Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 245 Su Jia Erlang should get the honor they deserve

Chapter 245 Su Jia Erlang should get the honor they deserve


Su Wangjing's eyes turned slightly, looking fixedly at Jingjian, with a rather self-deprecating expression: "Jingjian, you are wrong, when the Yunsheng Dynasty and the royal family need the Su family, they can beautify everything, but when they don't need it, they can beautify everything. , The Su family has to tuck their tails. Our Su family has never been a patron saint, and has always been just a family dog ​​for the royal family to come and go."

"Master Hou, that's not the case."

Jing Jian's expression suddenly became very serious, he frowned, and emphasized word by word: "You have fought on the battlefield for many years, not only you, how many sons of the Su family died for the country? Where will your words put them ?The royal family did something wrong, but no matter what they did, there was no way to erase any contribution the Su family had made to the Yunsheng Dynasty. All the sons of the Su family deserve the honor they deserve, they are not family protectors Dogs, they are dignified generals. They are the heroes of the entire Yunsheng Dynasty, and their names will be immortal!"

Su Wangjing's pupils trembled violently.

With his mouth open, he was speechless for a while, but his eyes were moist.

Jing Jian said forcefully: "Master Hou, this junior knows that the Yunsheng Dynasty owes too many lives to the Su family. The entire Yunsheng Dynasty owes your Su family a thank you, but you can't belittle yourself because of this, let alone put the Su family down. All the blasphemy is wiped out. Although the little emperor is young, he is loyal and benevolent, and he has the blood of the Su family. When he grows up and takes power, he will definitely give the Su family justice!"

Su Wangjing suddenly raised his hand to cover his red eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the pain and hope in his heart, and said hoarsely, "Jing Jian, I didn't expect you to be so Look at our Su family."

"Not only the juniors, but also the tens of thousands of people of the Yunsheng Dynasty. It's just that you have been sitting in the capital for too long these years, and you have become numb to many things. But you have to believe that the Great General Zhen Guo has guarded the Eastern Frontier for many years. , it’s not a joke, the sons of the Su family can’t sacrifice in vain.”

Jing Jian said firmly: "This junior believes that the Empress Dowager and the Emperor will definitely seek justice for the Su family."

Su Wangjing's heart was very complicated. After a long while, he took a deep breath, nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, Jing Jian, you are right. My Su family's achievements have been buried for too long. If you sacrificed, you should enjoy the glory! Since Benhou has come to Eastern Border, my Su family's military power cannot be touched by Xiao Xiaoxiao, thank you for saying this to Benhou today."

"Master Hou, you don't have to thank me. It's you who have been taking care of me for so many years, so that the younger generation has the insight and the opportunity to do things in front of the Queen Mother. If I say thank you, the younger generation should thank you." Jing Jian smiled. road.

Su Wangjing was very emotional, and said with a look of relief: "I am very pleased that you can grow into what you are today. You have finally lived up to the entrustment of General Wu. If I remember correctly, your real name is Wu Zongyan, right?"

Jing Jian nodded and said, "Yes, this junior's real name is Wu Zongyan."

"You have suffered all these years. If you rehabilitate the Wu family in the future, you can use your real name back. Passing incense to your Wu family will not be in vain. General Wu will fight to the death to protect you."

Su Wangjing said: "It's not in vain to save you once."

Jing Jian cupped his hands and said, "I hope there will be that day. However, Lord Hou, General Zhen Guo told the younger generation in a trance a few days ago that when the Empress Dowager was in Eastern Xinjiang, there were important things hidden on the Ma'er Jujube Cake, and the younger generation also I don’t know what it is. Although I sent people to look for it, but found nothing, it’s easier for you to get close to the horse, why don’t you go and look for it?”

(End of this chapter)

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