Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 246 Who else knows the secret of jujube cake?

Chapter 246 Who else knows the secret of jujube cake?
"Is there something important hidden in Jujube Cake?"

Su Wangjing was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, since there is, I will go and have a look at it in a while. The guards in Dong'an City are very strict now, if you don't stay with me, it will be much more convenient. Otherwise, you are alone Action, it is easy to be caught."

After thinking for a while, Jing Jian nodded and said, "In this case, the younger generation should be respectful rather than obedient."

As Su Wangjing said, his eyes turned to look at his youngest son who was standing aside and shrunk his body as much as possible to reduce his sense of presence. His eyes darkened instantly: "Why are you hiding? Look at your promise! You are not much younger than Jingjian , you don’t feel ashamed when you look at others and then at you?”

Su Huaibei bit the bullet and said, "Father, I am who I am, why do I have to compare myself with others?"

"Mud can't support a wall!"

Su Wangjing turned his head to look at Jingjian, sighed and said, "I'm telling you a joke, you can find a yard in the mansion to live in, and Benhou will go and see the jujube cake!"

Jujube Cake and his wife and children have been raised in the General's Mansion all these years.

Because jujube cake is Su Chengxi's horse.

Su Huaishan has always been taken care of by others.

The little pony back then has now grown into a tall war horse.

As soon as Su Wangjing arrived at the stable, he saw figures wandering around the stable.

His eyes darkened, and he snapped, "Who? Who's there?"

"Master Hou..."

A young man came over carrying hay, and saluted respectfully: "The young one has met Lord Hou. The young one is the groom in the mansion, who is responsible for feeding these horses. The young one sees that there is no hay in the manger, so he Add some."

"What hay do you feed the horses at night?"

Su Wangjing's eyes were dark, and he took a step forward, trying to catch him.

The man noticed that Su Wangjing was approaching, and his breathing became heavier and heavier. When Su Wangjing kicked him, he jumped up suddenly, grabbed a handful of hay and threw it at Su Wangjing. He jumped back and was about to escape .

But who is Su Wangjing?

He is a Marquis of Loyalty with strong martial arts and unfathomable depth.

He grabbed two sticks of hay and threw them at the fleeing figure. The man's neck was pierced by the hay in an instant, and the body that jumped into the air slammed down. He lay on the ground and cried out in pain. Arrest it, and Ben Hou will personally interrogate him later!"

"Yes, Lord Hou."

The guard hurried forward and dragged the knocked down person down.

Su Wangjing glanced left and right, and after making sure that there was nothing suspicious, he walked towards the jujube cake.

It is already late at night, but someone is lurking here, maybe they already know the secret about Jujube Cake, but Jing Jian only told him about it today, who could that person be?

He also spared that person's life because of his doubts.

He took the lantern from the person behind him, took a step forward, and walked towards the jujube cake.

Jujube Cake took a step back and stared at Su Wangjing with big eyes. After a while, he seemed to recognize him, then took another step forward, stretched out his head and rubbed Su Wangjing's hand, and then snorted !
Su Wangjing pursed his lips, stretched out his hand and stroked Jujube Cake's head soothingly, and jumped into the stable on tiptoe.

Su Huaibei stood outside and asked in a low voice, "Father, do you need your son to look for it with you?"

"Shut up, no need!"

When Su Wangjing's indifferent voice came, Su Huaibei touched Mo's nose in embarrassment.

His father hated him to the core.

He understands.

Su Wangjing touched left and right on Jujube Cake, but he didn't find anything after a while. He was a little puzzled, but he also felt that the things his son hid could not be touched so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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