Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 228 If You Can't Resist, Choose to Surrender!

Chapter 228 If You Can't Resist, Choose to Surrender!
The situation in Su Huaishan is very bad.

He used to be a burly man, but now he is in the shape of a rotten tree, lying on the bed weakly, his always shrewd and calm eyes flashed with an ignorant light like a child's. When he saw Jing Jian, he frowned and asked: " Who are you and why are you standing by my bed?"

Jing Jian's expression was very complicated. After a moment of silence, he asked in a low voice: "General Zhen Guo, I wonder if you still remember your own name?"


Su Huaishan frowned in wonder, then shook his head, and asked curiously, "What's a name?"

The corner of Jing Jian's mouth twitched, and after a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Do you still remember Xi'er?"

"Xi'er, remember, Xi'er, I want to teach Xi'er to ride a big horse!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Su Huaishan's eyes, and he subconsciously said, "Daddy wants to teach Xi'er to ride a big horse."

Jingjian had mixed feelings in his heart.

Su Chengxi had told him about this past.

Her equestrian skills were taught little by little by her father, Su Huaishan.

Not only that, Su Huaishan personally taught her kung fu.

"Master, the doctor said that we can think of a way to deal with the brain later. The most urgent thing now is to let the general recover from his injuries."

Zeng Hong, the man in black behind Jingjian, said in a low voice, "Recently we have been coaxing him. He would not drink the medicine because he would not drink it. Every time he had to coax him with candied fruit and the name of the empress dowager, but now the candied fruit It's almost bottoming out. When eating...he was very active, and he always clamored to eat meat. The doctor refused to let him eat, so he didn't eat too much. Just before the subordinates went to find you, the general was still alive It's suffocating!"

Jing Jian: "..."

"Master, what should we do?"

Zeng Hong whispered helplessly: "The general disappeared, that bastard Sangzi blocked the news immediately, and asked people to secretly look for the trace of the general, but he didn't pay attention, he just showed it to others, but he quickly grasped it." Eastern Frontier Army. Although he is not the commander-in-chief now, he has subtly become the highest general in the Eastern Frontier Army. If we don’t take measures, even the Eastern Frontier Army will be taken under the command of King Zhennan.”

Hearing this, Jing Jian's expression was very ugly. After a moment of silence with a sullen face, he said softly, "Idiots are talking about dreams."

Zeng Hong sighed and said: "Master, no matter how powerful we are, we are Yeluzi after all. The king of Zhennan has [-] troops in his hands, and now his subordinates control [-] troops from the Eastern Frontier. If we can't resist, we will Choose to surrender!"

Jing Jian immediately threw the knife at him, Zeng Hong took a breath, then lowered his head and rubbed his nose guiltily, and muttered softly: "It's better to die than to live, didn't you teach us this? Try to do what you can, what you can't do is to withdraw as soon as possible, the best policy is to protect yourself wisely, these are all things you taught your subordinates before, why are you still angry now?"

Jing Jian stared at Zeng Hong for a long while, frowning so much that he could kill a fly. After a long while, he said in a low voice, "We can retreat at other times, but in this matter, even if we lose our lives, we can't retreat half a step. .”

Zeng Hong didn't understand, he wondered, "What? Is there anything more important than life now?"

He looked suspicious: "Didn't you tell us that life is the most important thing?"

Why did you change your mind now?
The corner of Jing Jian's mouth twitched, and he sighed inscrutablely: "As a human being, there are always some things that are higher than life."

"What is higher than life?"

Zeng Hong approached Jingjian mysteriously, covered his mouth and leaned into his ear, and asked in a low voice: "It is said that master, you have an affair with the empress dowager, is it true?"

 La la la, I will update
  I will update a little more today, thank you friends for reading

(End of this chapter)

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