has begun to scab, but has not healed. Her complexion is still pale, but she can already walk on the ground. Standing behind Jingjian, she said worriedly: "It's dangerous to go here. I also hope that the master will take care."

Jing Jian nodded, and replied softly: "You stay here to recuperate, someone will give you news in ten days, and you just follow their arrangement."

Mei Niang was stunned for a moment, then her eyes were so moved that she quickly lowered her head and replied in a low voice: "Yes, master, this subordinate understands."

Jing Jian left that night.

No one knows where he went or what happened.

"Master, we have found the trace of General Zhen Guo, but he seems... there is something wrong here..." A man in black pointed to his head, and said with a troubled face: "He seems to have lost his memory, he doesn't remember Who I am, I don't know where I came from, but I only remember that I have a daughter named Xi'er."

Jing Jian's eyes flickered slightly, he turned his head to look at the man in black, and asked softly, "Where is he at this time?"

"The subordinates and others found him at the foot of the Tianfu Cliff. He was seriously injured at that time, and many bones in his body were broken. It took more than ten days of rescue to bring him back to life. He is still lying on the bed and cannot move. The subordinates asked people to leave him under the cliff."

The man in black said in a low voice: "He woke up three days ago. Apart from knowing that he has a daughter named Xi'er, he doesn't remember anything about the past. And..."

The man in black sighed, and said regretfully: "Besides, my subordinates seem to be stupid when they look at him."


Jing Jian's pupils shrank suddenly, and the casual expression on his face instantly became sharper. He almost gritted his teeth and asked, "You said, General Zhen Guo has the disease of stupidity?"

The man in black was taken aback, knelt down hastily, and said after deliberation: "This matter has not been confirmed yet, but it seems to be the case. General Zhen Guo's understanding of today's world is not as good as that of a three-year-old child. "

Jing Jian frowned tightly, and after a long while, he slowly let out a breath of foul air: "Take me to have a look first."

(End of this chapter)

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