Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 232 Do You Know Xixi?I want to see Xixi

Chapter 232 Do You Know Xixi?I want to see Xixi
"Father, it's time for you to take your medicine."

No one else was there, so Jing Jian's father screamed without any psychological burden.

Chu Feng, who had just stepped out of the door, paused and almost fell.

Su Huaishan blinked and asked confusedly, "Father? Is it me?"

"Yes, you are Xi'er's father, so you are also my father."

Jing Jian said: "Father, you drink the medicine first, and I will give you honey later."

"What is honey, is it delicious?"

Su Huaishan stared vigilantly at the dark and bitter medicine in Jing Jian's hand, and asked resistingly, "Can I just drink honey and not the medicine?"

"No, you can only drink honey if you drink the medicine."

Jing Jian shook his head, his attitude was very tough, but he coaxed softly: "Honey tastes very sweet, better than sugar. As long as you drink the medicine, I will give you a lot of honey later."


Su Huaishan asked confusedly: "You won't lie to me?"

"Do not lie to you."

Jing Jian brought the bitter medicinal soup to him, showed the most gentle gesture, and coaxed: "Drink it quickly! After drinking it, not only will there be honey, but I will go to the mountain to catch pheasants for you, and roast chicken legs for you to eat at night." !"


As soon as Su Huaishan heard that he could eat roasted chicken legs, his eyes lit up instantly, his expression jumped with joy, and he took the opportunity to complain: "They don't give me meat, they let me eat vegetables every day, I can smell the smell of meat obviously, the one called Zeng Hong’s even lied to me that they didn’t eat meat, but I saw shredded meat stuck between his teeth!”

The corners of Jing Jian's mouth twitched fiercely, a little incapable of accepting such an ignorant old man.

After all, when I saw him, Su Huaishan always had a serious face, a dignified body, and a loud and oppressive voice.

Even if he is the emperor, Su Huaishan has no intention of retreating from him.

But now, my father-in-law is like a child, and he has to be coaxed to drink medicine, which is really embarrassing.

If Su Chengxi knew about these things, wouldn't it be heartbreaking.

After drinking the medicine, Su Huaishan looked at Jingjian as if looking at a bad person, and said defensively, "You are also a bad person. You tricked me into drinking the bitter medicine. I won't play with you anymore."

Jing Jian said helplessly: "I didn't lie to you, I will give you roast chicken legs at night. As long as you have an appetite and you want meat, I will give you meat, and if you have honey, I will give you honey. You just wait a little longer." Wait."

He still felt a little heavy.

Su Huaishan has become like this, so naturally he can no longer return to Dong'an City to take charge of the army, but now there is no one available in the court.

Zhongwuhou can do it, but he has not led troops for many years, and he is too old to stand the toss.

The younger generation of the Su family, only Su Chengyuan can use it after a bit of training.

But tempering takes time, and it is urgent to go to Dong'an to take over the military power now, and none of them can afford to wait.

He couldn't stay at the bottom of the cliff for long.

He has to go to Dong'an City.

"What are you thinking?"

Su Huaishan stared at Jingjian for a long time with his head sideways, and asked curiously, "Do you know Xixi? I ​​want to see Xixi."

He can't remember anything now, but he knows that Xixi is his daughter, and he wants to see Xixi.

I want to teach Xixi how to ride a big horse.

"I know Xixi."

Jing Jian nodded, and after a moment of hesitation, he said very seriously: "But she is now in the capital city, very far away from here. If you want to see her, you must drink medicine on time every day, eat more, and take good care of your body before I can take you. Go back and see her."

(End of this chapter)

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