Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 244 The Su family is the well-deserved patron saint of the Yunsheng Dynasty

Chapter 244 The Su family is the well-deserved patron saint of the Yunsheng Dynasty

Jing Jian didn't nod. After thinking for a while, he said in a low voice, "Master Hou, this junior has already found General Zhen Guo. Now he is out of danger, but the situation is not good."

Su Wangjing's heart was in his throat in an instant, his whole body was trembling, and he couldn't wait to ask: "What do you mean? Where is he now, and what is his situation? Why is it not good? Now that he is out of danger, Why is it bad?"

"Master Hou, don't worry."

Jing Jian comforted: "General Zhen Guo has woken up now. Although he is still out of danger, his bones are broken in many places and he is seriously injured. Even...even..."

He sighed softly and frowned, wondering: "He even lost his memory, he doesn't remember who you are now. The junior can only hide him first and let the doctor heal him, hoping that he can recover soon Memory, too, can get better as soon as possible."

"how so……"

Su Wangjing breathed a sigh of relief and raised it again in an instant. After muttering for a while, he raised his hand to his forehead in pain, and said in a dull voice trembling, "It is extremely important to save one's life." Well, this is already a good result."

Jing Jian said in a low voice: "Don't worry, the person who healed the general is Qi Boguang, the ghost doctor. As long as he is around, the general's injury will be treated properly. It's just that it depends on the time when you can get out of bed and walk." "

"Well, the Marquis knows, as long as he is still alive, it's fine, it's fine if he's alive."

Su Wangjing raised his eyes to look at Jingjian, and after a while of silence with his lips pressed together, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Where do you place him? Can Benhou come with you to see him?"

"He's at the foot of Tianfu Cliff."

Jing Jian frowned, and said solemnly: "When our people found him, he was lying under the Tianfu cliff with only half breath left. It was the ghost doctor who rescued him after ten days of rescue." Live. The process was very dangerous, but luckily he was rescued. It’s just that no one knows why the general fell off the bottomless Tianfu Cliff outside the city. Now that he has lost his memory, he can’t ask why. This matter is no small matter, Lord Hou needs to act cautiously in the future."

Su Wangjing had already guessed in his heart, so he was not very shocked.

But when I heard that my son fell off the bottomless Tianfu Cliff and rescued him after ten days, my heart still hurts.

He frowned palely, and after a long while, he finally said sadly: "This Marquis knows, Jing Jian, thank you for saving Huaishan. Without you, Ben Marquis would have lost this son."

"Master Hou, you don't need to thank me, these are what juniors should do."

Jing Jian said: "In addition to the Queen Mother's orders to the juniors, the General Zhen Guo is also a person whom the juniors admire very much. He threw his head and blood for our Yunsheng Dynasty, fought all his life, made great military exploits, and guarded our eastern border , there is absolutely no reason to die in a daze."

Su Wangjing's eyes turned red when he heard it.

They, the sons of the Su family, fought for the country on the battlefield, many of them died out of nowhere, no one has ever cared about them.

In many cases, even if he knew something was wrong, he couldn't get to the bottom of it. This was undoubtedly the most painful.

He could not avenge his loved ones.

How much resentment and pain can only be swallowed.

Seeing that Su Wangjing's eyes were red, Jing Jian felt very guilty and uncomfortable, he sighed secretly, and said softly: "Master Hou, I believe that the contributions made by the Su family to the Yunsheng Dynasty will not be buried, whether it is The future historical records will still be praised by the folks, and the Su family is a well-deserved patron saint of our Yunsheng Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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