Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 231 Of course, I am not saying that you are not as good as the senior

Chapter 231 Of course, I am not saying that you are not as good as the senior

Qi Boguang: "..."

He gritted his teeth, wanting to kill someone.

"Of course, I'm not saying you're not as good as Senior Xi, I'm just feeling a little bit emotional. It's not a problem with your personal ability, it's just because of your personality. His personality is rigorous, relaxed, and full of confidence. As for you, old ghost..."

Before Jing Jian finished speaking, Qi Baiguang stood up abruptly, stretched out his fingers and pointed at his nose slightly, his eyes were red with anger, and the eyeballs almost popped out of them. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't want me to A pack of poisonous powder has killed you, so get out! Now! Immediately! Immediately! Within ten days, don’t let me see you again, you little bastard!”

Without ten days, his desire to kill would not go away.

Jing Jian quickly jumped up, tapped his toes, and retreated to the door in an instant. With a smile on his lips, he cupped his hands gently and said, "Since Mr. Gui has a way, I won't disturb you. I'll see you again in ten days."

"You'd better not come, unlucky little bastard, every time I see you, nothing good will happen!"

Qi Baiguang gritted his teeth angrily and said, "If it's possible, I don't want to see you in my life."

Jing Jian straightened up, smiled and said: "You don't have to be so resistant to me when you are old. If you hadn't insisted on letting me marry your granddaughter, I wouldn't have been caught by me. Life is like this, no one knows Which one comes first, accident or luck. By the way, your granddaughter got married last year, and I don’t know if she gave birth to a great-grandson for you. If you want to know, I will send someone to check it out for you.”


What Jing Jian answered was a book that was thrown over.

Jing Jian quickly opened the door and jumped out.

He just stretched out his hand to tidy up his clothes, when a man in black suddenly appeared in front of him, saluted respectfully: "Master, General Zhen Guo is looking for you."


Jing Jian's eyes flickered slightly, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart, and then he hurriedly went to see Su Huaishan.

Su Huaishan was lying on the bed, and the moment he saw Jing Jian, his eyes were doubled, and he pouted and said, "Didn't you say you want to give me candy? Where is the candy, give it to me quickly. These people are too bad , always lie to me to drink very bitter, very bitter things, it’s not good at all, I don’t want to drink any more.”

Jing Jian asked people to retreat, walked over, took the medicine that Chu Feng reluctantly handed to him, before he opened his mouth, Chu Feng said: "Master, this is already the third bowl, General I just took a small sip in total. There is no more in the pot, so please feed him anyway.”

Jing Jian paused, then said, "Go and get the candied fruit."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice: "Master, it's an extraordinary time, where can we go to find candied fruit? In the past, we used sugar water to coax the general to drink medicine, but unfortunately there is no more sugar water now."

After pondering for a while, Jing Jian said softly, "This valley is secluded and deep, there should be many bees. Take someone to search and see if you can find honey."

Chu Feng pursed his lips, feeling that the master's request was absurd, and the next moment Jing Jian squinted his eyes and asked him, "Why? You don't want to?"

Chu Feng was shocked, and shook his head hastily: "No, no, my subordinate is very willing, so I will take people to find honey."

After Chu Feng stepped back in a hurry, Jing Jian walked to Su Huaishan's bedside with the bitter medicine at a suitable temperature.

Su Huaishan immediately showed resistance. If he hadn't been unable to move now, he might have run away long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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